Re: introduction

2022-10-05 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 2022-10-05 at 06:25:00, Piring Terbang  wrote:
>hi good afternoon from Indonesian
>my name is haris, i interested to this invitation after i visit the
>openoffice website.
>i first used openoffice a few years ago, and really enjoyed using it.
>i got your apps after a few trial for microsoft office alternative product.
>i have tried some of them such as wps, onlyoffice and even libreoffice ( i
>could called you as the ancestor of libreoffice).
>after several times of trial, i feel better to use openoffice compared to
>other apps. i feel the UI is simple and clean.
>for appreciate your product , the goodness of open source, i want to
>contribute to help translate this app into our language,
>i hope i can help to this big project and spread the power of openoffice
>especially to our indonesian
>thank you very much for your attention

Greetings Piring, and Welcome to the Apache OpenOffice community. We use
mailing lists for  communication and strongly suggest that you subscribe to
those that interest you. Subscribing to the lists will avoid the delay of
sending and receiving messages of the moderation process of messages from
unsubscribed persons. All mailing lists used by the project along with their
subscribe and post address can be found at

As you are interested in translation,
is the most important one to subscribe too. You may also want to subscribe to,as
this is the main list for communicating with the community as a whole.

We use Pootle to translate the UI and Help. Ask for a Pootle account by
sending an email:
 Subject: New Pootle Account
 Hello my name is .. and I'm from .. 
 Please create a Pootle account for me. I state that my contributions are
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 My preferred username is  ..

Again welcome to the project, and for your interest in contributing.

Keith N. McKenna

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Re: Introduction

2022-08-30 Thread Peter Kovacs

Welcome Jensy to the OpenOffice Project,

Any help is appreciated no matter so small.

I recommend to subscribe to the doc mailing list and maybe if you want 
to follow the project beyond documentation the dev mailing list.

I have no overview what the documentation is doing currently. So I am 
not able to give further pointers. If you have any questions or need 
help just write to volunteer mailing list.



Am 28.08.22 um 21:33 schrieb jensy veras:


I am writing to state my interest as a volunteer for the Apache openoffice
documentation project. I first got involved with technical documentation at
my current job and have done so since March of this year. The bulk of the
work I currently do involves writing SOP's on how to provision hardware
before shipping to customers. I would like to become a full time technical
writer in the future. Currently, I am looking for different opportunities
to broaden my experience in technical writing.

Outside of work, I spend most of my time at home with my partner and my
cat. I enjoy reading novels and non-fiction, watching anime, and going for
long relaxing walks.



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Re: Introduction of myself

2021-03-21 Thread Peter Kovacs

I answered over dev-de list, due to speed & lazynness. ;)

all the best


On 21.03.21 10:26, wrote:

Hello and my heartfelt thanks to all the eager volunteers out there who give
their free time and skills for the common good!


My name is Fabio Siska, I am from Leimen, Germany and I'd like to learn more
about software and development, as I haven't had much to do with it so far
(except writing a few macros in Excel VBA or creating a medium sized
database with Access and VBA).

I am mainly interested in bug reports, feature lists, tutorials, templates,
marketing through tutorials and templates and later on Quality assurance.
Besides German as my native language I speak English very well. I would like
to support the spreading of OpenOffice in general, but especially in the
German speaking countries, by creating tutorials and practical, high quality


That's it from my side for now. I'm glad to be on board with you and look
forward to a fruitful cooperation. Cheers! :-)



This is the Way!

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