Re: [whatwg] Document.title for SVG documents

2014-02-03 Thread Cameron McCormack

Ian Hickson wrote:

I'm all for handling it in one place. What precisely do you want the
behaviour to be? (Consider HTML-in-SVG and SVG-in-HTML also -- the first
svg:title  element may come after the firsthtml:title  element, and
vice versa. Also consider when one or the other is primary but the
relevant element is absent.)

OK, how about: if the document element is an html:html, we choose the 
first html:title in document order; if the document element is an 
svg:svg, we choose the first child svg:title of the document 
element; otherwise, null.

This still is going to produce incorrect results for things like:

  !DOCTYPE html

but arguably you shouldn't be using title in there anyway.

Re: [whatwg] Document.title for SVG documents

2014-02-03 Thread Cameron McCormack

Jonas Sicking wrote:

An even simpler solution would be to say we choose the first
html:title  orsvg:title  in document order. That has the nice
property that we align SVG and HTML more.

Although as Dirk pointed out, SVG distinguishes title elements that 
are children of the root element vs children of other elements.  The 
title that is a child of the root element gives the title of the 
entire element, while a title child of another element in the document 
describes only that element (like title= does in HTML).

Re: [whatwg] Document.activeElement should return the root element in non-HTML documents when no element has focus

2014-02-02 Thread Cameron McCormack

Cameron McCormack wrote:

Document.activeElement is currently defined to return the body
element if there is no element with focus, or null if there's no
body element.  I think it needs to return the root element when
the document isn't an HTML document (like an SVG document).

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

You mean when there's no body element?

When the document isn't an HTML document and when there is no element 
with focus.  Browsers agree on returning null in an HTML document when 
there is no element with focus, no body element, but still a document 

[whatwg] Document.activeElement should return the root element in non-HTML documents when no element has focus

2014-02-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
Document.activeElement is currently defined to return the body element 
if there is not element with focus, or null if there's no body 
element.  I think it needs to return the root element when the document 
isn't an HTML document (like an SVG document).

[whatwg] Document.title for SVG documents

2014-02-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
Currently, HTML defines Document.title on SVG documents to defer to 
whatever the SVG specification defines for SVGDocument.title.  The 
SVGDocument interface has gone away, so this will need to be updated. 
From some basic testing, it looks like SVG needs the same behaviour as 
HTML -- first title element in the document, plus the white space 
collapsing behaviour.

Do you want to just handle that all in HTML?  I'm not sure there's much 
value to duplicating either the searching for the title element or the 
white space collapsing behaviour in SVG itself.

Re: [whatwg] Document.title for SVG documents

2014-02-01 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 1/02/2014 9:01 pm, Cameron McCormack wrote:

Do you want to just handle that all in HTML?  I'm not sure there's much
value to duplicating either the searching for the title element or the
white space collapsing behaviour in SVG itself.

Oh, and for the setter, it looks like implementations don't do anything 
when assigning to document.title in SVG documents.  (Chrome does 
something funny where it remembers what you assign to document.title, 
but it doesn't affect what's in the title element.)

I don't have a strong opinion on whether we should make the setter do 
something useful or nothing at all.  If we do, any newly created title 
element should be appended to the document element.

Re: [whatwg] Document.title for SVG documents

2014-02-01 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 1/02/2014 10:01 pm, Dirk Schulze wrote:

Could you be more specific about that? It is not just the first title
element in the document, but the first direct child of the element

That is what the spec says but that is not what implementations do.

A title nested in a group or graphical element has a different
meaning and shall not be used as title. If there is a nested title
element but no direct title child of the SVG root, then the document
has no title. This distinction is important for accessibility.

Sure.  I'd be happy with keeping the special SVG behaviour here too. 
Ian, if you still would prefer a hook in the SVG spec for you to refer 
to, rather than including this behaviour -- first title child of the 
document element -- then I can define for example SVG title element 
that represents that element.

Re: [whatwg] Should onfoo event handler properties be on Element or HTMLElement?

2014-02-01 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 22/01/2014 3:09 pm, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Or neither, if desired.  In Gecko we don't expose the SVG* properties in
IDL at all...

We decided against requesting adding an onzoom attribute to 
GlobalEventHandlers to avoid any complications with whatever solution 
comes out of the CSSWG who are looking into new zoom related 
functionality (which possibly could come out with an event named zoom, 
which then might be incompatible with SVGZoom).

Re: [whatwg] Form data append behavior on null type

2013-12-30 Thread Cameron McCormack

Tingan Ho wrote:

Wouldn't it be good to specify the behavior of type null in *append* method
of Form data?

Right now Safari sends string* null.* Chrome sends empty string . I
think Chrome's implementation is more right, because in a html form you
can't send null value, just empty strings

The specification, through the use of Web IDL, requires that null be 
sent.  Unless there is a clear majority of implementations that send , 
I don't think we should change from the default stringification behaviour.

Re: [whatwg] Range.createContextualFragment in SVG contexts

2013-12-28 Thread Cameron McCormack

Hi Victor,

Victor Costan wrote:

I'm trying to re-implement Range.createContextualFragment in Blink
following this whatwg spec:

There are two issues I'd like to discuss, related to the use of
createContextualFragment in SVG contexts.

1) If a Range's context is ansvg  element, I think the XML parsing
algorithm should be selected, so the elements in the resulting
DocumentFragment would get the SVG namespace. This way, inserting the
fragment in ansvg  tree would have the intended effect.

(the red circle should be completely covered by a black circle)

I think it would be unexpected that XML parsing is used here, when HTML 
parsing was used to get the SVG fragment in the document in the first 
place.  Maybe the HTML fragment parsing algorithm should be changed to 
push the svg element on to the stack of open elements so that the 
parser will interpret the circle .../ as foreign content?

Re: [whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

2013-07-02 Thread Cameron McCormack

Cameron McCormack wrote:

OK. I propose then that we allow [Unforgeable] on the interface, which

* attributes get own, non-configurable accessor properties (with setters
if they are not readonly attributes), and no property on the prototype
* operations get own, non-configurable, non-writable properties, and no
property on the prototype
* the stringifier gets an own, non-configurable, non-writable toString
property, and no property on the prototype
* there is an own, non-configurable, non-writable valueOf property that
just returns this

I think that's the least amount of crazy.

I've done this now:;r2=1.633;f=h;r2=1.81;f=h

Re: [whatwg] Why are we merging Document and HTMLDocument again?

2013-05-13 Thread Cameron McCormack

Dirk Schulze wrote:

We can not eliminate SVGDocument until you want to have SVG specific
attributes on Document ;). This was  not the discussion on the SVG
WG. But we do want to share all methods with HTMLDocument where is
makes sense, which are most of them. HTMLDocument, as noted by Boris,
have specific methods as well that we do not necessarily want in a
general scoped Document object.

We did discuss and agree to this last year:

and Erik made the change shortly afterwards.

The only interesting attribute there is rootElement.  And that isn't 
particularly interesting, though people do use it, so we can't get rid 
of it.

I don't think there's any real downside to having rootElement exist on 
all Document objects.

[whatwg] supporting HTMLElement.dataset on SVG elements

2013-02-05 Thread Cameron McCormack
As part of aligning SVG with some not-so-HTML-specific features of HTML, 
the SVG WG would like to support data-* attributes on SVG elements.  In 
mixed HTML/SVG documents, it seems like you would want to be able to use 
these attributes regardless of whether the elements are HTML or SVG, or 
indeed MathML.

Does it make sense to move HTMLElement.dataset up to Element, so that 
all elements can benefit from it?  If not, could this attribute be split 
out on to a separate interface that we could have SVGElement implement?

(I'm also going to be looking at the other global attributes that HTML 
elements have to see if any make sense in SVG too.)



Re: [whatwg] proposal: Add support for masking to canvas

2013-01-31 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 30/01/13 6:28 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

That's weird. heycam, can you elaborate on this? The addHitRegion() case
in particular never makes sense to be called without a dictionary
containing at least one member. Do we have to allow it?

This is to encourage (require, really) API design that allows the 
dictionary object to be not specified at all.  Remember that all 
dictionary members can be not specified anyway.

Do you want addHitRegion() to throw just like addHitRegion({}) would 
throw?  That will happen if you already have wording to say that 
addHitRegion({}) will throw.

Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-07 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 16/12/12 9:34 PM, David Bruant wrote:

WebIDL needs to embed in some way the notion of origin to enable
throwing for security reasons in the right places.

One idea would be to add an [OriginAware] extended attribute:
* On operations (like in Boris case), an origin check would be performed
before calling the core of the operation

Why would this need to be on specific operations and not just be 
enforced on every operation?  Is it that we want to avoid the overhead 
of origin checking if we know that calling the operation does not leak 
information?  Or it it that only a limited set of objects is exposed 
cross origin anyway, so we only need to check those?

* On attributes, both the getter and setter would throw if this is not
of the right origin.
* On interfaces, it would apply to everything (might be necessary for
Window and Document)

For the actual wording of the check, we could either have a security 
check that is performed at the right time in #es-operations etc. and 
which HTML defines to do the origin checking, or we can make Web IDL 
aware of origins itself, and then HTML would define what origin 
different objects come from.

Re: [whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2013-01-07 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 8/01/13 7:31 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

heycam, did we resolve this at the WebIDL level by any chance? Or is this
still open? (If the latter, is there a bug# for it? Or is this an HTML
problem I need to fix myself?)

No, this didn't get resolved. is the open bug.  I 
will respond there.

On Mon, 3 Dec 2012, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

I have to ask: are there languages or runtime systems that have that
sort of behavior on method calls (as opposed to in method
implementations in special cases where the operation is nonsensical)? It
seems weird to be requiring this behavior, in general.

Most languages, if you invoke the method of a superclass on an object of a
subclass that overrides that method in an incompatible way, will just let
you crash the application.

This isn't an option for us.

It might crash, but I'd say that's a bug in your class design that a 
superclass method cannot be called on a subclass.

Re: [whatwg] Styling details

2013-01-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
I'm wondering if anybody has had any further thoughts on how summary 
and details should be made stylable.

My initial feelings were along the lines of Tab's -- the disclosure 
widget feels very much like something that is created like a list bullet 
and matched with ::marker.  But reading Ian's reply I'm beginning to 
think that this is inadequate, as some platforms may not use a small 
separate widget for expanding/collapsing the details at all, and thus at 
some point in the future a binding should be used to define the 
element's native behaviour, and authors could switch that off with 
binding:none to get a stylable element.

But I also feel that authors should be able to get a useful, stylable 
presentation of the element without having to construct it themselves, 
e.g. by using the UA styles that Lachy suggested.  Would it be feasible 
to have a native presentation of the element, which you could opt out of 
with binding:none, and to have something like Lachy's styles apply when 
the native binding isn't being used?

When the native appearance is being used, should it be possible to 
target the disclosure widget with ::marker, or to be able to use 
list-style-type to change from the default disclosure widget, if the 
natural presentation of a details/summary for the platform is like a 
list bullet?  If that is not the way the platform would present a 
details/summary, should attempting to style the bullet automatically 
turn off the native rendering?

One thing that I don't like about thinking of the disclosure widget as a 
list bullet is that it requires the element to have display:list-item. 
I am not sure how useful it would be to have a summary element be 
inline or inline-block for example, but I feel like it would be good to 
support the creation of the ::marker in a manner independent of the 
display type.

But I am drawn to the idea of using list-style-type to specify the plain 
CSS disclosure widget appearance.  It seems natural to me for authors to 
use list-style-image to supply a custom image.

Re: [whatwg] Canvas: dash list API

2012-12-22 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 22/12/12 10:06 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Is there not some way we can have a lineDash attribute that returns a
manipulatable object that inherits from Array rather than the current
Java-like API? I remember this was discussed when getLineDash() and
setLineDash() were added, but I think it's worth taking another look
at this.

(For URLs I want something similar for path segments and I'd rather
not introduce get/set methods.)

Does it need to inherit from Array?  I think we can do this as long as 
the canvas context object does not need to watch the Array object for 
changes.  (This is technically already possible by just using object 
as the type, and handling assignments of non-Array objects in the 
attribute definition.)

We could have an Array type in Web IDL, which just means a reference to 
an Array object and which also doesn't do any type coercion when 
assigning to array elements or anything.

Re: [whatwg] Canvas: dash list API

2012-12-22 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 23/12/12 12:40 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

I guess dashList is somewhat simpler, but I think it would be nice if
it still did type coercion.

In that case, I guess we are reliant on whatever ES-allowed Array 
extending is possible, and I haven't followed that for a bit.  Is this 
actually possible now?

Re: [whatwg] Canvas: dash list API

2012-12-22 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 23/12/12 1:01 AM, Tobie Langel wrote:

Array-like objects which don't inherit from the Array object and are
thus missing methods one would expect to find on them (forEach, join,
etc.) is one of the biggest WTF of the Web platform. We should be doing
whatever it takes to fix this.

I agree that that would be confusing.

I think there is some tension between having an Array subclass so that 
assignments to array elements can be type checked (and so they an be 
notice by the owning object) and being able to assign a new Array object.

For example it seems reasonable to be able to do:

  ctx.dashList = [5, 10];

but then after this assignment is dashList a NumberArray (or whatever we 
would call the subclass), and thus not the same object that you assigned?

  var a = [5, 10];
  ctx.dashList = a;

If the Array object were converted into a NumberArray, then the a.push() 
call wouldn't affect the dashList.

If we don't have the type checking of array elements, and also don't 
need any noticing of individual element assignments, then we can just 
have a reference to a plain Array object and look at its elements at the 
time the dash array is needed.  That could preserve the author 
expectation that after assigning a new Array object to the property you 
would get the same object back when getting the property.

Re: [whatwg] Make the files attribute of the input element writable

2012-12-15 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 16/12/12 2:05 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

There's no way to express that in WebIDL, but I think that's a bug we
should fix in WebIDL.  We should allow getters and setters for
attributes to accept different IDL types...

Yeah, that has come up a couple of times now.  Filed

Re: [whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2012-12-03 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 4/12/12 6:31 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

It's a similar situation, yes.  But in this case I don't see why you'd
need an IDL annotation of any sort at all.  If you want the behavior to
be the same, just don't define onscroll on Bar at all and define the one
on Foo to special case the two Foo subclasses you care about here.  If
you don't want it to be the same, the IDL annotation doesn't help you.

I agree.  But if you we really do need a separate namedItem (for bug 
17201) on HTMLPropertiesCollection, then there is no harm in having it 
too, but I would have it not work on other HTMLCollection objects.

So I think my suggested solution for that bug is:

  * Have the definition of HTMLCollection.namedItem include a hook that
other specifications can override for descendant classes like

  * Do that overriding for HTMLPropertiesCollection.

  * Not define a distinct namedItem on HTMLPropertiesCollection.

I can see that if you did still include a namedItem on 
HTMLPropertiesCollection with its special behaviour, then you could save 
yourself effort by putting an extended attribute on HTMLCollection's one 
(which means delegate to the subclass) but I don't think it's really 

(I will put the above in the bug.)

Re: [whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2012-12-03 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 4/12/12 11:33 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Per our IRC discussion just now, I think I would propose that when a
method/setter/getter from a prototype of interface A is called against an
object that is of an interface B (or one of B's descendants), where B is a
subclass of A, and B defines its own method/getter/setter with the same
name, then it should throw.

I filed for that.

Re: [whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2012-12-03 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 4/12/12 12:11 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Hmm.  That, as phrased, is pretty complicated to implement in a
performant way, if the two methods/getters/setters have the same

Since I'm not terribly familiar with our generated bindings code, I'm 
not really sure what that would be.  Is there a phrasing that would not 
be so complicated but does the same thing? :)

Re: [whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

2012-09-27 Thread Cameron McCormack

Boris Zbarsky:

I guess from my point of view, extending the existing member
[Unforgeable] to a wider class of members without changing anything else
about it seems simpler than having two separate meanings to
[Unforgeable] depending on what it's decorating...  But maybe we're
thinking about simplicity in different contexts?

(Note we'll still need single-readonly-attribute [Unforgeable] for
several properties on Window and Document, no matter what we do with

I did forget this.  My simplicity involved getting rid of [Unforgeable] 
interface members, so obviously we can't do that then.

But I don't like having to add a valueOf operation to the IDL.  So maybe 
we can a separately named extended attribute on the interface that 
results in valueOf being unforgeable.

What about other functions from Object.prototype, by the way? 
toLocaleString, watch, hasOwnProperty, etc.?  If there are a bunch of 
properties (that don't correspond to IDL members) that need protecting, 
maybe handling it in [DefineOwnProperty] is the simplest thing to do.

Re: [whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

2012-09-25 Thread Cameron McCormack

Boris Zbarsky:

So we have indications that making everything on this
interface unforgeable is sufficiently web-compatible.

OK.  I propose then that we allow [Unforgeable] on the interface, which 

* attributes get own, non-configurable accessor properties (with setters 
if they are not readonly attributes), and no property on the prototype
* operations get own, non-configurable, non-writable properties, and no 
property on the prototype
* the stringifier gets an own, non-configurable, non-writable toString 
property, and no property on the prototype
* there is an own, non-configurable, non-writable valueOf property that 
just returns this

I think that's the least amount of crazy.

This would make Location.prototype empty.  Is that OK?

Re: [whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

2012-09-25 Thread Cameron McCormack

Boris Zbarsky:

I can live with this, but why is this better than just allowing
[Unforgeable] on all operations and attributes and defining an object
valueOf(); /* returns self */  on Location?

If we really do want to make all Location interface members be 
unforgeable, then moving the [Unforgeable] up to the interface seems 
like a nicer way to indicate that.  It also means we don't have to 
pretend we really are defining a useful valueOf operation.

Re: [whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

2012-09-25 Thread Cameron McCormack

Boris Zbarsky:

I guess the question is whether we're more likely to need [Unforgeable]
on some other entire interface or whether were more likely to need
[Unforgeable] on a single member that's not a readonly attribute.  Of
course we might never need either one...

I'm inclined to simplify now (by moving [Unforgeable] to the interface) 
and worry about it later if we need to.

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL nested interfaces

2012-09-10 Thread Cameron McCormack

Tobie Langel:

No. It sounds like I should be fast asleep instead of making a fool of
myself and wasting everybody's time.

It is however the kind of thing that Tab wants to do for CSS (have a 
window.CSS object that is like a namespace object for some CSS 
interfaces -- the concept for which used to exist in Web IDL a while 
ago, but which I removed due to disuse).  So it might well make sense to 
add something to Web IDL to handle this again.

Re: [whatwg] classList should perhaps move from HTMLElement to Element

2012-05-02 Thread Cameron McCormack

Rik Cabanier:

There was a discussion in the SVG WG about dropping the
SVGAnimatedxxx objects and have replace them with regular values. We
would need some tricks so we can change the DOM, but make it
backward compatible at the same time.

We have discussed this a few times, and I would desparately love for it
to work, but I am unconvinced it will.  I can an imagine an author
writing code like:

  if (!elt.className) ...

to test if a class has been set.  Even if we made the
SVGElement.className SVGAnimatedString object one that stringifies to
the class, add a [PutForwards] on to it so that assigning a string
works, it would still break the above code, since the ! operator always
returns false for an object.

Re: [whatwg] classList should perhaps move from HTMLElement to Element

2012-05-02 Thread Cameron McCormack

Rik Cabanier:

Who would do this in the current SVG world? As you say, (!elt.className)
would always return false...
Are you worried that new content won't work with an old viewer?

No that would actually continue to behave the same.  So I misspoke when 
I said things will break -- author expectations will break instead if 
they assume that that code which works on HTML elements would also work 
on SVG elements.

But maybe that's OK?

Re: [whatwg] Changing the type of event.dataTransfer.types

2012-02-29 Thread Cameron McCormack

Daniel Cheng:

We've reverted it back to an Array in WebKit.
Should the live requirement remain if it's an Array rather than a

I would think so.  Note that if the spec is changed to

  readonly attribute DOMString[] types;

it means that the object returned from that property is a platform array 
object, not a JS Array object.

Re: [whatwg] link.sizes and [PutForwards=value]

2012-01-20 Thread Cameron McCormack

Cameron McCormack:

The two Location objects stringify to the same thing, but are not ==.  I think
this can be confusing.

Ian Hickson:

Can we overload equality for objects?

No, not within the confines of ECMAScript.

[whatwg] API design restrictions due to barewords in onxxx= attributes

2011-11-25 Thread Cameron McCormack
This problem of using bare variables names rather than 
window.variableName in event handler attributes (which Boris mentions in seems 
annoying.  Is there any way we can avoid it by codifying current 
property lookup behaviour for all existing properties on 
elements/Document/Window while allowing newly introduced properties not 
to be found when using bare identifiers?

I think we could have an object on the scope chain (when onxxx=s are 
run) that will, instead of having names resolved in this order:

  1. look on element
  2. look on element's form (if it has one)
  3. look on document
  4. look on window

(which I assume is achieved by simply having those four objects on the 
scope chain in that order) does this instead:

  1. if property name is in set S, then:
   a. look on element
   b. look on element's form (if it has one)
   c. look on document
   a. look at element's named properties (if it has any)
   b. look at element's form's named properties (if it has a form)
  2. look on window

where S is the set of property names corresponding to

  * the IDL attributes, operations and constants on element's
  * those on HTMLFormElement (if the element has a form), and
  * those on Document

for the current set of APIs we have deployed.

Would this work?  Does it sound too brittle or hacky?

Re: [whatwg] Declarative Inert DOM (e.g. the template element)

2011-11-17 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 18/11/11 8:21 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

Another option is to tokenize the elements as usual, but put them into
a new document created for thetemplate  element (presumably using
the usual tree-building rules).  Because this document won't have a
browsing context, all the elements would be inert, like they are for
documents created by XMLHttpRequest.  The site could access this
document via a templateDocument (or whatever) property on

This would introduce a pretty big difference between text/html and XML 
parsing of HTML documents.

Re: [whatwg] link.sizes and [PutForwards=value]

2011-08-01 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 2/08/11 6:29 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

It's a confusion shared by all objects, though:

var x = [1,2];
var y = [1,2];
alert([x,y,x==y).join(' ');

This alerts 1,2 1,2 false.

That is true, but I get the impression that some authors don't know that 
the Location object is actually an object rather than a string.

I don't feel like [PutForwards] is a particularly obvious API design 
pattern for authors, and I don't think we should be adding new uses of it.

Re: [whatwg] link.sizes and [PutForwards=value]

2011-07-30 Thread Cameron McCormack

Jumping in the middle of this thread to pick up on one aspect...

On 28/07/11 6:15 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Are we really concerned about objects stringifying to [Object Foo]?

It seems that the usefulness of such stringification is far outweighed by
the usefulness of being able to treat the attribute as a string attribute
like any other reflecting attribute while also being able to use methods
on it. In fact, it is consistent with every DOMString attribute: they
don't stringify to [Object String], yet you can call methods on them.
What's the difference?

There is a disadvantage.  In JS, doing a comparison between two objects, 
regardless of whether they have custom stringification behaviour, will 
compare based on object identity and not the string.

iframe id=x src=b.html/iframe
iframe id=y src=b.html/iframe
window.onload = function() {
  var xw = document.getElementById(x).contentWindow;
  var yw = document.getElementById(y).contentWindow;
  alert([xw.location, yw.location,
  xw.location == yw.location].join(\n));

The two Location objects stringify to the same thing, but are not ==.  I 
think this can be confusing.

Re: [whatwg] on* attributes on DOM elements

2011-07-30 Thread Cameron McCormack

On 28/07/11 6:59 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Why, exactly? I thought for SVG the evt thing was only relevant for
content attributes, not IDL attributes.

That's right.  (Maybe Anne meant the Function used internally for the 
content attribute?)

Re: [whatwg] Nullable types and MediaStreams

2011-06-14 Thread Cameron McCormack
Per-Erik Brodin:
 Maybe the null-check in step 3 under When the PeerConnection()
 constructor is invoked .. should not be there anymore since
 signalingCallback is not nullable.

Yes, that step’s not necessary any more.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Nullable types and MediaStreams

2011-06-13 Thread Cameron McCormack
Per-Erik Brodin:
 The DOMString arguments 'options' and 'configuration' are never
 referred to as being null, and thus I think it is safe to assume
 that they will not be null and that the default conversion rules
 apply ( The
 callback arguments are all referred to as being null so I think it
 is safe to assume that they can be null.

Interface types now *do not* include null as one of their values unless
you make the type nullable explicitly.  The HTML spec hasn’t been
updated for this yet, though I have written a patch to do so:

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Media Stream API: What is the intended behaviour for undefined mandatory arguments?

2011-06-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
Tommy Widenflycht (ᛏᚮᛘᛘᚤ):
 Could we have some clarification for the below cases, please:
 var u;
 var n = null;
 // Should throw since u is undefined or just abort?
 navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(audio, u);

I don’t think Ian has made changes to the spec yet regarding interface
types not including null unless explicit made nullable.  So let me
assume for now that the spec says

  void getUserMedia
(in DOMString options,
 in NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback? successCallback,
 in optional NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback? errorCallback);

which I think is supported by the prose describing the method.  null
therefore is a value that can be passed to the two callback methods.

Per Web IDL at the moment, when there is no overloading, the types of
values passed to a method do not determine whether the call is to that
one unoverloaded method or not; it is assumed that you are calling that
method.  Therefore, each argument will just get converted according to
the rules in  This is a
nullable type, so we look at;content-type=text%2Fhtml#es-nullable-type
(as the spec looked earlier today).  Here, any value other than null is
converted according to the inner type.

There is a bug here: those rules should also explicitly consider
undefined as a JS value that is converted to an IDL null value.
Otherwise you would end up with a TypeError being thrown here, and I
don’t think that’s what you want.  It’s also inconsistent with what the
spec used to say before I made the recent change where null was removed
from interface types.

I’ve just fixed this bug now:

So if you pass undefined for successCallback it will be treated as null.

 // Will not throw but will abort.
 navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(audio, n);


 // Should throw because we are expecting at least two arguments.

Actually this should behave as if you called getUserMedia(audio,
undefined).  This is because of the different behaviour for overloading
I mentioned above; when there is overloading, you will get a TypeError
thrown if the number of actual arguments doesn’t match the expected
number of formal arguments for one of the overloads.

This difference in behaviour is sucky, and I’ll be looking at improving
this in Web IDL soon.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Media Stream API: What is the intended behaviour for undefined mandatory arguments?

2011-06-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
Aryeh Gregor:
 But there's an open issue that says Need to test how implementations
 actually behave when passed too few or too many arguments.  So I
 wouldn't assume the standard is right.  Maybe data would be useful on
 how different browsers behave here -- although I suspect that it will
 vary greatly from method to method.  I can tell you from experience
 that Gecko throws if you pass fewer than three arguments to
 document.execCommand().  It makes sense to me -- if we want the API to
 not throw if the argument is omitted, why isn't the argument optional?

It could be that the default coercion from undefined is acceptable, be
that throwing a TypeError, or being converted to false, etc.

Some months ago, after meeting with the TC39 folks, we came out with the
proposal to make Web IDL be relaxed, i.e. assume undefined for missing
arguments and allow additional arguments to be ignored, which I mailed
to public-script-coord, but I didn’t see any pushback on that.  Since
this is something that I want to resolve soon, it might be worth my
bringing it up on the list again.

At the very least, though, I want the behaviour of non-overloaded and
overloaded operations to be the same.  The current behaviour is

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] [Bug 12287] Restrict sequenceT to operation argument types and return types

2011-05-23 Thread Cameron McCormack
 Can MessagePortArray be changed to be some kind of collection like many of
 the other places in DOM when we want a list of children?  This would probably
 be easiest for me, but perhaps there is a better way.

I suggest just changing the typedef to `typedef MessagePort[]
MessagePortArray;`, and define MessageEvent.ports to be a read only

An alternative would be to define a new collection interface for the
attribute, as you suggest.  But for the arguments to
MessageEvent.initMessageEvent() and MessagePort.postMessage() these
would need to be sequence or array types so that you could pass in a JS
Array object.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] ArrayBuffer and the structured clone algorithm

2011-02-04 Thread Cameron McCormack
Anne van Kesteren: you mean? I wonder if we can still remove

Tab Atkins Jr.:
 Only if the out-of-bounds behavior for entries in Typed Arrays matches
 the current clamping behavior for CanvasPixelArray.  I don't see any
 explicit indication of what should be done in the Typed Array spec,
 which I suppose means that they're relying on WebIDL's coercion algos
 to keep things in-range for the given view.  WebIDL has the wrong
 behavior here right now (it wraps), though I think heycan is receptive
 to changing it.

This is

Kenneth Russell:
 For this reason I think we need to keep CanvasPixelArray distinct. I
 certainly hope that Web IDL does not change its conversion rules to
 mimic the clamping behavior in CanvasPixelArray. Right now Web IDL
 delegates to the ECMA-262 specification for primitive conversions,
 which have the wrapping behavior of C-style casts rather than clamping
 behavior. Forcing clamping for out-of-range integer values would
 impose a significant negative performance constraint on typed arrays.

So it seems at this stage CanvasPixelArray definitely needs to have the
clamping behaviour.

If people have opinions on whether all JS Number → IDL integer type
conversions should clamp or wrap, or whether Web IDL should just have an
annotation to indicate what kind of conversion is used, please comment
in the bug.



Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Exposing spelling/grammar suggestions in contentEditable

2010-11-28 Thread Cameron McCormack
Charles Pritchard:
 The content within an editable area is already exposed: xhr is

That is data that the user has explicitly typed in, though.

 I understand that a 'custom' system dictionary could expose
 private data ... Just as 'suggestions' on form elements do.

Suggestions on form elements can’t be accessed by script on the page.
They only expose information that the user selects.

 What breach is enabled by using a limited spell check?

(What does “limited” mean?)

If script can programmaticaly get at the spell check results, then it
exposes whether particular words are in the user’s dictionary to that

The assertion is that it is a violation of the user’s privacy for a web
page to know whether a word is in the user’s dictionary or not.  An API
to perform spelling checks and return their results would expose this
information.  As currently handled, spelling checks are done purely at
the UI level, and information about the dictionary is not exposed to

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] classList should perhaps move from HTMLElement to Element

2010-11-19 Thread Cameron McCormack
Boris Zbarsky:
 Given that SVG also has classes, it would make some sense to move
 classList from HTMLElement to Element.  That way SVG, and any other
 languages that define classes (XUL comes to mind, actually) can
 benefit from it as well.
 Note that Gecko's current classList implementation lives on Element.

Would classList provide access to the SVG element’s base or animated
value of class=?  Base probably makes more sense.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Orientation event in Firefox

2009-09-18 Thread Cameron McCormack
Simon Fraser:
 What you're talking about here is getting data from the
 accelerometer to describe arbitrary positions, so I think it would
 be clearer if these were called accelerometer events, or something
 else that distinguishes them from the usage that only applies to the
 cardinal angles.

What about “attitude”?

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] question about Web Storage setItem()'s behavior

2009-08-12 Thread Cameron McCormack
Boris Zbarsky:
 Given the actual example code (and not its description, which
 doesn't match the code), the relevant section is steps 1 through
 3 in the third bullet point.
 It looks to me like per the current spec text that will throw a
 TypeError for the above call, unless the second argument to setItem
 is marked [optional].

Yeah I think that’s right.  I’ll just note though that behaviour when
passing too many or too few arguments is still an open issue (although
it’s more likely that the ‘too many’ case will change than the ‘too few’

OTOH, passing in undefined explicitly as the second argument would have
it converted to the string undefined.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] New HTML5 spec GIT collaboration repository

2009-07-27 Thread Cameron McCormack
Manu Sporny:
  3. Running the Anolis post-processor on the newly modified spec.

Geoffrey Sneddon:
 Is there any reason you use --allow-duplicate-dfns?

I think it’s because the source file includes the source for multiple
specs (HTML 5, Web Sockets, etc.) which, when taken all together, have
duplicate definition.  Manu’s Makefile will need to split out the
HTML 5 specific parts (between the !--START html5-- and !--END
html5-- markers).  The ‘source-html5 : source’ rule in will handle that.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Codecs for audio and video

2009-06-29 Thread Cameron McCormack
Matthew Gregan:
 The reason for not selecting a video codec doesn't seem to have much weight
 when considering Ogg Vorbis as a required audio codec.  Apple's submarine
 patent argument doesn't seem to hold, as many deep-pocketed companies
 (including Microsoft) have shipped products with Vorbis support.  It might
 also be worth pointing out that the existing working draft of SVG 1.2
 includes a requirement for Vorbis support

That’s an old draft of a specification that never got to completion, but
the audio element was lifted from that and put in SVG Tiny 1.2:

which says:

  This specification does not mandate support for any particular audio

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Overriding functions in DOM Storage

2009-06-21 Thread Cameron McCormack
 (and a corresponding indexed property 0)
  // is created on window.sessionStorage.

  // This evaluates to 123.

  // This calls
  // window.sessionStorage.removeItem.[[Delete]](removeItem), which
  // invokes the name deleter behaviour because removeItem is the name
  // of a corresponding named property.
  delete window.sessionStorage.removeItem;

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Overriding functions in DOM Storage

2009-06-21 Thread Cameron McCormack
Cameron McCormack:
 Another edge case:
   // Just a normal property deletion...
   delete Storage.prototype.removeItem;

Actually I just realised that this won’t work, since properties that
correspond to operations are DontDelete.  But this and the other example
can still demonstrate when corresponding named properties get created
and removed if you use Storage.prototype.blah, for example (which when
created wouldn’t be DontDelete).

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] cross-domain scrollIntoView on frames and iframes

2009-04-03 Thread Cameron McCormack
Ojan Vafai:
 2) Add a css or xpath expression to fragment identifiers. Tthe iframe
 src can be set to #bar). Same as above
 applies. If there's no match, it's a noop. If there is a match, it
 scrolls the first one into view.

Sounds like XPointer:

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL vs HTML5 storage changes - delete behavior

2009-01-13 Thread Cameron McCormack
Ian Hickson:
   For DOMStringMap, my intention was to not provide methods at all, and 
   only provide the JS-native mechanisms.

Maciej Stachowiak:
  A bold choice, but I would not recommend it as the sole available 

Ian Hickson:
 See above for UndoManager, but for DOMStringMap I don't want to add any 
 other mechanisms, because they introduce name clashes. Right now the IDL 
 for DOMStringMap is:
[NameCreator, NameDeleter, NameGetter, NameSetter]
interface DOMStringMap {};
 It basically emulates a JS Object. It's intended only for JS. I don't see 
 why this is a bad idea.

At the moment, the interface is useful only for JS (and other languages
that support this kind of indexing).  For other languages, a
DOMStringMap object would appear to be a completely opaque object
without any means of interacting with it.  Given that this is basically
meant to be a shorthand for getting/setting attributes with particular
names, I would be happy with it not existing in other language bindings.
Web IDL doesn’t have a mechanism to state that an interface member or a
definition should only be included if the target language binding is a
particular one, though.

An alternative would be to put operations on the interface to act as the
getters/setters/etc., and use the [NoIndexingOperations] extended
attribute to indicate that these operations won’t correspond to
properties in language bindings such as ECMAScript.  That would then at
least make the interface useful for other languages.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] DOM Storage feedback

2009-01-13 Thread Cameron McCormack
Jonas Sicking:
 I talked with Cameron a while ago about what the default behavior
 should be for null. We couldn't find any functions that required that
 null be treated as null, but there are several examples of functions
 that require that null be treated as the empty string.

I began testing all attributes and operations with DOMString arguments
from a selection of specs for their behaviour wrt null and undefined:

Each pair of characters in the column for a browser is the behaviour for
null and undefined, respectively.  It’s nowhere near complete, though
you can see that there are some operations arguments and attributes that
stringify null to null (“S” in the column).

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] DOM Storage feedback

2009-01-13 Thread Cameron McCormack
Jonas Sicking:
 So in the null column an S means that it's treated as null, an E
 as , but what does N mean?

N means that I was able to determine that null was treated as the
actual null value, rather than converted to a string.

 Yes, there are definitely a lot of Ss in the null column for
 non-firefox browsers. The question to me is if this is really needed
 for webcompat though. Looking though our bug database I see no
 indication of that, but that's not necessarily a proof.
 If we were able to use  as the default behavior for null then we
 would be able to get away with much fewer exceptions (so far alert()
 and and possibly write() has been found).

OK.  So what is more important for choosing the default: fewer
exceptions (and thus fewer [Null=…] things polluting the IDL),
consistency with the default stringification behaviour of ECMAScript,
or avoiding the somewhat counterintuitive default behaviour of
converting a valid value of the type to a different value of that type?

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] DOM Storage feedback

2009-01-13 Thread Cameron McCormack
Jonas Sicking:
 So it behaves different from passing in an empty string? For some
 functions this surprises me, such as for the namespace parameter for
 getAttributeNS, I would think that we there treat  the same as null.

Not necessarily, but I agree that would be a better thing to report.
I’ll rejig the tests to get that information.

Cameron McCormack:
  OK.  So what is more important for choosing the default: fewer
  exceptions (and thus fewer [Null=…] things polluting the IDL),
  consistency with the default stringification behaviour of ECMAScript,
  or avoiding the somewhat counterintuitive default behaviour of
  converting a valid value of the type to a different value of that type?

 converting a valid value of the type to a different value of that
 type, which values exactly?

null.  It feels slightly strange to me to treat null as a “second class
value” by default.  But I’ll get over it. :-)

It may actually be indicative of a need for two distinct types: strings
(i.e., possibly empty sequences of characters) and strings-or-null.  But
I don’t know if it’s worth rewriting everything in this way.

 I think another factor, that you haven't mentioned, that is very
 important is web compatibility. But beyond that I think I would rate
 fewer exceptions highest.

Well, I assume that writers of specs that document already-implemented
interfaces will choose the appropriate [Null] annotation (or lack of it)
for web compatibility.  Which to choose as the default is orthogonal, I

Cameron McCormack ≝

[whatwg] Misnamed attribute on HTMLFormElement

2009-01-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
The IDL currently says:

  interface HTMLFormElement … {
attribute DOMString accept-charset;

I assume that should be acceptCharset?  If you are actually wanting a
property on an ES host object named “accept-charset”, then some
additional functionality in Web IDL to define that will be needed.

Cameron McCormack ≝

[whatwg] Window::showModalDialog() missing [Variadic]

2009-01-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
The 1 argument version of Window::showModalDialog() is missing a
[Variadic] on the second argument:

  interface Window {
any showModalDialog(in DOMString url);
any showModalDialog(in DOMString url, in any arguments);

Since no arguments need be passed for those designated with [Variadic],
the two operations could just be combined into one:

  interface Window {
any showModalDialog(in DOMString url, [Variadic] in any arguments);

Cameron McCormack ≝

[whatwg] Window::applicationCache missing

2009-01-01 Thread Cameron McCormack
The applicationCache attribute on the Window interface seems to be

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] number-related feedback

2008-12-31 Thread Cameron McCormack
Hi Ian, Jonas.

Ian Hickson:
 The UA would set a limit on the value it accepts for maxlength=, and 
 then cap the result at that, preventing someone from entering more than 
 4GB (or 2GB, or 4TB, or whatever limit the UA has). Does that answer your 
 question? In practice I would expect other limitations to come into play 
 long before a test for this limit could be triggered.

I don’t think it does answer the question, since you need to know what
happens if you do:

  e.setAttribute('maxlength', '50');

The text currently in the spec isn’t clear:

  If a reflecting DOM attribute is an unsigned integer type (unsigned
  long) then, on getting, the content attribute must be parsed according
  to rules for parsing non-negative integers, and if that is successful,
  the resulting value must be returned. If, on the other hand, it fails,
  or if the attribute is absent, the default value must be returned
  instead, or 0 if there is no default value.

The “rules for parsing non-negative integers” algorithm can return any
non-negative integer.  Web IDL doesn’t define what to do if a spec
defines an operation to return a value that is not a member of its
return type.  I’d classify that as a bug in the description of
reflecting DOM attributes.

I suggest to reword that paragraph to something like the following:

  If a reflecting DOM attribute is an unsigned integer type (unsigned
  long) then, on getting, the content attribute must be parsed according
  to rules for parsing non-negative integers, and if that successfully
  returns a value in the range of an unsigned long, that resulting value
  must be returned. If, on the other hand, it fails, returns an out of
  range value, or if the attribute is absent, the default value must be
  returned instead, or 0 if there is no default value.

Similar wording would be needed for other paragraphs in this section.

Cameron McCormack ≝

[whatwg] DOMStringMap named properties

2008-12-17 Thread Cameron McCormack
Continuing a conversation from IRC

Cameron McCormack:
 heycam Hixie, i think it would be better if DOMStringMap still
   had operations annotated with [NameGetter] etc., and then for me to
   introduce something in Web IDL to indicate that the operations don't
   correspond to functions, and then for you to use that functionality
 heycam Hixie, so something like
 heycam it'd have the advantage of both making the description of the
   named property accessors simpler (since you'd just do your usual
   description of operations) and also makes the interfaces suitable
   for languages that don't support object indexing
 heycam s/makes/making/
 heycam Hixie,

Ian Hickson:
 Hixie heycam: i'm scared that that's like giving implementors a
   loaded gun and telling them to point it at their foot and set the
   safety and then pull the trigger -- implementors who aren't paying
   attention will shoot themselves
 Hixie heycam: i.e. they'll think what's NoIndexingOperations? oh
   well let's ignore it for now and we'll get the functions exposed

Is that a valid concern?  There are many requirements that Web IDL makes
that aren’t immediately obvious just by looking at an IDL fragment.
Such a concern could easily be mitigated with a small note.

 [19:38] Hixie heycam: i'd much rather have the idl look like the js
   object and have [IndexSetter] etc take arguments to provide names
   for the other languages

But would you add those names? :)  You’d need to specify the type of
the values, too, so that the implicit name getter operation can have a
return type (and to give the type of the name setter/creator operation’s
second argument).

This is how I would recommend the section read:

  The DOMStringMap interface represents a set of name-value pairs. When
  a DOMStringMap object is instantiated, it is associated with three
  algorithms: one for getting the list of name-value pairs, one for
  setting names to certain values, and one for deleting names.

interface DOMStringMap {
  [NameGetter] DOMString get(in DOMString name);
  [NameSetter, NameCreator] void put(in DOMString name,
 in DOMString value);
  [NameDeleter] void delete(in DOMString name);

!-- green note --
Note that due to the use of the [NoIndexingOperations] extended
attribute, the interface prototype object for DOMStringMap will not
have properties named get, set and remove; the only way to access
the strings stored in a DOMStringMap is by accessing them via
properties directly on the object.

  The names of the supported named properties on a DOMStringMap object
  are the names of each pair returned by the algorithm for getting the
  list of name-value pairs.

  The get(name) method must run the following algorithm:

1. Let /pairs/ be the list returned from the algorithm for getting
   the list of name-value pairs.
2. Let /pair/ be the entry in /pairs/ whose name component is equal
   to /name/.
3. Return the value component of /pair/.

  The set(name, value) method must run the algorithm for setting names
  to certain values, passing /name/ as the name and /value/ as the

  The delete(name) method must run the algorithm for deleting names,
  passing /name/ as the name.

If you definitely don’t want to use [NoIndexingOperations], then the
section should look like the following:

  The DOMStringMap interface represents a set of name-value pairs. When
  a DOMStringMap object is instantiated, it is associated with three
  algorithms: one for getting the list of name-value pairs, one for
  setting names to certain values, and one for deleting names.

[NameGetter, NameSetter, NameCreator, NameDeleter]
interface DOMStringMap {

  The names of the supported named properties on a DOMStringMap object
  are the names of each pair returned by the algorithm for getting the
  list of name-value pairs.

  When a DOMStringMap object is indexed to retrieve a named property
  /name/, the following algorithm must be run:

1. Let /pairs/ be the list returned from the algorithm for getting
   the list of name-value pairs.
2. Let /pair/ be the entry in /pairs/ whose name component is equal
   to /name/.
3. Return the value component of /pair/.

  When a DOMStringMap object is indexed to create or modify a named
  property /name/ with value /value/, the algorithm for setting names to
  certain values must be run, passing /name/ as the name and the
  result of converting /value/ to a DOMString as the value.

  When a DOMStringMap object is indexed to delete a named property named
  /name/, the algorithm for deleting names must be run, passing /name/
  as the name.

If you go without [NoIndexingOperations], then I suggest specifying

Re: [whatwg] Stability of tokenizing/dom algorithms

2008-12-15 Thread Cameron McCormack
Edward Z. Yang:
  Sounds good, since HTML4 is a strict subset of HTML5 (correct me if I'm 

Ian Hickson:
 Mostly, yes. (There are exceptions, but they're not things you'd really 
 want to be using anyway, e.g. obscure SGML features.)

Note though that it’s not possible to write a document that is both
valid HTML 4 and HTML 5, since they both require a different DOCTYPE to
be used.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] A slightly different use-case for shared workers

2008-08-29 Thread Cameron McCormack
Robert O'Callahan:
 Why not just open new window and move the playing audio element from the
 old window into the new window? You might need to call play() on it again in
 the new window, but you shouldn't lose your place in the stream.

Why shouldn’t that throw a WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR?

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] Disabled attribute for iframes

2008-08-14 Thread Cameron McCormack
Ian Hickson:
 This seems like a bug. It seems like we would want to address this 
 directly rather than requiring authors to disable iframes when doing drags 
 (especially since that wouldn't help with things like plugins or 
 whatever). Wouldn't the better solution be to provide some sort of 
 mechanism to say that while the mouse button is down, all the mouse move 
 events should go to the element that got the mousedown event?

The old SVG 1.2 Full draft had a pair of methods (which are implemented
in Batik), startMouseCapture()/ stopMouseCapture(), that could be used
to do this kind of thing.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] HTML 5 : Misconceptions Documented

2008-08-06 Thread Cameron McCormack
 bindings for some interface written in
Web IDL, then you could consider the [IndexGetter] to be a good guide to
do that sort of thing.



Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL vs HTML5 storage changes

2008-05-18 Thread Cameron McCormack
Hi Brady.

Brady Eidson:
 A little while ago, this change - - was meant to 
 update the spec for consistency with WebIDL

 In this change, the following passage was removed from the Storage  

 In the ECMAScript DOM binding, enumerating a Storage object must  
 enumerate through the currently stored keys in the list the object is  
 associated with. (It must not enumerate the values or the actual members 
 of the interface). In the ECMAScript DOM binding, Storage objects must 
 support dereferencing such that getting a property that is not a member 
 of the object (i.e. is neither a member of the Storage interface nor of 
 Object) must invoke the getItem() method with the property's name as the 
 argument, and setting such a property must invoke the setItem() method 
 with the property's name as the first argument and the given value as the 
 second argument.

 Shorty thereafter, the declaration of the Storage interface was changed 
 to the following:

 interface Storage {
 readonly attribute unsigned long length;
 [IndexGetter] DOMString key(in unsigned long index);
 [NameGetter] DOMString getItem(in DOMString key);
 [NameSetter] void setItem(in DOMString key, in DOMString data);
 [XXX] void removeItem(in DOMString key);
 void clear();

 I assumed that the WebIDL descriptions of [IndexGetter], [NameGetter],  
 and [NameSetter] would keep the specified functionality in tact, but it 
 appears this is *not* the case.
 Or by reading I can't find  
 where it is the case...

 Does someone know what is up with this?

Yeah, Web IDL doesn’t currently have a way to make a property DontEnum,
so the IDL there isn’t strictly equivalent to the prose that used to be

 While I'm on the topic, I'm also curious about that [XXX] placeholder.
 There's a bug in WebKit's bugzilla pointing out that the IE8 beta and  
 Firefox 2 both support  `delete storage.keyName` syntax as an alias for 
 I'm taking a guess here and assuming supporting the `delete` syntax is  
 the implied concept behind [XXX]


 Not that this mailing list has direct impact on the WebIDL spec, but I  
 would suggest [NameDeleter] or [NameRemover] as a placeholder in the  
 HTML5 spec since it fits in with the NameGetter/Setter family of  
 operations quite nicely.

They’re sensible names.  I’ll append() that on my TODO list.



Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] nextSiblingElement ?

2008-01-23 Thread Cameron McCormack
Hi Garrett.

Garrett Smith:
 nextSibling and previousSibling are useful, but not always what I want.
 I usually want to get a siblingElement than a sibling, which might be
 a  text node.
   Dom.findNextSiblingElement = function(el) {
   for(var ns = el.nextSibling; ns != null; ns = ns.nextSibling)
   if(ns.nodeType == 1)
   return ns;
   return null;

There is, which specifies just

Cameron McCormack,

Re: [whatwg] Web widgets

2007-10-08 Thread Cameron McCormack
Ian Hickson:
 The W3C WebAPI working group is working on Widgets, so I'm going to punt 
 on this as far as the HTML5 spec is concerned. Let me know if there's 
 anything that you still think belongs in HTML5 about this.

I think that’s the Web Application Formats WG who is working on Widgets.

Cameron McCormack,