Re: [whatwg] Enabling LCD Text and antialiasing in canvas

2013-07-23 Thread Stephen White
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 This thread was gigantic and involved many proposals. I've only included
 the last one below, since it seemed to take into account the most of the
 feedback mentioned on the thread; I haven't responded to all the
 intermediate e-mails which were mainly just a discussion amongst
 contributors, and not direct feedback on the spec itself.

 I haven't yet changed the spec. The main thrust of the feedback below ends
 with the proposal to use WebGL's 'alpha' feature for the 2D context; is
 this what implementors want to do?

We're implementing this in Chromium (currently behind the experimental
canvas features flag).


 On Fri, 15 Feb 2013, Stephen White wrote (with roc's annotations inline
 prefixed with | and mine inline not prefixed):
  So let me take a stab at a brief summary of the proposals so far, and
  the pros and cons of each (correct me if I missed anything):
   opaque attribute or matteColor property
  pro:  fairly easy to implement
  pro:  no performance hit over regular rendering
  pro:  many opportunities for optimization
  pro:  catches all in-canvas cases of color fringing
  con:  does not handle any out-of-canvas color fringing
  con:  opt-in
 | con:  requires changes to canvas compositing spec and possibly
 |   implementations.
  automatic opacity detection
  pro:  catches most (all?) cases of in-canvas color fringing
  pro:  some opportunties for optimization (must be conservative in some
  con:  does not catch color fringing on CSS transforms, canvas - WebGL,
  context.textAntialising = { 'none', 'grayscale', 'subpixel' }
  pro:  very easy to implement
  pro:  no performance hit
  con:  does not catch any cases of color fringing; completely up to web
  con:  opt-in
 | con:  requires specification and implementation of what happens when
 |   subpixel AA is drawn over transparent background.
  collect commands into a buffer, flush buffer only when compositing
  canvas to page, and decide on subpixel AA at that point.
  pro:  catches all cases of color fringing
  con:  in some cases, requires an infinite buffer (e.g., a canvas that
never clears, and only accumulates drawing frame-to-frame means
you must accumulate commands indefinitely)
 or giving up and using grayscale at some point
  con:  difficult to implement (e.g., canvas-to-canvas drawImage(), etc)
  con:  may introduce performance hit due to re-rendering with and without
subpixel AA (in cases where you would rather have just gone
   con:  doesn't handle pixel manipulation cases (since you can't return
 two sets of pixels and you can't regenerate the stuff that script
 is generating based on the returned pixels)
  two buffers (one grayscale, one LCD AA)
  pro:  handles all cases of color fringing
  pro:  moderately easy to implement
  con:  RAM (or VRAM) usage is doubled
  con:  possibly-unnecessary performance hit
  con:  must be opt-in


 On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
  So now we have:
  - don't do this on pinch-zoom devices
  - don't do this for HW accelerated canvases
  - don't do this if the canvas dpi doesn't match the screen
  - don't do this if there are transforms
  - authors will have to be very careful when using this feature since it
  turn on or off or cause rendering glitches.
  Is it still worth pursuing this?

 On Thu, 21 Feb 2013, Stephen White wrote:
  I believe it is.  Even with those constraints, there are a large number
  of applications which can benefit from text which looks as good as the
  native platform can provide.
  That said, I also think Robert is right that we should not spec out
  precisely when subpixel AA text will occur in any of these automatic
  modes, since:
  1) there are some platforms/devices which don't do LCD text at all
  2) It may be too restrictive for the browser implementor, e.g., they
 may be essentially required to implement deferred rendering or two
 backing stores in order to meet the resulting spec, which seems
  Subpixel AA text aside, I still think it's worth spec'ing out mozOpaque,
  if only just for the optimization opportunities that we don't get with
  an automatic solution (e.g., putImageData).  Its implementation is
  fairly straightforward (much more so than the other options above), and
  it won't break any existing content.
  To me, the it breaks compositing argument falls into the doctor, it
  hurts when I do this category:  the user is specifically opting into an
  opaque backing store, and so the changes in behaviour for compositing
  modes which reference destination alpha are expected, just as they are
  when using DST_ALPHA blending modes in a WebGL context created with the
  alpha attribute set to false.

 On Fri, 22 Feb 2013, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
  I think Rik is convincing me that we shouldn't 

[whatwg] Background of body covering the whole page – is this described somewhere?

2013-07-23 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
Browsers seem to be rather consistent in applying the background 
properties of the body element, if set, to the entire viewport, even if 
e.g. the height of the body is explicitly set to a small value. Example:

!doctype html
body { background: green; height: 2em; }
Hello world.

The entire viewport has green background. If I add

html { background: white }

to the style sheet, things change radically (to match expectations).

This also affects background images.

This sounds odd, since the body element is a child of html, so we should 
expect the html element background shine thru if the body element has 
transparent background, not vice versa.

Is this described somewhere in HTML or CSS specifications or drafts? I 
think it should be, since it is what browsers do (tested on Firefox, 
Chrome, IE), and even though it sounds absurd, I’m afraid pages may rely 
on it. A natural place to look at is
but I can’t find any statement about the body element extending to cover 
the viewport as far as backgrounds are considered.


Re: [whatwg] Background of body covering the whole page – is this described somewhere?

2013-07-23 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
 Is this described somewhere in HTML or CSS specifications or drafts? I think
 it should be, since it is what browsers do (tested on Firefox, Chrome, IE),
 and even though it sounds absurd, I’m afraid pages may rely on it. A natural
 place to look at is
 but I can’t find any statement about the body element extending to cover the
 viewport as far as backgrounds are considered.


Re: [whatwg] Feedback on a variety of elements

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Pierre Dubois wrote:
 On Fri Dec 14 2012, Ian Hickson wrote:
  I don't think this works for all tables. For example, the first 
  example in the spec in the th element's section does not get handled 
  correctly by your algorithm -- it treats the ID column as important, 
  instead of the second column.
 [Maybe I] did not [use] the correct word to identify that kind of cell 
 that I named Key cell. The objective of the Key cell is to identify 
 a td cell that have [...] relationships to a th cell at his right 
 side in the same row. The td rowspan attribute would need to match or 
 be lower than the corresponding th. The inverse would show a data cell 
 td used as an heading cell th.

If I understand correctly, you mean that you want to be able to 
automatically determine that the th here is a heading for the td:

td th

 The current relationships algorithm create a relationship for the 
 preceding th cell not following th cell.

Assuming you mean the one in the spec today: correct. That's partly 
because you never want to do this vertically, and the algorithm is 
direction agnostic (it uses the same steps for going left as going up), 
and partly because it's not clear how often you want to do this going left 
either. In particular, sometimes tables are of the form:

   | Header  | Data| Header  | Data|

...where the header cells are headers for the data to the right.

Or, in a more difficult case to handle:

   | Header v| Header v| Metaheader v | |
   | Data| Data| Header  | Data|
   | Data| Data| Header  | Data|

  Without the scope= attributes, I don't think that table would make 
  much sense.
 You have right that the proposed algorithm, for the first example in the 
 spec in the th element's section does not get handled correctly.
 The question is: Why from a visual point of view, by excluding any 
 styling, can you feel that Cats cell and the English speakers cell 
 is know as a row group as highlighted in the source code with the scope 
 attribute set to rowgroup?

 My answer is: Because the header cell is surounded by empty data cell in 
 his row. For me that represent a mix of a layout table combined with a 
 data table. A quick fix to the proposed algorithm would be at the end of 
 the data row processing, do a test to know if the header cell is 
 surrounded by empty data cell, that until the first real data row is 
 found in the rowgroup (tbody) section. If that is true, the header cell 
 scope can be determined as a rowgroup header and the surrounded empty 
 data cell can be know as layout cell. Is that make sense? Have you 
 another visual logic regarding that case?

I don't know that we really need, or want, to make the current algorithm 
more magic than it already is. There's a point of diminishing returns 
where the complexity makes it too hard to debug. The algorithm is already 
pretty complex, maybe too much so; making it even more complex seems like 
a bad idea.

   Proposal: Table Usability API
  This is a very elaborate and large API. What are the use cases against 
  which to evaluate it? i.e. what problem does it solve?
 The main use case is to parse a complex table and extract the data in 
 the objectif to create an accessible (WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliant) chart 
 by using the progressive enhancement strategy. The use of the table to 
 create the chart remove the need for an web author to discus and 
 sometime debate with the content provider in the objectif to build a 
 descriptive text alternative version of the chart.

Why can't this be done in script already? I don't understand why we need 
an API for this.

 Also the proposed Table Usability API is not just to handle complex 
 table. The proposed API provide support access the tabular data either 
 by his row or by his columns. Sometime, for presentational purpose, the 
 axes are reversed.
 As an example took the following two row table. Do you think, for 
 presentational purpose, it will be better have a two column table 
 instead? I think both table, with equivalent structure, should be 
 supported and have an equivalent accessible API.

 [long table]

It's not clear to me that you need an API at all. The DOM API seems 
sufficient for this example. I mean, people hardly use the API we have 
already, why add another one, especially a big one? It just doesn't seem 
like a compelling enough problem for us to try to solve it.

  On Fri, 19 Oct 2012, Pierre Dubois wrote:
   Sometime the subsequent 

Re: [whatwg] Page reflow when entering/exiting fullscreen

2013-07-23 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Matt Falkenhagen wrote:
 When an element goes fullscreen, should the browser try to retain the
 layout of the underlying document, e.g., by creating a placeholder for
 the element?

It's not entirely clear to me what you mean by placeholder.

 With the top layer, it's possible to style the fullscreened element and
 ::backdrop such that the underlying document is visible. In such a case,
 it may be surprising for the user to see the layout change. The scroll
 position may also change.

 As far as I can tell, the Fullscreen spec doesn't say anything normative
 about retaining the layout. I'm wondering whether it was a deliberate
 decision to leave it up to the author to create a placeholder if
 desired. (As an implementer, this would be easier for me.)

I had not entirely considered scroll position. I sort of assumed that
would not change, but maybe that's not the best behavior. I don't
really have strong opinions here.

 WebKit and Blink actually already use a placeholder to prevent the page
 from reflowing when entering/exiting fullscreen, but there are some
 limitations. For example, inline elements don't get placeholders.


Re: [whatwg] Background of body covering the whole page – is this described somewhere?

2013-07-23 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

2013-07-23 20:44, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

Is this described somewhere in HTML or CSS specifications or drafts? I think
it should be, since it is what browsers do (tested on Firefox, Chrome, IE),
and even though it sounds absurd, I’m afraid pages may rely on it. A natural
place to look at is
but I can’t find any statement about the body element extending to cover the
viewport as far as backgrounds are considered.

Thanks for the prompt reply. Makes things clear. On the practical side, 
however, I wonder whether this part of CSS specifications should be 
referred to in the Rendering section, as it is logically rather unexpected.


Re: [whatwg] Page reflow when entering/exiting fullscreen

2013-07-23 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Matt Falkenhagen wrote:
 By placeholder, I mean a dummy renderer with the same dimensions as the
 element before it went full screen, added in its place when it goes
 fullscreen to prevent the page from reflowing. There are probably other
 ways to prevent reflow, such as rendering the element twice, once in
 fullscreen form and once as it would appear had it not gone fullscreen
 (though that would be a lot more difficult).

 If I understand correctly, the spec isn't mandating anything about
 retaining or not retaining layout, but I'd like to just get an idea of what
 people expect to happen.

I would expect layout to happen and I would expect the scrolling
position to not change (or if you decide to scroll when fullscreen, it
would). The placeholder thingie might make sense to make the
appearance of entering and exiting fullscreen more smooth.


Re: [whatwg] `window.location.origin` in sandboxed IFrames.

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Mike West wrote:
 In WebKit, loading 'iframe sandbox=allow-scripts 
 src=frame.html/iframe' with a framed document containing 
 'scriptalert(window.location.origin);/script' alerts the actual 
 origin of the document, which wasn't what I expected. I'm not sure 
 what's intended, but I expected that treating the framed document as 
 existing in a unique origin would have some effect on the string output 
 as it's location's origin.
 Adam explained that WebKit currently treats the 'origin' attribute as 
 the origin of the document's location, not the origin of the 
 document[1]. This is generally benign, but surprised me in the sandboxed 
 What should the expected behavior in this case be? Given the way that 
 MessageEvent sets the origin of a message from a sandboxed frame to the 
 string null, that seems like a reasonable option here as well.

I guess we have to decide whether location.origin is exposing 
information about the location, or information about the page. Since it's 
on Location, I think it'd make sense to be information about the location; 
document.origin would be where I'd expect information about the page 

When the page's origin doesn't match the URL's origin, the page's origin 
will always just serialise as null, so it's not clear that it's actually 
useful to expose that really anyway. What would the use cases be?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Fetch: Origin header

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 6 Mar 2013, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 It seems we have a bunch of different policies for setting the Origin 
 header :-(
 XMLHttpRequest always sets it to the given value.
 HTML's fetch only sets it to a non-null value if a from parameter is 

I originally wanted it to always be passed, but there are cases where 
that's not done for various reasons (mainly privacy or compatibility). The 
Origin spec handles this via privacy-sensitive contexts; if you look at 
the HTML spec source and search for privacy-sensitive you'll find 
relevant notes.

 HTML's potentially CORS-enabled fetch seems to never invoke fetch 
 with a from parameter except indirectly via CORS' cross-origin request.

Right, the idea there is to basically defer to CORS.

On Thu, 7 Mar 2013, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 So I also tested the fetch from an origin in the specification and it turns out that only 
 WebKit exhibits this behavior. Other browsers do not include Origin in a 
 navigation that uses the POST method.

This is unsurprising, it's new requirements in old parts of the spec and 
it's unlikely browsers will be updated until it's something we test in the 
test suite.

On Fri, 8 Mar 2013, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 Okay. So currently the mix of the Origin specification and the HTML 
 specification suggests you either do Origin: /origin/ or Origin: 
 null. However WebKit seems to do Origin: /origin/ or no header at all 
 (for the privacy-sensitive cases). Ian also mentioned that we can not 
 just put the Origin header into every outgoing request as that breaks 
 the interwebs (per research you did for Chrome I believe?).

Origin: null is what the Origin spec requires, I think, so we should 
update that spec if we don't do that.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] iframe sandbox and allow-scripts

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 12 Apr 2013, Ian Melven wrote:
 Freddy Braun recently noticed that he could do the following in Firefox 
 iframe id='foo' sandbox='allow-same-origin' src='inner.html'
 (note no allow-scripts)
 and then in the document containing the iframe:
 var iframe = document.getElementById('foo'); 
 and the alert will fire, which he found surprising.
 I tested this in Chrome and IE 10 and found the behavior consistent 
 across all three browsers.
 The relevant portion of the spec seems to be (from
 * Scripting is enabled in a browsing context if ... The browsing 
 context's active document's active sandboxing flag set does not have its 
 sandboxed scripts browsing context flag set.
 is the intent in Freddy's case to apply this rule using the browsing 
 context of the script entry point ? that fits the implemented behavior, 
 but maybe should be mentioned in the iframe sandbox/allow-scripts 
 section of the spec ?

On Sat, 22 Jun 2013, Adam Barth wrote:
 That's the behavior I would expect.  You can also do the following:
 var iframe = document.getElementById('foo'); 
 The allow-scripts sandbox flag doesn't block the script interfaces 
 inside the iframe.  It just prevents content inside the iframe from 
 triggering script execution.  In this case, the content outside the 
 iframe is the one triggering the script execution.

I agree with Adam that executing the eval() is consistent with the HTML 
spec. The reasoning is that the eval is done by JavaScript itself, which 
doesn't check if scripting is enabled when it runs the script. The 
scripting-is-enabled stuff is only checked when HTML itself tries to 
compile or run a script, e.g. in a script block or event handler.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Page reflow when entering/exiting fullscreen

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013, Matt Falkenhagen wrote:

 When an element goes fullscreen, should the browser try to retain the 
 layout of the underlying document, e.g., by creating a placeholder for 
 the element?
 With the top layer, it's possible to style the fullscreened element and 
 ::backdrop such that the underlying document is visible. In such a case, 
 it may be surprising for the user to see the layout change. The scroll 
 position may also change.
 As far as I can tell, the Fullscreen spec doesn't say anything normative 
 about retaining the layout. I'm wondering whether it was a deliberate 
 decision to leave it up to the author to create a placeholder if 
 desired. (As an implementer, this would be easier for me.)
 WebKit and Blink actually already use a placeholder to prevent the page 
 from reflowing when entering/exiting fullscreen, but there are some 
 limitations. For example, inline elements don't get placeholders.

How would you know how to style the placeholder? e.g. if you change the 
body font-size while full-screen, and the element that is now 
full-screen was, previously, styled using 'em' units or some such, but is 
now styled using pixels or %s? Or if there was something based on :hover, 
or dynamic class changes, e.g. every element on the page is styled using 
explicit pixel dimensions, with one dimension when the elements have class 
A, and another when they have class B, and the page changes all the 
elements to class B -- how do you know that in this case, you should 
update the placeholder?

This seems hard to define.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [Canvas] Behavior on non-invertable CTM

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013, Dirk Schulze wrote:
  scale(0) is invalid, and should throw an exception.
 I don't think that we want to throw an exception on scale(0). No browser 
 does that today. WebKit did it in some places in the past but removed 
 the exceptions.

WebIDL says it should throw a TypeError, because it's missing an argument. 
(Step 4 of the overload resolution algorithm). Firefox, Chrome, and Safari 
all seem to do this.

  The second does setTransform(0,0,0,0,0,0), which should reset the CTM 
  to a zero matrix (again, not invertible). IE, Opera and FF draw a 
  line to 0,0 and close the path afterwards (which kind of makes sense, 
  since the universe is convoluted to one point). WebKit refuses the 
  lineTo command and closes the path as expected.
  WebKit seems to just be wrong here, and the others right.
 Since this is not written in the spec

As far as I can tell, it _is_ written in the spec. scale(0,0) would reduce 
all coordinates and lines and so forth to 0,0. That's what the spec 
requires. I don't see the problem here.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Background of body covering the whole page – is this described somewhere?

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 23 Jul 2013, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
 2013-07-23 20:44, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
   Is this described somewhere in HTML or CSS specifications or drafts? 
   I think it should be, since it is what browsers do (tested on 
   Firefox, Chrome, IE), and even though it sounds absurd, I’m afraid 
   pages may rely on it. A natural place to look at is

   but I can’t find any statement about the body element extending to 
   cover the viewport as far as backgrounds are considered.
 Thanks for the prompt reply. Makes things clear. On the practical side, 
 however, I wonder whether this part of CSS specifications should be 
 referred to in the Rendering section, as it is logically rather 

There's a lot of these kinds of things (e.g. lots of things are dependent 
on quirks mode, there's a bunch more like the background that are 
dependent on the MIME type, etc). Short of duplicating the entire CSS spec 
in the HTML spec (which would be my preference, modulo logistics around 
editing -- I think we should just have one Web spec), it seems 
impractical to actually mention all of them in the HTML spec. This is why 
we don't list them currently.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Fri, 28 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  I don't think it's a good solution to leave it undefined if 
  all/none/some of the UA menuitems are displayed by default. While it 
  on an API level won't break anything, authors consider as breaking 
  a lot more things than APIs not behaving as expected.
  I'm happy to give guidance that happens to match what the browser 
  vendors want to do anyway, but I don't think it makes sense to make a 
  page- undetectable UI detail like this a conformance requirement.
 I agree that defining exact UI is a bad idea. However I think we should 
 define the semantic meaning of the context menu. If the semantics are 
 that the context menu provided by the page is intended to be additional 
 context actions, or alternative context actions.

I've tried to add more text to the spec to encourage UAs to not show the 
UA menu items as prominently. Is that sufficient? We're constrained in 
what we can do, given that this is UI stuff.

  So are you proposing that the default should be that no UA menu 
  options are displayed. I.e. the default being as if nodefault was 
  As a user, I would hate that. But if you as a browser vendor are 
  telling me as a spec writer that this is what would be needed to 
  convince authors to not use divs for context menus, then yes.
 What I was saying as a browser vendor is that I don't think that authors 
 are going to use this feature unless it provide the ability to replace 
 the existing context menu. Or at least almost entirely replace it.

Sure. Honestly, though, I think the bigger blocker right now is that 
there's only one implementation (and it doesn't match the spec).

 You are the one that is requesting that we only have a single mode.

Well, I think in general it's pretty uncontroversial that, all other 
things being equal, APIs are better if they have less surface area. So 
sure, I'd rather we not have multiple modes if we don't need them.

 If we are to fulfill both these requirements then yes, we end up with 
 something that both you and I would hate in many cases.
 The alternative that I have proposed, but that you so far have rejected, 
 is the ability for the author to select mode, i.e. select if he/she 
 wants to replace or add to the existing menu.

If the options are:

 - authors never use the feature
 - users lose their control over their browser
 - the feature has a complicated API

...then we're stuck in a bad place, certainly. But I don't think those are 
the only options; what about these, for instance:

 - authors use the feature anyway, and like that it gives users power
 - browsers default to showing mainly the author's menuitems, but offer
   a discoverable way for users to find more options if they need them

Ok, the first of these two might be too optimistic, but the second should 
be workable, no? That's what the spec now suggests. I've added an example 
that shows how this could work:

Before (only the author's commands):

After (the user having clicked a disclosure widget):

  As a user, what I would like to be the behaviour, without the ability 
  for the author to override it, is for the context menu to have the 
  author's context menu items plus the context-sensitive items that 
  cannot be accessed via the regular menus (e.g. Inspect Element, View 
  Image, Copy Link Location, that kind of thing).
 The ability to override the authors request of replacing the context 
 menu seems like a quality of implementation issue. For example I would 
 imagine that Firefox would hook up the already existing allow authors 
 to replace context menu UI option to control whether the nodefault 
 attribute was honored.
 Likewise chrome could supply an extension to do the same thing.

Personally, I don't want to prevent authors from providing me with 
features. I just want to prevent them from removing features. What I want 
is the union of the site's features and the browser's features. Firefox's 
allow authors to replace context menu UI option is IMHO insufficient.

  I guess I could live with that as long as there was a way for the 
  page to opt in to displaying items. It would allow adding more 
  finegrained control over which categories of menu items are turned 
  backed on which could be neat.
  I'm very skeptical about adding any kind of control here before we 
  have broader implementation experience. Once we do, then it will be 
  revisited anyway, since we have this bug on file:
 I doubt that I can change your mind on this. But I'll note that that 
 means that that likely means that we'll have to make the default 
 behavior the behavior that you like less.

I think it's possible to have a default behaviour that 

[whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Rik Cabanier

we've noticed that if you draw lines in canvas or SVG, they always end up
For instance see this fiddle:

This happens because you offset 1 pixel and then draw a half pixel stroke
on each side. Since it covers only half the pixel, the color gets mapped to
50% gray.
You can work around this by doing an extra offset of half the
devicepixelratio, but ideally this should never happen.

Is this behavior specified somewhere?
Is there a way to turn this off?

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread David Dailey
Hi Rik,

Just affirming what you've said in SVG:

The middle rects are crisp, having been merely translated leftward and
downward by half a pixel. Zooming in from the browser rectifies the problem
(as expected) after a single tick.

I remember folks discussing sub-pixel antialiasing quite a bit on the SVG
lists circa fall/winter 2011. It seemed to cause some troubles for D3. Is
that the same issue?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rik Cabanier
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:19 PM
Subject: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)


we've noticed that if you draw lines in canvas or SVG, they always end up
For instance see this fiddle:

This happens because you offset 1 pixel and then draw a half pixel stroke on
each side. Since it covers only half the pixel, the color gets mapped to 50%
You can work around this by doing an extra offset of half the
devicepixelratio, but ideally this should never happen.

Is this behavior specified somewhere?
Is there a way to turn this off?

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Brian Birtles

(2013/07/24 8:19), Rik Cabanier wrote:

we've noticed that if you draw lines in canvas or SVG, they always end up
For instance see this fiddle:

As discussed with Rik privately, SVG has shape-rendering: crispEdges for 


Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Kornel Lesiński
On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 01:18:35 +0100, David Dailey wrote:

Just affirming what you've said in SVG:

The middle rects are crisp, having been merely translated leftward and
downward by half a pixel. Zooming in from the browser rectifies the  

(as expected) after a single tick.

I remember folks discussing sub-pixel antialiasing quite a bit on the SVG
lists circa fall/winter 2011. It seemed to cause some troubles for D3. Is
that the same issue?

It's not a bug, it's a feature ;)

The line is centered around edge of the box. You haven't specified whether  
you want the line to be outside or inside the box (or overlapping left  
edge of the box, but not the right, etc.), so you get line in the middle  
approximated as well as possible.

It's not intuitive. It's a pretty common pitfall, but it's logical.

For 1-pixel lines it could be fixed by allowing authors to specify that  
path should be stroked with lines aligned to inside/outside of the path  
(which is a useful feature on its own).

regards, Kornel

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Rik Cabanier
yeah, at first blush that seemed what was needed.
However, this simply turns off antialiasing completely so regular artwork
looks terrible.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Brian Birtles wrote:

 (2013/07/24 8:19), Rik Cabanier wrote:

 we've noticed that if you draw lines in canvas or SVG, they always end up
 For instance see this fiddle:

 As discussed with Rik privately, SVG has shape-rendering: crispEdges for


Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Brian Birtles

(2013/07/24 10:07), Rik Cabanier wrote:

yeah, at first blush that seemed what was needed.
However, this simply turns off antialiasing completely so regular
artwork looks terrible.

That's a quality of implementation issue. The description of the 
property value says,

Indicates that the user agent shall attempt to emphasize the contrast 
between clean edges of artwork over rendering speed and geometric 
precision. To achieve crisp edges, the user agent might turn off 
anti-aliasing for all lines and curves or possibly just for straight 
lines which are close to vertical or horizontal. Also, the user agent 
might adjust line positions and line widths to align edges with device 

I'm not sure what use case you have in mind though. Perhaps it's 
something that doesn't fit that description?

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Kornel Lesiński kor...@geekhood.netwrote:

 On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 01:18:35 +0100, David Dailey

  Just affirming what you've said in SVG:**svg/edgeblurs.svg

 The middle rects are crisp, having been merely translated leftward and
 downward by half a pixel. Zooming in from the browser rectifies the
 (as expected) after a single tick.

 I remember folks discussing sub-pixel antialiasing quite a bit on the SVG
 lists circa fall/winter 2011. It seemed to cause some troubles for D3. Is
 that the same issue?

 It's not a bug, it's a feature ;)

 The line is centered around edge of the box. You haven't specified whether
 you want the line to be outside or inside the box (or overlapping left edge
 of the box, but not the right, etc.), so you get line in the middle
 approximated as well as possible.

 It's not intuitive. It's a pretty common pitfall, but it's logical.

 For 1-pixel lines it could be fixed by allowing authors to specify that
 path should be stroked with lines aligned to inside/outside of the path
 (which is a useful feature on its own).

Sure, but how can we fix this?
It's not very intuitive that I have to keep track of the devicePixelRatio
(and the current CTM?) to get crisp lines.

What we need is that artwork 'snaps' to the native pixels while still being

Illustrator tries to work around this by offering a 'snap to grid' option
but users are running into lots of issues (just do a google search for
'illustrator snap to grid')

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Rik Cabanier
I guess there's too many mights in there :-)

I want to adjust line positions and line widths to align edges with device
pixels but not the user agent might turn off anti-aliasing for all lines
and curves

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Brian Birtles wrote:

 (2013/07/24 10:07), Rik Cabanier wrote:

 yeah, at first blush that seemed what was needed.
 However, this simply turns off antialiasing completely so regular
 artwork looks terrible.

 That's a quality of implementation issue. The description of the property
 value says,

 Indicates that the user agent shall attempt to emphasize the contrast
 between clean edges of artwork over rendering speed and geometric
 precision. To achieve crisp edges, the user agent might turn off
 anti-aliasing for all lines and curves or possibly just for straight lines
 which are close to vertical or horizontal. Also, the user agent might
 adjust line positions and line widths to align edges with device pixels.

 I'm not sure what use case you have in mind though. Perhaps it's something
 that doesn't fit that description?

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Rik Cabanier
Good memory!
I'll dig up that conversation to see what the conclusion was.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 5:18 PM, David Dailey ddai...@zoominternet.netwrote:

 Hi Rik,

 Just affirming what you've said in SVG:

 The middle rects are crisp, having been merely translated leftward and
 downward by half a pixel. Zooming in from the browser rectifies the problem
 (as expected) after a single tick.

 I remember folks discussing sub-pixel antialiasing quite a bit on the SVG
 lists circa fall/winter 2011. It seemed to cause some troubles for D3. Is
 that the same issue?


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Rik Cabanier
 Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:19 PM
 Subject: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)


 we've noticed that if you draw lines in canvas or SVG, they always end up
 For instance see this fiddle:

 This happens because you offset 1 pixel and then draw a half pixel stroke
 each side. Since it covers only half the pixel, the color gets mapped to
 You can work around this by doing an extra offset of half the
 devicepixelratio, but ideally this should never happen.

 Is this behavior specified somewhere?
 Is there a way to turn this off?

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Glenn Maynard
(The below is about Canvas only; I'm not very familiar with SVG.  I think
they should be two separate discussions.)

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 we've noticed that if you draw lines in canvas or SVG, they always end up
 For instance see this fiddle:

 This happens because you offset 1 pixel and then draw a half pixel stroke
 on each side. Since it covers only half the pixel, the color gets mapped to
 50% gray.
 You can work around this by doing an extra offset of half the

For Canvas, you should always add 0.5, since you're in the canvas
coordinate space, before the pixel ratio is applied.

This is the same coordinate system used by OpenGL and Direct3D 10 (and up),
with pixels centered around 0.5x0.5.  That is, a pixel sits between 0x0 and
1x1.  If you're specifying the center of the line (eg. where the stroke
grows outwards from), you need to add a half pixel.  (When you're
specifying a bounding box, such as drawImage, you don't, since you're at
the edge rather than the center of a pixel.)

I'm not sure if there's a way to disable antialiasing for paths.  Disabling
antialiasing to allow people to specify wrong coordinates only seems like
it would be more confusing, though.  The only solution is to educate people
about when and why they need to add a half pixel; even if there was a way
to avoid this in general (I'm not sure there is, for an API with Canvas's
functionality), it's much too late to change this.

Glenn Maynard

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread David Dailey
Seeing what Kornel wrote about a solution to the problem for canvas, makes 
persuasive support, to me, for Glenn Maynard's argument that [concerning SVG 
and canvas]
 I think they should be two separate discussions.

One of the intentions (at least historically) of SVG is to allow declarative 
rather than scripted solutions. As I read this conversation from a declarative 
perspective (trying to transcode script into markup) I am seeing a dozen little 
flag-attributes that all interact with one another in a grand logical 
hyperplane. Sorry, for what might be a flawed metaphor, but I've been stuck in 
a logical hyperplane for the past few days and I am cursing it! 

(Lie algebra is even worse than Lie geometry!  -- )

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Kornel Lesinski
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:09 PM
To: Rik Cabanier
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 02:13:19 +0100, Rik Cabanier

 It's not intuitive. It's a pretty common pitfall, but it's logical.

 For 1-pixel lines it could be fixed by allowing authors to specify 
 that path should be stroked with lines aligned to inside/outside of 
 the path (which is a useful feature on its own).

 Sure, but how can we fix this?
 It's not very intuitive that I have to keep track of the 
 devicePixelRatio (and the current CTM?) to get crisp lines.

To what extent does it need to be fixed?

Manually snapping lines to canvas pixels isn't too hard, e.g.  
subtracting 0.5 from x/y and adding 1 to width/height to get pixel-aligned 
rectangle outside the box. It does get trickier with transforms indeed :(

Is it enough to snap to canvas pixels? (future of HD canvas is uncertain, so 
authors may need to resize canvas to match devicePixelRatio anyway).

Is it enough if there was strokeOutside()/strokeInside() that makes 
untransformed lines pixel-aligned? Or is it necessary to have snapping for 
odd-width lines that are stroked centered on a path?

Do authors expect lines in canvas with non-integer transforms to be crisp?

Should arc() and bezier curves also be snapped? What if you want a line that 
touches the curve?

 What we need is that artwork 'snaps' to the native pixels while still 
 being antialiased.

How should snapping be done?

If fill() of a 2x2 rect draws:


how would stroke() look like?






If you have path that is 2.5 device pixels wide, is it going to be snapped to 
different width depending whether you draw it at (0, 0) or (0.1, 0)?  
Would that also make circles ellipses?

Snapping makes animated slow movement choppy, so authors may also want ability 
to disable it for selected paths/drawing operations or even for each axis 
separately (e.g. to smoothly animate horizontal movement while object is 
snapped to pixels vertically, etc.)

regards, Kornel

Re: [whatwg] Blurry lines in 2D Canvas (and SVG)

2013-07-23 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

 (The below is about Canvas only; I'm not very familiar with SVG.  I think
 they should be two separate discussions.)

Agreed. Sorry to confuse the issue.

 On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 we've noticed that if you draw lines in canvas or SVG, they always end up
 For instance see this fiddle:

 This happens because you offset 1 pixel and then draw a half pixel stroke
 on each side. Since it covers only half the pixel, the color gets mapped
 50% gray.
 You can work around this by doing an extra offset of half the

 For Canvas, you should always add 0.5, since you're in the canvas
 coordinate space, before the pixel ratio is applied.

That seemed like an OK idea until I thought about it some more.
Doing a .5 scale will also affect your fills so a rect will now have
aliased borders.

Also adjusting for non-round device pixel ratio or as Kornel mentions,
having transforms will still result in blurry lines (unless you do a bunch
of math)

 This is the same coordinate system used by OpenGL and Direct3D 10 (and
 up), with pixels centered around 0.5x0.5.  That is, a pixel sits between
 0x0 and 1x1.  If you're specifying the center of the line (eg. where the
 stroke grows outwards from), you need to add a half pixel.  (When you're
 specifying a bounding box, such as drawImage, you don't, since you're at
 the edge rather than the center of a pixel.)

 I'm not sure if there's a way to disable antialiasing for paths.
 Disabling antialiasing to allow people to specify wrong coordinates only
 seems like it would be more confusing, though.

Disabling it is not a solution. The 'crispEdges' option does this and the
results look bad.

 The only solution is to educate people about when and why they need to add
 a half pixel; even if there was a way to avoid this in general (I'm not
 sure there is, for an API with Canvas's functionality), it's much too late
 to change this.

I agree that we can't change this, but maybe we can add something to make
it better.

In PDF there is a feature called strokeAdjust that will make the stroke
align to pixel boundaries. Basically, if you turn it on strokeAdjust and
the stroke doesn't fill the entire pixel, that pixel isn't drawn. If
there's less than a pixel total, you expand the stroke to at least a pixel.

Apple has a Core Graphics function called CGGStateSetStrokeAdjust so they
would be able to implement this easily. :-)