Re: [whatwg] 'hidden' as resources control (Was: Simplified picture element draft)

2014-01-24 Thread David Newton
On Jan 23, 2014, at 10:52 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 1/23/14 9:13 PM, Bruno Racineux wrote:
 Could 'resource control' be an associated spec of the 'hidden' attribute?
 It bothers me, at first glance, to overload the attribute to mean different 
 things.  I predict people will appear who want the hidden thing to hide but 
 still want loading/preloading.
 It would be better to just have a separate attribute for the separate task if 
 we go this direction.

In addition to overloading `hidden`, it misses the `postpone` use case of 
images that we want to be visible (i.e. not have a `hidden` attribute), but not 
loaded until/unless the user scrolls enough for them to be within the viewport.

Re: [whatwg] OUTPUT tag: clarify purpose in spec?

2014-01-24 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

2014-01-22 2:28, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 3 Dec 2013, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:


Thank you for the clarifications. I may have been stuck to an idea of a
submittable element, possibly adopted from some earlier version or
proposal. I think an explicit short note like The output element is not
submittable would be useful.

I am reluctant to add that kind of comment for a couple of reasons. First,
there's the problem of determining when one would add these notes. Should
the spec be explicit about everything it doesn't say?

No, but it should be explicit about things that could easily be 

Second, it can lead readers to assume that anything that the spec doesn't
explicitly call out as not being true is in face true

Readers who wish to think so may think so anyway. I don't see how this 
could be a serious risk.

What I would rather do is clarify whatever led to the confusion in the
first place. Do you have any idea what it is in the output section that
might lead you to think that it would be submittable?

Well, it is under the heading 4.10 Forms. As an element for the result 
of some scripted operation (which output seems to be meant for), 
output need not have anything to do with forms. But when it is under 
Forms, a natural idea is oh, this is for some computed value, like a 
total, to be submitted.

(A submittable output element would a natural thing to have in many
cases, e.g. in showing some calculated total to the user and submitting
it along with form data, for checking purposes.)

Can you elaborate on this use case? I'm not sure how it would work.

When you calculate the total with JavaScript, mainly to be shown to the 
user, you might as well submit it along with the form, as an extra 
check. If it does not match the total calculated in the server, 
something went very wrong. What you do then is a different question, but 
the important thing is that you detect a problem, instead of charging an 
amount that differs from what the user saw.

The main reason for not submitting it so far has been that it would risk
authors relying on the client's computation and thus not doing it on the

Authors often rely too much on checks and computations made client-side 
- including new features like @pattern and @required attributes and new 
values of the @type attribute. They have always been able to do that 
with calculated totals, for example - just using an input element 
(possibly with @readonly).

I think the definition of the @name content attribute needs revision. It
now says: Name of form control to use for form submission and in the
form.elements API. Apparently, form submission should be omitted.

Aah, interesting. Yeah, that's confusing. The attribute is a generic one
used by multiple elements for both those purposes, but in the case of
output and fieldset, it can never be used for form submission, since
those aren't submittable, so it should use a different description.


The single-page version now has Name of form control to use in the 
form.elements API, but the multi-page version still has the old 

Without name=, the main purpose of output -- making it easy to update
non-form-control values in script -- is lost.

The @name attribute in general, except for submittable controls, is 
legacy markup that has caused much confusion. It was introduced long 
ago, before @id was added to HTML, for scripting purposes, on @img and 
@form, as well as on @a for link destinations, but it was unsuitable 
from the beginning. It was not defined to be unique in the document, and 
there have been many attempts to phase out/deprecate/obsolete @name 
(except for submittable fields, where it need not be unique).

So it looks a bit odd to introduce @name for a new element.

Consider what this would look like without the form.elements API:

   form name=main
Result: output name=result/output
 document.forms.main.elements.result.value = 'Hello World';

With output id=result/output, it would have

document.getElementById('result').value = 'Hello World'

and if jQuery is used (and more than half of the world uses it, or 
something similar), it would have

$('#result') =  'Hello World'

I would say that both ways are simpler than the property chain 
document.forms.main.elements.result.value and, moreover, a way that can 
be used to access any element, not just output.

Well, more or less by definition, of output is appropriate for
something, it's more appropriate than span would be, since span is
more generic. span is like the fall back element, it has essentially
no semantics at all.

That's a rather theoretical proposition. You say that output is for a 
result of a calculation or user agent and call this semantics. But how 
would that be a tangible benefit.

I think the improvement of o relative to document.getElementById('o')
should be self-evident;

If you intend to use plain o instead of a property 

[whatwg] Drawing shapes on canvas

2014-01-24 Thread Joe Gregorio
  From the Skia perspective we have the following feedback on the proposal.

  While we can see how Shape2D can be implemented, it isn't clear that it's
  such a large performance benefit over what Path provides, so we aren't
  opposed to Shape2D, but don't believe implementing Path should be held up
  for the sake of Shape2D.  Path itself is a huge win for performance over
  having only a single current default path and has utility without the need
  for Shape2D.

  In general we would like to see a layered approach to drawing objects,
  starting with something primitive like Path, and at the most general a
  Display List[1] that contains the full set of capabilities of
  CanvasRenderingContext2D.  That layering could be done in two or three
  objects, either [Path, DisplayList] or [Path, Shape2D, DisplayList]. In
  cases you can use the lower level objects to construct higher level
  i.e. use one or more Paths to build a Shape2D, and use Paths and Shape2Ds
  define a DisplayList.

  What we'd like to see happen:
1. Review the Path add* methods and possibly simplify them, see below.
2. Keep the rest of the Path object and the Path related methods on the
3. If Shape2D moves forward do it by adding different versions of fill,
   clip, etc to CanvasRenderingContext2D, such as:

   void fill(optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = nonzero);
   void fill(Path path, optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = nonzero);
   void fill(Shape2D shape);

4. Possibly work on a DisplayList design, but only after some

  We have some particular feedback on the Shape2D design that is inline



 around a year ago, I wrote a blog post [1] that introduced a new 'Shape'
 class that described a filled or stroked region or an area of text. Java2D
 has a similar concept that they call 'Area' [2].

 We've had some discussions but it doesn't look like there was any sort of
 conclusion. I'd like to pick it back up now that we have a partial
 implementation of the Path object and people are starting to look into
 extending it.

 I'll reiterate my proposal:
 1. remove all the addxxx methods from the Path2D object [3]
 Path object are just containers for segments. Aggregating segments will
 generally not give the desired results since the segments will interact
 (see [1]).
 AddPath *could* be kept if people see a strong use case.

The add* methods could be simplified to:

  void addPath(Path path, SVGMatrix? transformation);
  void addPathByStrokingPath(Path path, CanvasDrawingStyles styles,
SVGMatrix? transformation);
  void addText(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles, SVGMatrix?
transformation, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional
unrestricted double maxWidth);
  void addTextAlongPath(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles,
SVGMatrix? transformation, Path path, optional unrestricted double

The functionality of the addPathByStrokingText methods below can be done by
applying the above methods.

  void addPathByStrokingText(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles,
SVGMatrix? transformation, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y,
optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
  void addPathByStrokingText(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles,
SVGMatrix? transformation, Path path, optional unrestricted double

 2. introduce a new class 'Shape2D'

   Constructor(Path2D , CanvasWindingRule = nonzero),
   Constructor(Path2D , CanvasDrawingStyles, SVGMatrix?), // strokes a path
   Constructor(DomString text, CanvasDrawingStyles, SVGMatrix?,
 double, unrestricted double, boolean isStroked = false, optional
 unrestricted double)]
 interface Shape2D{
 Shape2D transform(matrix); // returns a transformed path

Why not do this as another constructor?

  Constructor(Shape2D, SVGMatrix)

 Shape2D add(Shape2D); // returns a path that is the union of the 2

Just to clarify, add() means a union of the two shapes, with no side-effects
resulting from winding rules of the individual path?

Shape2D seems reasonable and useful just as an immutable capture of all
coverage aspects of geometry. If add() is hard for platforms to support,
is expensive and clients don't know that, perhaps we can leave it out of
version. If we really want to have add(), why not include the full
of Set operations  [ diff, xor, intersect ], which are no harder to
(afaik) once you've implemented add().


 This class will represent a painted area. Because it knows the winding and
 stroking rules, the browser will be able to do expensive math in advance.
 It can also cache the region on the GPU.
 a. default constructor that creates an empty region
 b. constructor that take a path and a winding rule. This represents a
 filled region
 c. constructor that takes a path, 

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2014-01-24 Thread Ian Hickson

On Tue, 4 Jun 2013, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
 The context of the proposal is the following language in the HTML spec:
   Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki
   MetaExtensions page to establish if a value is allowed or not: values
   defined in this specification or marked as proposed or ratified must
   be accepted, whereas values marked as discontinued or not listed in
   either this specification or on the aforementioned page must be rejected
   as invalid.
 I propose we remove that language from the spec [...]

For the past few years, we've been running an experiment here, getting 
people to register values on the wiki:

We also have the rel extensions registry on the microformats wiki.

Before we go further, we should probably discuss the problem that we're 
trying to solve with these registries, instead of just allowing any value 
to be used. These are the same reasons as for most things we make non- 
conforming at the authoring level:
 - helping authors catch cases where their intent is unclear
 - helping authors catch typos
 - helping authors avoid known interoperability issues
 - helping authors avoid wasting time

(See also: )

There's also the goal of just documenting what's out there, to help people 
who want to invent new values to avoid reinventing the wheel, or at least, 
to avoid reinventing it poorly.

I think these goals are reasonable, and worth pursuing. We could just have 
wide-open extension points here, allowing any value, not bothering to 
define any. But I think this would be a net loss.

From the aforementioned experiments with wiki registries, we've learnt 
several things, which I shall now discuss. Some of these are taken from 
mailing list discussions on this thread; thanks to the contributors 
thereto. Others are taken from IRC discussions earlier this week; thanks 
to Tantek and MikeSmith in particular for their comments:

The first big lesson is that, maybe surprisingly, there's a lot of demand 
for these features. The long tail of needs for these values is very long 
indeed. Well over a hundred meta name keywords have been registered, and 
that ignores all the ones that people haven't bothered to register.

Simultaneously, people are unhappy when validators don't know about their 
meta names. The modern HTML validators point people to the Wiki; for 
example, says:

   You can register metadata names on the WHATWG wiki yourself.

People follow the link and attempt to register values all the time. The 
barrier to adding values has been low, but still not trivial: you have to 
e-mail a request for a wiki account, then when you get it a few days 
later, you have to add the item to the wiki page which means editing 
MediaWiki's table markup. We get a few requests for accounts each week. We 
also get a number of people each week filing unclear bug reports on the 
spec asking, I think, for certain values to be registered.

One lesson from this is that we could make this much easier, e.g. by 
having validators offer to register the keyword directly. The wikis for 
meta name and link rel have been wildly more successful than IETF/IANA 
registries, at least in terms of how many keywords they document. This is, 
presumably, due to the lower barrier for entry. If a goal is to document 
values used on the Web, then lowering the barrier to entry even further 
might increase the volume of documentation.

Another lesson, though, is that if we make certain values non-conforming, 
we'd better have a rather convincing message for the validators to give 
the authors. Such messages should probably include an explanation as to 
why a value is non-conforming and a description of how to achieve the 
desired effect instead. Right now, the message is just Bad value ... for 
attribute name on element meta: Keyword ... is not registered. This may 
be the best we can do for unknown values (though maybe we could do better 
for typos, pointing people to the keyword they probably meant to use?), 
but if we start marking values as non-conforming because of issues with 
the values, we need to be clearer. Right now, for link rel extensions we 
have the concept of synonyms. This probably isn't sufficient for 
validators, though, and we don't have it at all for meta.

Another anectodal data point is that based on the conversations I've had 
with people trying to register accounts on the WHATWG wiki so they can 
register keywords, many authors have no idea what these keywords are 
really for, despite being very sure they want to have them and not wanting 
validators to complain about them. I don't know what we can do about that, 

Re: [whatwg] 'hidden' as resources control (Was: Simplified picture element draft)

2014-01-24 Thread Bruno Racineux

On 1/24/14 7:35 AM, David Newton wrote:

On Jan 23, 2014, at 10:52 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 1/23/14 9:13 PM, Bruno Racineux wrote:
 Could 'resource control' be an associated spec of the 'hidden'
 It bothers me, at first glance, to overload the attribute to mean
different things.  I predict people will appear who want the hidden
thing to hide but still want loading/preloading.
 It would be better to just have a separate attribute for the separate
task if we go this direction.

In addition to overloading `hidden`, it misses the `postpone` use case of
images that we want to be visible (i.e. not have a `hidden` attribute),
but not loaded until/unless the user scrolls enough for them to be in the

I am not necessary saying that it should replace 'postpone'. Though note
again as I mentioned that 'postpone' is currently dead per:

I am not sure what happens to the use case you mention;'lazyload' doesn't
cover it and I don't recall it it did when before 'lazyload' was split into
lazyload+postpone. But because without css 'postpone' can't work. That's
Where 'hidden' actually helps implementing the 'postpone' functionality.
'Postpone' could exist separately as jit for that image lazy-loading case.

The requirement for ATs with 'hidden' is to access the structure of hidden
elements. Not the presentation aspect... I am having a hard time
translating that a resources that is not yet needed or is no longer
needed means that it should load immediately *regardless*.

In practice that is not the case. The 'not yet' may never happen...
Yet we decide to preload something 'hidden' which the UserAgent is asked
not to render. It doesn't compute for me... And I am not trying to
overload 'hidden'. I am strongly conveying that by design, 'hidden'
should not load right away as currently implied by current specs.

The question become when does 'hidden' ought to load. It can load 3
ways: 1. Lumped into preloading like everything else, 2. On
DOMContentLoaded or 3. Just-in-time loading.

Either option 2 or 3 seem perfectly legitimate choices. But I strongly
disagree with option 1 as default. 'hidden' indicate a lower priority.
Preloading 'hidden' elements seems just wrong in the first place.
It introduces backward resource priorities.

On 1/23/14 7:52 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
Not only the pre-loader doesn't load the data-src
but image.png doesn't actually load at all.

How did you determine that last, if I might ask?

Right, it's only webkit. My test were just follow-ups on Kornel's initial

One false hope for potentially using object as responsive image polyfill
(or actual solution) because IE doesn't wait for the document 'interactive'
state or documentready like Firefox or Webkit do, and so altering object
with JS prior to its resource loading is a no-go in IE... Just for the

On 1/23/14 7:05 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Not only the pre-loader doesn't load the data-src
but image.png doesn't actually load at all.

You're assuming that object preloads at all.

Considering the pre-loader loads everything displayed or not,
yes. That's not for misinterpreting any documentation though.
And there is in fact a webkit bug, and/or oversight in implementation with


Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-24 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  If the user needs a big ring, it seems bad for us not to render one. 
  Especially since we can know this.
 Yes, there are users who need extra high-contrast focus rings. But no, 
 they don't get that from an operating system setting that the app 
 queries, I think that's the source of the confusion.
 Try checking the Make the focus rectangle thicker checkbox in Windows. 
 Any time where a single-pixel dotted outline was shown before, you'll 
 now see a 2-pixel dotted outline. However, in every application I tried, 
 when previously you saw a custom focus highlight (which is the majority 
 of the time - the dotted outline looks very dated), there's no change - 
 including in Windows explorer, Office, IE, Firefox, etc. - I just don't 
 see any precedent for applications that already provide custom focus 
 highlighting to do something different when the Make the focus 
 rectangle thicker option is checked.

Why isn't this just a widespread accessibility bug?

  If you want to give the AT position information when there's no 
  visible focus ring, that's what addHitRegion() is for.
 For the record, I like addHitRegion and I'd like to go forward with 
 implementing it too. Do you consider it ready for implementation?

Yeah, I'm not aware of any outstanding work for it right now.

 Have any other browsers expressed interest?

I do not recall specific comments from browser vendors one way or the 

 The impression I got a while back was that there were still concerns 
 from some people.

I'm not aware of any outstanding concerns.

 We should probably start a new thread on addHitRegion if there's 
 anything to discuss, and keep this one focused on drawSystemFocusRing, 
 since that's the one that it appears three browsers have implemented 
 now. (I'm assuming IE is implementing it, given that Microsoft has 
 publicly commented on the spec.)

The reason I think it's relevant is that if what people want 
drawSystemFocusRing() to do is in fact what addHitRegion() does, then we 
should not do both.

 It wasn't my intent to implement something different than the spec. The 
 spec only talks about the accessibility part of the implementation in a 
 Note explaining the meaning of Inform the user, which I didn't think 
 was normative. I took the language in that note as a guide but 
 ultimately tried to implement something that actually works. I made a 
 simple demo app to demonstrate the use of this API, and tested it with 
 three screen magnifiers while developing it.

I apologise that the spec was misleading in its note.

I've tried to update the spec to remove this confusion (and made the new 
paragraph normative.)

I think in practice it may be that for accessibility the right thing is 
for authors to use addHitRegion(), and the focus ring drawing APIs should 
only draw the focus ring and do nothing else.

On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
   I believe this is where part of our confusion/disagreements come 
   from. The draw*FocusRing methods are NOT direct-mode APIs for 
  Right. They're not really APIs for accessibility at all. They're about 
  drawing focus rings.
 No. The only reason for this API is accessibility.

That was not the primary intent of the APIs. (Accessibility, like 
security, performance, or internationalisation, is almost never the 
primary intent of a well-designed API, since accessibility, like security, 
performance, and internationalisation, are concerns that permeate _every_ 
API and well-designed APIs make them non-issues.)

 An author could just check the focused state and draw the ring himself; 
 there's no need for an API to do this.

There's no way to draw a focus ring that has the appearance of the 
platform's focus rings without an API for it.

   By calling draw*FocusRing on a fallback element, the a11y software 
   will now associate that element (and its aria rules) with the path 
   that was in the canvas' state.
  This is non-conforming behaviour that is incompatible with the API 
  design. Doing this will cause harm, because the API is incapable, as 
  designed, of being used in this manner correctly without causing bugs. 
  For example, if, when an element is not focused, it's split into four 
  parts, there's no way to draw a single focus ring around it. Thus the 
  data about that control's position _will be incorrect_ if the UA 
  relies on this method for this data.
 I don't understand. The path for the focus ring can be anything, 
 including multiple closed paths. The data for the a11y software won't be 
 wrong, it will be the boundingbox of those paths.

Right. If the intent, however, is for one part of the element to be 
magnified, and the other parts to just be decorative, then this would 
result in the 

Re: [whatwg] 'hidden' as resources control (Was: Simplified picture element draft)

2014-01-24 Thread Qebui Nehebkau
On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Bruno Racineux wrote:
 The requirement for ATs with 'hidden' is to access the structure of hidden
 elements. Not the presentation aspect... I am having a hard time
 translating that a resources that is not yet needed or is no longer
 needed means that it should load immediately *regardless*.

That seems like it should be up to the user, and, thus, the user
agent, yes? The question of whether and what to preload strikes me as
very much contingent on the priorities and circumstances of individual
users, and obviously not at all the authors' business. I find the
entire subject of specifying how user agents should preload completely
misguided. Shouldn't this, if *anything*, be open for innovation?

Re: [whatwg] 'hidden' as resources control (Was: Simplified picture element draft)

2014-01-24 Thread Bruno Racineux

On 1/24/14 7:37 PM, Qebui Nehebkau

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Bruno Racineux wrote:
 The requirement for ATs with 'hidden' is to access the structure of
 elements. Not the presentation aspect... I am having a hard time
 translating that a resources that is not yet needed or is no longer
 needed means that it should load immediately *regardless*.
That seems like it should be up to the user, and, thus, the user
agent, yes?
This is not about user-agents. Not sure what you are getting at...

The question of whether and what to preload strikes me as
very much contingent on the priorities and circumstances of individual
users, and obviously not at all the authors' business. I find the
entire subject of specifying how user agents should preload completely
misguided. Shouldn't this, if *anything*, be open for innovation?

What exactly do you find misguided, can you be more specific?