Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Adam Barth
On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 8 Nov 2013, Rafael Rinaldi wrote:
 It looks complex because it tries to solve something complex. I think
 there’s no way to avoid verbosity to solve such thing.

 The way you avoid complexity in such things is that you don't solve the
 overall problem, you solve small segments of the problem (e.g. in script
 or CSS), then pick the solution you want.

 So for example, we could have a script to handle image grids, another to
 handle simple cases where as the window gets wider you display more
 context in the image, etc. If all these scripts have some common features
 they all need (e.g. the ability to work with pre-parsing to say which
 image they need first, so it can be fetched early) then we can provide
 that common core.

 This is similar to AppCache vs Alex's ServiceWorkers. AppCache addresses a
 small set of use cases, probably not enough. ServiceWorkers provides the
 tools to address a lot of use cases, but isn't directly itself a solution;
 you use it to build solutions. Another example would be the WebForms2
 repetition model, vs Rafael's template. The repetition model idea solved
 some specific use cases, but trying to make it solve all use cases would
 be a hugely complicated endeavour and would be really ugly. template
 provides a tool with which you can build specific solutions, but isn't
 itself a direct solution.

I basically agree with Ian.  Let's address the simple use cases first
(i.e., device-pixel-ratio switching) and worry about the more complex
use cases in the future.


Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Anselm Hannemann
On 09.11.2013, at 11:49, Markus Lanthaler wrote:

 On Saturday, November 09, 2013 12:53 AM, Bruno Racineux wrote:
 On 11/8/13 10:46 AM, Rafael Rinaldi wrote:
 It looks complex because it tries to solve something complex. I think
 there¹s no way to avoid verbosity to solve such thing.
 The only way to avoid verbosity on every img element would be to
 predefine a relationship between the names/keywords of your images and
 their respective sizes, ONCE in the head. The browser can then
 substitute the img suffix to get the right image, without having to
 spell-out the full image name every time.
 Well, an alternative would be to move the complexity to the server. I very
 much doubt that webmasters are going to create all those variations manually
 anyway. And if so, it's enough to store them according a naming convention
 the server understands. There are already two proposals how this could work:
 The browser then just needs to make sure that the right headers are set. We
 would to be very careful though to not destroy the cacheability of
 Of course, some form of URL templating would work as well but that probably
 would become quite complex.

While this might be a good solution if you *have* a server, we need to find a 
that works without the server-requirement. There are tons of use-cases for 
where no server can be provided (e.g. a local/offline App-WebView).


Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 8 Nov 2013, Rafael Rinaldi wrote:
 It looks complex because it tries to solve something complex. I think
 there’s no way to avoid verbosity to solve such thing.

 The way you avoid complexity in such things is that you don't solve the
 overall problem, you solve small segments of the problem (e.g. in script
 or CSS), then pick the solution you want.

 So for example, we could have a script to handle image grids, another to
 handle simple cases where as the window gets wider you display more
 context in the image, etc. If all these scripts have some common features
 they all need (e.g. the ability to work with pre-parsing to say which
 image they need first, so it can be fetched early) then we can provide
 that common core.

 This is similar to AppCache vs Alex's ServiceWorkers. AppCache addresses a
 small set of use cases, probably not enough. ServiceWorkers provides the
 tools to address a lot of use cases, but isn't directly itself a solution;
 you use it to build solutions. Another example would be the WebForms2
 repetition model, vs Rafael's template. The repetition model idea solved
 some specific use cases, but trying to make it solve all use cases would
 be a hugely complicated endeavour and would be really ugly. template
 provides a tool with which you can build specific solutions, but isn't
 itself a direct solution.

 I basically agree with Ian.  Let's address the simple use cases first
 (i.e., device-pixel-ratio switching) and worry about the more complex
 use cases in the future.

Remember that we only *have* two use-cases that require different
results - resolution choosing and art direction based on viewport
breakpoints.  These are well-supported as common and necessary
operations, done commonly on existing websites using the various
responsive image hacks.

The final clause that a few people keep hating on is, as I explain in solely a mechanism for reducing the
*enormous* verbosity that can arise from the existing solutions in
fairly simple, reasonable cases.  (It's also automatically robust
against gains in resolution, whereas the existing solution requires
increasing the verbosity *even further* to make it robust.)

It's easy to look at something more complex than what you're used to
and dismiss all the excess as unneeded, but it's really, seriously not
in this case.  The things I'm addressing are the things that RICG
research found were common and necessary, no more and no less.


Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:
 Am 08.11.2013 16:47 schrieb Yoav Weiss:


 Having a look at the proposal, and reading the thread especially with regard
 to complexity and verbosity, I got the impression that @src-n shares a main
 objection with @srcset and picture, that it mixes up content and design to
 some extent.

 Thus I suggest a modified approach which moves the distinction of viewing
 situations, or breakpoints, to the head of the document, creating some
 variable-like references to be used instead of numbers. Some kind of src-var
 instead of src-N. Therefore, a new element for the head would be necessary;
 I call it situations, it could also be breakpoints or whatever is
 considered more appropriate:

   small: (max-width: 400px);
   small2x: (max-width: 400px) 2x;
   medium: (max-width: 1000px);
   medium2x: (max-width: 1000px) 2x;
   large2x: (min-width: 1000.01px) 2x;
   img src-small=pic-small.jpg
alt=Obama talking to a soldier in hospital scrubs.

 The variable names are free, instead of small, small2x etc. the author
 could also use 1, 2 etc. or foo, bar etc. or whatever. Beyond that,
 it would work the same as src-N, using the resource in @src when none of the
 defined situations apply.


 Moving the distinction of viewing situations to the head would have some
 advantages IMO:
 - Verbosity is centralized, thus has not to be repeated in every img
 - The UA does not need to evaluate the same MQs again for every img in the
 - In order to achieve a consistent handling of responsivity, the situation
 variables may be reused in other content elements, such as video, and also
 in the link element as an alternative to todays @media attribute
 - Easier handling of redesigns when breakpoints change; no modifications
 needed in the page content

 This proposal is not thoroughly thought-through, but I hope it shows the

This proposal does not address Variable-Sized Images; handling the
difficulty and verbosity of that is indeed centralized to the
situations element, but that doesn't make it much better.

I'm aware that src-N's reliance on explicit MQs is a weakness.  I
expect to address it through the general mechanism of custom MQs,
which I'll be proposing in a little while when I get around to writing
the spec for it.  One mechanism I'll propose for defining custom MQs
will be a meta value, which'll make the custom MQ available to the
preloader, at which point src-N can use them as well.


Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Adam Barth
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Tab Atkins Jr.
 It's easy to look at something more complex than what you're used to
 and dismiss all the excess as unneeded, but it's really, seriously not
 in this case.  The things I'm addressing are the things that RICG
 research found were common and necessary, no more and no less.

 Big +1 to that -- src-N addresses all the RICG use cases in a consistent and
 coherent way..

I don't think that's a valuable goal.  My preference would be to
address only the device-pixel-ratio use case in this iteration.

 and is the only option that does so. Serving images in our
 new multi-device / responsive design world *is* a much harder problem and
 the complexity of src-N is simply a reflection of that.. Sticking our
 heads in the sand and pretending that this is not the case, or punting the
 problem down the road (as we've already done for the past few years), is not
 a sound strategy.

If we wait for agreement about how to address the other use cases, we
won't ship anything for a long time.  I'd rather ship something that's
useful today and iterate to improve it in the future than not ship
anything for a long time.


Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

2013-11-10 19:36, Markus Ernst wrote:

Having a look at the proposal, and reading the thread especially with
regard to complexity and verbosity, I got the impression that @src-n
shares a main objection with @srcset and picture, that it mixes up
content and design to some extent.

That would be my main concern, too. But I would rather say that it 
really mixes up content and presentation, moving to HTML something that 
belongs to the scope of styling and can currently be handled in CSS.

Thus I suggest a modified approach which moves the distinction of
viewing situations, or breakpoints, to the head of the document,
creating some variable-like references to be used instead of numbers.
Some kind of src-var instead of src-N. Therefore, a new element for the
head would be necessary; I call it situations, it could also be
breakpoints or whatever is considered more appropriate:

Adding new elements is questionable, especially if they have content 
(which would be rendered as-is by current user agents).

   small: (max-width: 400px);
   small2x: (max-width: 400px) 2x;
   medium: (max-width: 1000px);
   medium2x: (max-width: 1000px) 2x; and
   large2x: (min-width: 1000.01px) 2x;
   img src-small=pic-small.jpg
alt=Obama talking to a soldier in hospital scrubs.

This, too, would mix content and presentation. Admittedly, the line 
between them isn't always crystal clear, even if most of HTML5 pretends 
that it is. But here the approach should let an author specify an img 
element in markup and separately specify, in a style sheet language, 
that in some cases the src attribute value is to be overridden.

If people think that current CSS media queries are inadequate for the 
purpose (and I'm not convinced that they are), then the first question 
should be whether CSS can be suitably enhanced. Failing that, it would 
seem natural to define a new, restricted style language. Something like 

style type=text/is
@media(max-width: 400px) { #pic { src: url(pic-small.jpg); } }
img id=pic src=pic-large.jpg alt=
title=Obama talking to a soldier in hospital scrubs.

If the problem with current CSS approach is that browsers would still 
download the resource pointed to by the src attribute, then the 
processing of IS (image styling) style sheets could be defined so that 
they are evaluated when encountered and they are applied according to 
the browsing situation, so that they will take effect when the img 
elements are processed. This would be no more adhockery than src-* 
attributes would be. Actually, less.


Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Tab Atkins Jr.
 It's easy to look at something more complex than what you're used to
 and dismiss all the excess as unneeded, but it's really, seriously not
 in this case.  The things I'm addressing are the things that RICG
 research found were common and necessary, no more and no less.

 Big +1 to that -- src-N addresses all the RICG use cases in a consistent and
 coherent way..

 I don't think that's a valuable goal.  My preference would be to
 address only the device-pixel-ratio use case in this iteration.

Can you explain why? I believe the RICG's identified use-cases are
both reasonable and minimal.  If we address *only* the density case
right now, significant fractions of *existing* responsive images code
won't be able to migrate to the standardized solution, and will be
stuck with hacks.

We'll obviously never be able to satisfy 100% of use-cases, nor is
anyone trying to.  But just density isn't enough, based on the
observed patterns in the wild.

 and is the only option that does so. Serving images in our
 new multi-device / responsive design world *is* a much harder problem and
 the complexity of src-N is simply a reflection of that.. Sticking our
 heads in the sand and pretending that this is not the case, or punting the
 problem down the road (as we've already done for the past few years), is not
 a sound strategy.

 If we wait for agreement about how to address the other use cases, we
 won't ship anything for a long time.  I'd rather ship something that's
 useful today and iterate to improve it in the future than not ship
 anything for a long time.

The RICG and related community has agreed on src-N, and the relevant
Blink and FF devs have as well.  The only holdout is WebKit, but they
haven't expressed any technical objections, just aesthetic ones.
(And, not to be rude, but I don't trust the aesthetic judgement of C++
hackers when applied to the web platform; at least, not over the
judgement of actual JS and HTML hackers, who are generally fine with
the look of src-N.  People who write the web rather than write *in*
the web have a long history of liking terribly-shaped APIs because
they're more familiar to C++ coders.)  (IE hasn't expressed an opinion
one way or the other, as usual.)

I believe you're applying an inappropriately high standard of required
agreement to this proposal, compared to what the usual required level
is for something to be accepted.


Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Adam Barth
On Nov 10, 2013 11:39 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
  On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Ilya Grigorik
  On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Tab Atkins Jr.
  It's easy to look at something more complex than what you're used to
  and dismiss all the excess as unneeded, but it's really, seriously not
  in this case.  The things I'm addressing are the things that RICG
  research found were common and necessary, no more and no less.
  Big +1 to that -- src-N addresses all the RICG use cases in a
consistent and
  coherent way..
  I don't think that's a valuable goal.  My preference would be to
  address only the device-pixel-ratio use case in this iteration.

 Can you explain why?

It's for the reason in the second paragraph of my previous email: I don't
think we'll get agreement about how to address the other use cases in the
near term and I view the device-pixel-ratio use case as important to
address in the near term.

 I believe the RICG's identified use-cases are
 both reasonable and minimal.  If we address *only* the density case
 right now, significant fractions of *existing* responsive images code
 won't be able to migrate to the standardized solution, and will be
 stuck with hacks.

 We'll obviously never be able to satisfy 100% of use-cases, nor is
 anyone trying to.  But just density isn't enough, based on the
 observed patterns in the wild.

  and is the only option that does so. Serving images in our
  new multi-device / responsive design world *is* a much harder problem
  the complexity of src-N is simply a reflection of that.. Sticking our
  heads in the sand and pretending that this is not the case, or punting
  problem down the road (as we've already done for the past few years),
is not
  a sound strategy.
  If we wait for agreement about how to address the other use cases, we
  won't ship anything for a long time.  I'd rather ship something that's
  useful today and iterate to improve it in the future than not ship
  anything for a long time.

 The RICG and related community has agreed on src-N, and the relevant
 Blink and FF devs have as well.  The only holdout is WebKit,

That's exactly the problem.  The WebKit community has been clear they don't
want to ship src-N.

 but they
 haven't expressed any technical objections, just aesthetic ones.
 (And, not to be rude, but I don't trust the aesthetic judgement of C++
 hackers when applied to the web platform; at least, not over the
 judgement of actual JS and HTML hackers, who are generally fine with
 the look of src-N.  People who write the web rather than write *in*
 the web have a long history of liking terribly-shaped APIs because
 they're more familiar to C++ coders.)  (IE hasn't expressed an opinion
 one way or the other, as usual.)

You might not find their reasons compelling, but that's largely beside the
point.  What's relevant is that they aren't willing to ship src-N.  Maybe
through additional discussion we could find a mutually agreeable approach
for addressing the remaining use cases, but that appears unlikely to happen
in the near term.

 I believe you're applying an inappropriately high standard of required
 agreement to this proposal, compared to what the usual required level
 is for something to be accepted.

If Blink ships src-N and WebKit ships srcset, we'll have a mess on our
hands.  Authors will end up using both.  If they do, they're likely to have
different behavior in different browsers, which is an interoperability

The best solution I see to the above constraints is to ship
device-pixel-ratio switching via srcset today and to continue to discuss
how to address the remaining use cases in the future.


Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.11.2013 19:48 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:

2013-11-10 19:36, Markus Ernst wrote:

Having a look at the proposal, and reading the thread especially with
regard to complexity and verbosity, I got the impression that @src-n
shares a main objection with @srcset and picture, that it mixes up
content and design to some extent.

That would be my main concern, too. But I would rather say that it
really mixes up content and presentation, moving to HTML something that
belongs to the scope of styling and can currently be handled in CSS.

That is what I wanted to say - sorry my English is poor sometimes.

Thus I suggest a modified approach which moves the distinction of
viewing situations, or breakpoints, to the head of the document,
creating some variable-like references to be used instead of numbers.
Some kind of src-var instead of src-N. Therefore, a new element for the
head would be necessary; I call it situations, it could also be
breakpoints or whatever is considered more appropriate:

Adding new elements is questionable, especially if they have content
(which would be rendered as-is by current user agents).

I see. So let's use an existing, void element :-)
meta name=situations content=
  small: (max-width: 400px),
  medium: (max-width: 1000px)

   img src-small=pic-small.jpg
alt=Obama talking to a soldier in hospital scrubs.

This, too, would mix content and presentation. Admittedly, the line
between them isn't always crystal clear, even if most of HTML5 pretends
that it is. But here the approach should let an author specify an img
element in markup and separately specify, in a style sheet language,
that in some cases the src attribute value is to be overridden.

If people think that current CSS media queries are inadequate for the
purpose (and I'm not convinced that they are), then the first question
should be whether CSS can be suitably enhanced. Failing that, it would
seem natural to define a new, restricted style language. Something like

style type=text/is
@media(max-width: 400px) { #pic { src: url(pic-small.jpg); } }
img id=pic src=pic-large.jpg alt=
title=Obama talking to a soldier in hospital scrubs.

That would mean to maintain one or several style declarations per 
content image, separated in the style element; looks horrible to me.

The topic we are discussing involves both content and presentation, as 
we try to serve different content (image files) when the presentation 
changes. As an author, I'd favorite a solution that keeps the content 
section as clean, simple and intuitive as possible.

I think that my approach does provide the most simple and intuitive 
syntax for the image element, and take all the complicated stuff out 
into the head section. This may not be pure separation of content and 
presentation, but it sure goes further in that direction than the other 
approaches discussed at the time, and it makes maintaining and updating 
the content easier than other approaches.

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Ilya Grigorik
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

  I believe you're applying an inappropriately high standard of required
  agreement to this proposal, compared to what the usual required level
  is for something to be accepted.

 If Blink ships src-N and WebKit ships srcset, we'll have a mess on our
 hands.  Authors will end up using both.  If they do, they're likely to have
 different behavior in different browsers, which is an interoperability

 The best solution I see to the above constraints is to ship
 device-pixel-ratio switching via srcset today and to continue to discuss
 how to address the remaining use cases in the future.

srcset is a cul de sac with respect to these goals. Let's look at our

(1) + srcset addresses resolution-switching.
(2) + in theory, srcset provides basic facilities for viewport-switching -
although none of the current implementations support it.
(3) - srcset viewport-switching syntax is a disaster for real-world
scenarios [1]
(4) - srcset does not provide any easy way to extend itself for art

By contrast, src-N is a superset: it covers (1) and (2), with same syntax
even; it addresses (3); it enables (4).

Viewport-switching is just as important as res-switching: ultimately both
are about saving bytes, and both have similar footprint in terms of pixels
and bytes shipped. Further, they're not independent problems. After all,
the outcome is that we ship a single file based on both parameters, hence
the two must work together well (-1 for srcset). Finally, UX matters too
(art-direction) and this case must work together with the previous two (-1
for srscet).

In short, whatever solution we adopt, it must address all three points in
the long run -- this is not a problem with three independent pieces that
can be solved by three independent specs. We have three inputs, and we have
one output: download X... and I just don't see srcset addressing these
criteria. If someone can show me how srcset can, in fact, do this in
future, then I'd love to hear it.

We have Mozilla and RICG behind src-N, and I hope Blink can put its weight
behind it also.. I hope we can all work with Webkit team to address their
concerns and solve this problem once and for all. So far, as Tab has
pointed out, the src-N concerns we've heard are all cosmetic, and I think
those discussions are distracting us from the real conversation we should
be having, which is... how is srcset planning to address its shortcomings
in a better way than src-N?


Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.11.2013 18:53 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

This proposal does not address Variable-Sized Images; handling the
difficulty and verbosity of that is indeed centralized to the
situations element, but that doesn't make it much better.

I omitted variable-sized images indeed. The syntax you propose is very 
lean and elegant and powerful, but it looks rather unintuitive to me. 
Many websites are built by highly-skilled professionals, and later 
maintained by editors with less technical knowledge. They can learn how 
to export an image in 3 or 5 different sizes, but you can't expect them 
to apply the correct syntax (nor figure out which values to insert into 
any future CMS UI to generate the img tag).

Also, I am afraid that this shortcut syntax can be quite harmful if 
applied incorrectly, e.g. by copy-pasting authors.

This is why I'd prefer verbosity in this case.

Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.11.2013 18:36 schrieb Markus Ernst:

Moving the distinction of viewing situations to the head would have some
advantages IMO:
- Verbosity is centralized, thus has not to be repeated in every img
- The UA does not need to evaluate the same MQs again for every img in
the content
- In order to achieve a consistent handling of responsivity, the
situation variables may be reused in other content elements, such as
video, and also in the link element as an alternative to todays
@media attribute
- Easier handling of redesigns when breakpoints change; no modifications
needed in the page content

While writing answers to Yucca's and Tab's messages, I got aware of one 
more interesting point:

Many websites are maintained by editors who have no deep knowledge of 
HTML. They use CMS systems that provide more or less intuitive UIs for 
content editing. Now, every respImg solution that uses MQs inside the 
img element will be quite hard to create an useable UI for. In the 
image selection dialog, it would need to handle an unknown number of 
sources with the respective MQs. And the editors will need to consult a 
manual each time they insert an image, to know the values they have to 
enter for the MQ.

OTOH, handling a predefined set of viewing situations could be easily 
implemented in the image picker of a CMS. Once the system knows the 
situation variables (by parsing the template's head, or configured in 
the preferences), it can show a dialog that asks for the exact set of 
required sources.

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Adam Barth
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Adam Barth wrote:
  I believe you're applying an inappropriately high standard of required
  agreement to this proposal, compared to what the usual required level
  is for something to be accepted.

 If Blink ships src-N and WebKit ships srcset, we'll have a mess on our
 hands.  Authors will end up using both.  If they do, they're likely to have
 different behavior in different browsers, which is an interoperability

 The best solution I see to the above constraints is to ship
 device-pixel-ratio switching via srcset today and to continue to discuss how
 to address the remaining use cases in the future.

 srcset is a cul de sac with respect to these goals. Let's look at our

 (1) + srcset addresses resolution-switching.
 (2) + in theory, srcset provides basic facilities for viewport-switching -
 although none of the current implementations support it.
 (3) - srcset viewport-switching syntax is a disaster for real-world
 scenarios [1]

Agreed.  I recommend removing viewport switching from srcset and
addressing only the device-pixel-ratio use case.

 (4) - srcset does not provide any easy way to extend itself for art

That's ok.  We'll just need to add another mechanism in the future to
address art direction.

 By contrast, src-N is a superset: it covers (1) and (2), with same syntax
 even; it addresses (3); it enables (4).

Unfortunately, src-N is no-go because WebKit refuses to implement it.
Now, it's possible you'll convince them that it's not a grotesque
perversion of the HTML language (which does seems a bit hyperbolic),
but that seems unlikely to happen in the near term.  Given the tenor
of that discussion, I'd expect we'll need to come up with a new
approach and involve stakeholders from the WebKit community earlier in
the design process.

 We have Mozilla and RICG behind src-N, and I hope Blink can put its weight
 behind it also..

There's certainly interest in src-N from the Blink community, but
we're unlikely to ship something here that WebKit refuses to

 I hope we can all work with Webkit team to address their
 concerns and solve this problem once and for all.

Me too.  However, I don't want to wait for that to happen.  I want to
ship something that addresses the device-pixel-ratio use case in the
near term and continue discussing how to address the remaining use

 So far, as Tab has pointed
 out, the src-N concerns we've heard are all cosmetic, and I think those
 discussions are distracting us from the real conversation we should be
 having, which is... how is srcset planning to address its shortcomings in a
 better way than src-N?

It's not.  The only use case srcset will address is the
device-pixel-ratio use case.


Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Nov 11, 2013, at 5:53 AM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Adam Barth wrote:
 I believe you're applying an inappropriately high standard of required
 agreement to this proposal, compared to what the usual required level
 is for something to be accepted.
 If Blink ships src-N and WebKit ships srcset, we'll have a mess on our
 hands.  Authors will end up using both.  If they do, they're likely to have
 different behavior in different browsers, which is an interoperability
 The best solution I see to the above constraints is to ship
 device-pixel-ratio switching via srcset today and to continue to discuss
 how to address the remaining use cases in the future.
 srcset is a cul de sac with respect to these goals. Let's look at our
 (1) + srcset addresses resolution-switching.
 (2) + in theory, srcset provides basic facilities for viewport-switching -
 although none of the current implementations support it.
 (3) - srcset viewport-switching syntax is a disaster for real-world
 scenarios [1]
 (4) - srcset does not provide any easy way to extend itself for art
 By contrast, src-N is a superset: it covers (1) and (2), with same syntax
 even; it addresses (3); it enables (4).
 Viewport-switching is just as important as res-switching: ultimately both
 are about saving bytes, and both have similar footprint in terms of pixels
 and bytes shipped. Further, they're not independent problems. After all,
 the outcome is that we ship a single file based on both parameters, hence
 the two must work together well (-1 for srcset). Finally, UX matters too
 (art-direction) and this case must work together with the previous two (-1
 for srscet).
 In short, whatever solution we adopt, it must address all three points in
 the long run -- this is not a problem with three independent pieces that
 can be solved by three independent specs. We have three inputs, and we have
 one output: download X... and I just don't see srcset addressing these
 criteria. If someone can show me how srcset can, in fact, do this in
 future, then I'd love to hear it.
 We have Mozilla and RICG behind src-N, and I hope Blink can put its weight
 behind it also.. I hope we can all work with Webkit team to address their
 concerns and solve this problem once and for all. So far, as Tab has
 pointed out, the src-N concerns we've heard are all cosmetic, and I think
 those discussions are distracting us from the real conversation we should
 be having, which is... how is srcset planning to address its shortcomings
 in a better way than src-N?

We can modify the parsing algorithm so that it can support delimiters for 

- R. Niwa

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Nov 10, 2013, at 12:20 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 8 Nov 2013, Rafael Rinaldi wrote:
 It looks complex because it tries to solve something complex. I think
 there’s no way to avoid verbosity to solve such thing.
 The way you avoid complexity in such things is that you don't solve the
 overall problem, you solve small segments of the problem (e.g. in script
 or CSS), then pick the solution you want.
 So for example, we could have a script to handle image grids, another to
 handle simple cases where as the window gets wider you display more
 context in the image, etc. If all these scripts have some common features
 they all need (e.g. the ability to work with pre-parsing to say which
 image they need first, so it can be fetched early) then we can provide
 that common core.
 This is similar to AppCache vs Alex's ServiceWorkers. AppCache addresses a
 small set of use cases, probably not enough. ServiceWorkers provides the
 tools to address a lot of use cases, but isn't directly itself a solution;
 you use it to build solutions. Another example would be the WebForms2
 repetition model, vs Rafael's template. The repetition model idea solved
 some specific use cases, but trying to make it solve all use cases would
 be a hugely complicated endeavour and would be really ugly. template
 provides a tool with which you can build specific solutions, but isn't
 itself a direct solution.
 I basically agree with Ian.  Let's address the simple use cases first
 (i.e., device-pixel-ratio switching) and worry about the more complex
 use cases in the future.

I agree with this too.

It just needs to be noted that there isn't an obvious choice of simple 
primitive to solve the somewhat more complex cases, assuming they are common 
enough that we care about preload scanning working for them. So we may have to 
come back to them at some point.
