Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-05 Thread Martin Janecke

On 02.04.15 22:05, Bobby Mozumder wrote:

On Apr 2, 2015, at 12:11 PM, Martin Janecke wrote:

On 02.04.15 04:59, Bobby Mozumder wrote:

I understood that the motivation for your proposal is a shorter loading time 
for content on webpages. Your proposal might be one way to achieve this, but to 
me it's not obvious that we *need* a built-in MVC framework in HTML to make 
content load quicker, or that it is the best way to do it. Your proposal is a 
pretty huge, much encompassing thing for a very particular problem.

I’m open to other solutions, and looked at several other proposed solutions as 
previously mentioned. For my solution I gave:

1. Allows high-speed dynamically loaded webpages via JSON APIs.  Makes the web 
as fast as native apps.
2. Doesn’t require initial loading of an external Javascript framework (or 
multiple frameworks)
3. HTML only - broadening usability.  Doesn’t require the web developer to code 
in Javascript.
4. Allows advanced Javascript developers to tinker with model data directly via 
its own model-access API if needed
5. Stateful model object.  Browsers can manage this model data if needed. (save 
it for offline use, etc..)

I get that my proposal is a huge change, but I don’t see any other path to 
hitting these goals other than putting in MVC in HTML.  You have any other 
ideas or other frameworks?

I pointed at HTTP/2 in the discussion on the public html mailing 
list. It speeds things up without putting an MVC in HTML. I think it 
works for more use cases. It works on a very different layer (which 
implies that it can be combined with further mechanisms of course, 
including your proposal).

Are you going to create a working demonstration/polyfill for your proposal, so 
that people can try it, as has been suggested?

I would recommend Angular with some of its directives as probably the closest 
polyfill to this in terms of the view layer.

That's not what I meant. I meant: Are you or is somebody else going to 
provide a (JavaScript) script that interprets the markup from your 
proposal and makes it work without being natively build into browsers yet?

Such a polyfill may be build using Angular of course.

You know what would be better than a polyfill?  If the browser vendors tackled 
the issue directly.

I disagree. I'm convinced that it's better to identify and solve as many 
of the concept's problems as possible before it is natively implemented 
in browsers.

Why are you dismissive of a polyfill? I don't know how likely your 
proposal is to make it into HTML at the end, but whatever the chances 
are, they appear to be higher with a polyfill than without one as a 
considerable portion of the people who commented on your proposal asked 
for one and explained why they consider it necessary.

If your proposal get's included in HTML, the polyfill would allow people 
to already use your concept and enjoy most of its benefits during a 
transitional period when there are still many old browsers around who 
don't support the native implementation.

If your proposal didn't become part of HTML, the script would enable 
everybody who likes your approach to use it anyway, with all the 
benefits except for point 2 in your list above.

Making the polyfill wouldn't be in vain in any case.

The only disadvantage I see in developing the polyfill is that it costs 
its developers time and energy. But it saves multiple browsers' 
developers' time and energy, so I don't consider this argument to be 
highly relevant.

Happy Easter

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-05 Thread Bobby Mozumder
 On Apr 3, 2015, at 8:13 PM, Christopher Rolfe wrote:
 Looking through the examples on github I find myself quickly confused even
 looking at the basic examples. We seem to be declaring models in the head
 and then using them throughout the body in a complex manner.

I agree that my example was too complex.  I simplified the example  rewrote 
much of the documentation.  Please check the Github if it’s any clearer.  Do 
let me know if it isn’t.  I definitely want it to be understandable.

 Another issue to consider is this. The idea that MVC suits everyone has
 already been brought up, but what of this, the idea that someone tries to
 do something that you haven't considered?

Like what?  Javascript would still be available.

 You haven't really mentioned much about how Javascript fits into this new
 system, this proposal isn't going to be the end of JavaScript. You've said
 that callbacks will be accessible for certain actions but it still seems a
 little raw.
 For example, is it possible to update values within a model from
 JavaScript, you've said you'll expand on that section later.

Yes.  This documentation will take time, perhaps a good year before testing can 
even begin.  I'm still at the early concept stages.

 Another potential consideration is SEO. How is the url affected when you
 click a link, you give an example of when an mref link is clicked more data
 is pulled in, how is the url affected? Would you use something like the
 HTML push state to change the url when mref links are clicked? Is there a
 way to define this etc.

Yes the HREF gets pushed onto the URL with pushState.  In the A, there would 
be both an MREF and an HREF.  The MREF for the model data, and the HREF for the 
URL pushState, and for sharing, etc..

 My last point I guess echoes what a few people have already said. What's
 the point of this, who is this targeted at and why.
 Is the average Joe really going to take their time to learn a complex form
 of XML/HTML if they aren't going to learn JavaScript. I think not.

Again, the point is to increase HTML's interaction responsiveness without going 
into Javascript.

I think people are familiar with the idea of using Templates.  If you look at 
Tumblr’s basic users, they already use templates, and their templates look like 


Compare it to this proposal, which would be:

title model=‘title’/title

So, they’re not that far off.  Every CMS I’ve seen has some kind of template 
language, so the concept of templates should already be familiar to web 
developers.  In fact I believe more people would know templating than they know 

Also, these other template syntax isn’t valid HTML, while this would be. 

 As I said I build websites myself and the majority that I build are not
 Single Page Applications, I'd wonder how many out there are and really do
 we need to change HTML to suit what I suspect would be a minority of sites.
 Good luck and I hope you can understand the concerns I've raised.

Yep. Again, if there are any usability concerns, let me know.  I’m trying to 
avoid bad design like:

script type=“application/javascript”

When it should have been:

script type=“javascript”

Or just:


That sort of thing.  Some languages, like Python, were designed with usability 
testing, and any improvement in HTML should be done with that in mind.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-04 Thread Joshua Cranmer

On 4/1/2015 9:59 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:

On Mar 31, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote:

On 3/30/2015 10:02 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:

One thing I’m interested in is to see more technical discussions   around this 
idea.  Like, very specific issues that show a design or
concept flaw.  It’s only been about 10 days since I proposed this and  I haven’t 
received much in that area.  (I did change one thing to  split MREF from HREF based 
on feedback about people wanting backwards  compatibility.)

Technical discussion is the last step of the process. The reason why people 
haven't provided technical feedback is because you have failed to motivate your 

I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious.
No. Simple examples don't make design faults obvious, they hide all but 
the most obvious design faults. My experience with designing APIs is 
that they can't be fully evaluated until you've tried to use them in 
their intended scenarios and discover the pain points.

   This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
fundamental problems with the proposal.  Most of the unnecessary arguments 
against it boil down to people just stuck in their comfort-zone, and those 
people aren’t the target audience for this proposal anyways.  Javascript people 
are going to be happy with their existing selection of MVC frameworks, so why 
would they want anything new like this?

The mistake Javascript developers are making is that they make the assumption 
that everybody else is a Javascript developer.

Instead, I’m mostly getting a lot of “I’m scared!” or “Everyone   should get a 
PhD in Javascript like I did!” which obviously isn’t 

going to happen. So, if there are technical faults with the proposal  here, 
definitely list them.  (or preferably in the Github, where I  can keep track of 
issues directly)
Attacking your detractors with ad hominems is a great way to get yourself 
ignored. People aren't saying those things--they're questioning the utility of 
your proposal in the first place. You take it for granted that HTML needs a 
complex, SQL-based MVC framework. You take it for granted that JS is the devil 
and should be avoided. You appear to take it for granted that using JS 
frameworks is a problem that needs to be solved. These views are not commonly 
held on this mailing list, and you're completely ignoring the feedback which 
is, in effect, questioning these assumptions.

Not ad hominem.  I’ve literally had developers tell me everyone should learn 
Javascript.  Example:

You said, and I left your original quote, wveryone should get a PhD in 
Javascript whereas your detractor said [everyone] should all learn 
JS. There is a big difference between the two statements, and 
belittling that difference makes you seem petty.

That's obviously a horrible idea.  Why would anyone encourage millions of other 
people to do more work?   Everyone’s time is limited.  Why should a 
fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed site?  
They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.

The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
framework in HTML for that to happen.

Years ago, when I first learned HTML in a class, one of the assignments 
had us make a table of links. I decided to make the links all point to 
different sites than their text indicated--and realized that the http: 
link in the status bar would give the game up. After asking around, I 
was told how to change the status bar text using JS, and then proceeded 
to copy-paste-tweak that into my desired goal. At that time, I didn't 
know how to program, and certainly never knew JS.

I bring this example up because it shows that people who are motivated 
to solve a problem will take the time to figure out how to do so--even 
if it requires technologies they never learned.

You’re asking people to learn Javascript, an MVC framework, and its associated 
templating system, to fix a basic user experience problem with the web.

I was talking with a Tumblr power user a couple of days ago about this and she 
confirmed that all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML, somewhat 
fewer people know CSS, and nobody knows Javascript.  Tumblr maintains about 200 
million sites.

Pay attention to your quote. They know the basics of HTML, not they 
know most of HTML nor they know the complex bits of HTML. The 
central fallacy of your argument is that you're arguing that translating 
a complex design pattern from JS to HTML will automatically make people 
learn it, and your own quote disproves that fallacy.

This points to an obvious meta-design flaw: you're constructing a 
proposal based on intermediate programming principles (MVC and database 
query), motivating it based on perceived utility (not usability) to 
non-programmers, and finally resisting any 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-03 Thread Andrea Rendine
 Polyfills aren’t going to cover all possible scenarios, either, since
they’re going to be limited by test coverage.
Some messages ago you suggested that Angular would serve as a proof of
concept for your proposal
I'm sure you didn't mean to replicate Angular.js with HTML.
No polyfills will actually cover all use cases, but it's also true that you
are not required to build something usable here and now. You just need
something working so that authors and possible collaborators can follow
your proposal.
I'd suggest you a simple script with modern DOM methods that can be run,
say, on Safari/Chrome/Opera latest versions (no need for legacy support),
just for Web designers who wish to test how it works. It's easy - an XHR to
simulate native call, a server-side script for the API and a bit of DOM
traversing for content substitution. Just in order to let people know that
your proposal is not a bunch of words.

2015-04-03 6:04 GMT+02:00 Bobby Mozumder

  On Apr 2, 2015, at 1:16 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
  Many of simple cases that I see that you could potentially do with
  your approach as described, at least my understanding of what I've
  seen so far, can in fact be done today with several frameworks
  declaratively.. There is competition in the space of how to express it
  and that is fundamentally no different than if we discussed it on a
  mailing list, there would be different ideas.  The difference is that
  one involves speculation, no testing and is useless to people in the
  meantime (and the meantime means years) - very frequently only at the
  end of that do you find out that 'whoops, that isn't actually what
  developers need for 70% of real cases' and that scenario is a
  fundamental loss at almost every level.  The issue is that that those
  simple cases are, in fact, not the norm, you exceed them very quickly
  and the question immediately becomes 'then what?’.

 You adapt and change things as needed.  But for now you work with the
 information you have.

 Again, I’m not trying to create a large comp-sci project with all sorts of
 theoretical options.  I just see a basic user experience problem and
 figuring out a solution designed to fix that.

 I hope you agree that there is full-page reload is a problem with the
 web?  If you agree that it’s a problem then we can fix it.

 Ideally the solution would work with all parameters I previously mentioned
 (JSON API interfacing, no loading additional JS files, high-school kids can
 understand it, etc..)

 Other solutions don’t meet these parameters.  Angular/React/etc. requires
 loading in an extra Javascript file, as well as JS programming, which is
 why they’re not widely adopted except for JS developers.  XSLT doesn’t have
 a statefully persistent model object  operates around weird XML.  MDV also
 needs JS and the models seem tied too close to the DOM, and so on..

 The fact that so many people are trying to solve this problem isn’t a good
 thing.  It means there’s a problem with HTML itself that needs to be
 addressed.  HTML really needs to just go ahead and fix it.

  There's a lot of
  competition and collaboration figuring out how you create a well
  reasoned system that allows users the proper balances of power and
  simplicity and ability to adapt.  To answer the same sorts of
  questions that they answer every day, your solution will involve
  JavaScript too - as well as SQL and some server-side specifications
  which will require their own languages and probably frameworks.

 Those are optional features.  The basic proposal offers dynamic pages
 without Javascript, using pure HTML.

  I'm honestly not trying to dissuade you here or perpetuate an
  argument, I'm just saying that your insistence on drawing this line to
  say 'it's so simple' is, surely you can appreciate, a 'big' statement
  and it doesn't seem unreasonable for people to ask you to actually
  show them.  Believe it or not, participants in standards bodies have
  limits to the amount of time and monetary investment they can make
  into something and there's a lot to do.  Getting something started
  often requires first-movers to show something, even browser makers
  usually don't just throw an idea out there, they work out a proof of
  concept with the proposal and show people what they are talking about.
  It's not unreasonable to think that people ask you to do a little more
  leg-work before they commit to ...well... even reading more if you see
  what I mean... we've all got limited time.

 Right now I’m trying to figure out advanced scenarios or use models where
 this proposal would be a bad idea. You have any ideas on that?  Polyfills
 aren’t going to cover all possible scenarios, either, since they’re going
 to be limited by test coverage.

 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious. 
 This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
 fundamental problems with the proposal.

There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
1) it relies on some undefined magic  
2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow know how 
to use the features you propose without learning. How?
 That's obviously a horrible idea. Why would anyone encourage millions of 
 other people to do more work? Everyone’s time is limited. Why should a 
 fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed site? 
 They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.  
 The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
 framework in HTML for that to happen.
And fashion designer will be able to use it without learning? Also it is not 
clear, how are you going to separate M from V from C if it is all HTML.
 You’ll find that the kind of proposal I’m putting out there is the only 
 viable solution.

Your proposal is just a bit of magical thinking, not any solution. I am not 
sure what problem are you trying to solve.  
Is that ‘allow non-technical people to build web-sites’? Then you are solving 
it at the wrong level.

Best regards,

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Mat Carey
Hi Bobby - I’m going to keep my response brief as I don’t want to get sucked 
into this one too deep:

 all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML
What you’ve proposed is not simple HTML, they won’t learn it.

 Javascript people are going to be happy with their existing selection of MVC 
 frameworks, so why would they want anything new like this?
Most of the JS devs I work with would love a new framework which works 
differently to the existing range of frameworks because everyone’s got their 
own idea of the best approach.  The beauty of the world today is that none of 
these are so deeply embedded that you’re stuck with them.

 This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
 fundamental problems with the proposal
My fundamental problem with this proposal is that it doesn’t blend well with 
the HTML we have - this group puts a lot of effort into backward compatibility 
because the web needs it.

If you really think this structure is what devs want then write a polyfill 
script that any noob can copy  paste (e.g. script 
src=“www.//”/script) to add all these features 
to any browser currently in the wild.  Then work hard to persuade the Tumblr 
kids” to care about things like performance  teach them all to use MVC using 
your polyfill.  If you really think it needs to be implemented in the browser 
write a browser plugin which makes it more efficient, then you’ve got some kind 
of case for this being a useful feature.

Even if everyone loved it this feature could not go into HTML spec and be 
adopted by developers without a polyfill.

If you really think that all browser vendors represented in this group are 
wrong then the answer’s simple - write your own browser which contains this 
feature and repeat the browser wars “hey, use my browser because it supports 
this feature no other browsers want”.

All the best.

Mat Carey

P.S. While you’re at it could you add a feature so I can forget any CSS I’ve 
ever known … something like font color=“red” size=“3” would be really simple 
for the Tumblr kids to learn. :)

 On 2 Apr 2015, at 03:59, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 On Mar 31, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote:
 On 3/30/2015 10:02 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 One thing I’m interested in is to see more technical discussions   around 
 this idea.  Like, very specific issues that show a design or 
 concept flaw.  It’s only been about 10 days since I proposed this and  I 
 haven’t received much in that area.  (I did change one thing to  split 
 MREF from HREF based on feedback about people wanting backwards  
 Technical discussion is the last step of the process. The reason why people 
 haven't provided technical feedback is because you have failed to motivate 
 your proposal.
 I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious.  
 This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
 fundamental problems with the proposal.  Most of the unnecessary arguments 
 against it boil down to people just stuck in their comfort-zone, and those 
 people aren’t the target audience for this proposal anyways.  Javascript 
 people are going to be happy with their existing selection of MVC frameworks, 
 so why would they want anything new like this?
 The mistake Javascript developers are making is that they make the assumption 
 that everybody else is a Javascript developer.
 Instead, I’m mostly getting a lot of “I’m scared!” or “Everyone   should 
 get a PhD in Javascript like I did!” which obviously isn’t  
 going to happen. So, if there are technical faults with the proposal  here, 
 definitely list them.  (or preferably in the Github, where I  can keep 
 track of issues directly)
 Attacking your detractors with ad hominems is a great way to get yourself 
 ignored. People aren't saying those things--they're questioning the utility 
 of your proposal in the first place. You take it for granted that HTML needs 
 a complex, SQL-based MVC framework. You take it for granted that JS is the 
 devil and should be avoided. You appear to take it for granted that using JS 
 frameworks is a problem that needs to be solved. These views are not 
 commonly held on this mailing list, and you're completely ignoring the 
 feedback which is, in effect, questioning these assumptions.
 Not ad hominem.  I’ve literally had developers tell me everyone should learn 
 Javascript.  Example:
 That's obviously a horrible idea.  Why would anyone encourage millions of 
 other people to do more work?   Everyone’s time is limited.  Why should a 
 fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed site?  
 They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.  
 The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
 framework in HTML for that to happen.
 We need to be 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Apr 2, 2015, at 12:11 PM, Martin Janecke wrote:
 On 02.04.15 04:59, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
 framework in HTML for that to happen.
 That's something you take for granted, but other people don't. Apparently, 
 people want to see the claim substantiated.
 I understood that the motivation for your proposal is a shorter loading time 
 for content on webpages. Your proposal might be one way to achieve this, but 
 to me it's not obvious that we *need* a built-in MVC framework in HTML to 
 make content load quicker, or that it is the best way to do it. Your proposal 
 is a pretty huge, much encompassing thing for a very particular problem.

I’m open to other solutions, and looked at several other proposed solutions as 
previously mentioned. For my solution I gave:

1. Allows high-speed dynamically loaded webpages via JSON APIs.  Makes the web 
as fast as native apps.
2. Doesn’t require initial loading of an external Javascript framework (or 
multiple frameworks)
3. HTML only - broadening usability.  Doesn’t require the web developer to code 
in Javascript. 
4. Allows advanced Javascript developers to tinker with model data directly via 
its own model-access API if needed
5. Stateful model object.  Browsers can manage this model data if needed. (save 
it for offline use, etc..)

I get that my proposal is a huge change, but I don’t see any other path to 
hitting these goals other than putting in MVC in HTML.  You have any other 
ideas or other frameworks?

 Are you going to create a working demonstration/polyfill for your proposal, 
 so that people can try it, as has been suggested?

I would recommend Angular with some of its directives as probably the closest 
polyfill to this in terms of the view layer.  

 On Mar 31, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote: 
 Serious question: why? What benefit does it bring? That JS is bad is not a 
 self-evident proposition.
 You’re asking people to learn Javascript, an MVC framework, and its 
 associated templating system, to fix a basic user experience problem with 
 the web.
 Bobby, you are the one who suggests that people should learn an MVC 
 framework, aren't you?
 Also, I think we have to remind ourselves that when you say a basic user 
 experience problem with the web you mean long loading time. I think naming 
 the problem you're trying to solve is important so that people can help 
 solving it. Or else we're just talking about a concept of yours and nobody 
 really knows why anymore.

Yes indeed.  This solution is specifically targeted towards that problem.  This 
interaction lag is something noticeable when you deal with native apps vs. the 
web.  When using a regular web page, people know you’re dealing with a web 
page, instead of something native.

Another undesirable characteristic of the web compared to native apps is layout 
reflows, but this can be addressed separately.

 I was talking with a Tumblr power user a couple of days ago about this and 
 she confirmed that all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML, 
 somewhat fewer people know CSS, and nobody knows Javascript.  Tumblr 
 maintains about 200 million sites.
 Imagine you or someone else indeed made that polyfill some people asked you 
 to provide. Tumblr could easily include that script on every Tumblr blog or 
 make this a one-click option for authors, right?
 So with that polyfill all authors of the 200 million Tumblr sites could make 
 use of your idea without knowing any JavaScript and before your proposal has 
 made it into HTML.
 Sounds like making that polyfill would be a good idea, doesn't it? And if it 
 proofs useful indeed and more popular than alternatives, it could be included 
 in the HTML standard.

You know what would be better than a polyfill?  If the browser vendors tackled 
the issue directly.  But I suspect that when all is said and done, they’ll 
eventually converge on this solution anyways, where they implement an MVC 
framework in the browser based on declarative HTML model definitions.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
  There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
  1) it relies on some undefined magic
 I believe that’s called “programming”.

So that poor fashion designer will have to learn to program after all…  
  2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
 To what? HTML already has things like SCRIPT and other features not related 
 to hypertext markup.

I don’t know to what, I never saw any examples how your MVC would look like.
Would you care to show how something like 
would look if
done your way?

  3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow know 
  how to use the features you propose without learning. How?
 They use HTML, which is far more widespread than Javascript.

But they don’t do MVC with pure HTML.
 There’s a reason this proposal has gone viral outside of this list.

Good luck.

Best regards,

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Bobby Mozumder
 On Apr 2, 2015, at 3:22 PM, Rimantas Liubertas wrote:
 There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
 1) it relies on some undefined magic
 I believe that’s called “programming”.
 So that poor fashion designer will have to learn to program after all…  

The browser vendors are the ones doing the programming.  They’ll ultimately 
decide if they want to implement this or not.

 2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
 To what? HTML already has things like SCRIPT and other features not 
 related to hypertext markup.
 I don’t know to what, I never saw any examples how your MVC would look like.
 Would you care to show how something like would look if
 done your way?

I have examples in the original message, as well as in: 

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Andrea Rendine
Some years ago there were also Internet Explorer 6, proprietary tags,
frameset web pages and the project for DHTML. There also was the idea of
simple JS expressions to be evaluated in CSS. Why does anybody not propose
to restore {expression()}?
Never been a fan of the new is good motto, but saying that things were
better in the past just because they were that way seems odd.
Delfin, you also cite the times (2002) when CSS could be effectively
disabled. Can you imagine a Web without CSS nowadays?
I don't think that Bobby's proposal focuses on ease of use. His model, as
it it planned now, seems quite complicated now. It is a different kind of
difficulty, but still difficult.

And planning to give the coding power to the people by means of
inventing easier things is wrong in its very merit. Javascript itself is
not a difficult programming language. In fact, Mr Mozumder's proposal seems
to lack uniformity because it does not make clear whether the author wants
to oppose the JS concept or the multiplication of frameworks.
Let's put it in 2 separate points:

1. fighting against frameworks is contrary to the very same logic you are
citing as support for Web as it was. It is true that different frameworks
solve the same problem in different ways. Thus authors can choose the tools
which best fit to the project - or no tools at all, but this is the second
point. Yes, there could be a sort of native framework and it will have
its strong points as well as its liabilities, and if it doesn't cover a
specific document structure it must be switched in favor of another. I take
it for granted that Bobby has no ambition to write the ultimate framework,
and I'm also sure that he couldn't do it by himself, were he going to.
But it is also true that frameworks add weight to the page. A weight which
is only partially reduced by e.g. using Google CMS to serve frameworks like
jQuery, considering that if several websites use the same files, then once
a user visits one, the script files are cached. I think that the only, REAL
good point in Bobby's project is this: reducing weight, and thus reducing
loading lag (reduced to 0 when you have nothing to download); and reducing
execution time, as some frameworks have a long time being executed (but
then Mr Mozumder has to prove that UA native implementation will be faster
- it's a joke, of course. Mr Mozumder cannot prove anything about that)

2. fighting against JS itself is a completely different case. I have
discussed it in depth above and I guess nobody likes to re-read things.
JS has been part of making web pages for a long time now. It is the
necessary integration to HTML and CSS because neither HTML nor CSS are
meant for content manipulation. HTML exposes an API, the DOM, and that API
can be used for a lot of things. This is the good point of JS. It allows
authors to work on elements and attributes, as well as interface
attributes, methods and properties using a much more fine-grained structure
than simple HTML. To make an example, when loading an external content you
can access different properties allowing you to easily find out origin,
HTTP call response code, loading status and so on. You have nothing to test
it in native HTML, unless you say that calling, e.g., property or method is HTML. It
isn't, it's JS.
The majority of frameworks were born to provide a solution for a different
problem: object standardisation across platforms. Think about AJAX
standardisation made by jQuery and other frameworks: it was necessary when
there were at least 3 different ways to do a simple XmlHttpRequest.
It's simple as that. If there were a deep wish to find a common platform
for features implementation (this wish is increasing, though), you wouldn't
even need frameworks. You'd still need JS, though, in order to execute XHR,
in a standard, 360°-wide scenario. That standardisation is still unachieved
for JS. So does anybody want to say that JS is not Web for this? Fine, then
get rid of CSS too, as its implementation is far from being uniform.

If you want to lower the barrier to entry in Web design, the right solution
is not to remove complex things. Do you lower grammar standards because it
is too difficult to speak correctly? Do you lower any of your expectations
towards any aspect of life when that aspect becomes too tough? I respect
anybody's effort to make web pages, and I myself am quite new to this. But
each one must do what s/he can do, or learn more things. What is needed for
a better Web is standard. It is a ruleset that can be studied and applied
without thinking Is this solution compatible with that specific version of
that specific browser?.

A final consideration: as JS is a scripting language, it has to be parsed
and compiled. If it presents errors, it cannot be executed and it stops.
With HTML6 you are going to deliver a powerful tool to, say, fashion
bloggers and Tumblr users. Is it meant to have an error handling as HTML
has to do 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread delfin

Hi all: 

I see some interesting things and a correc t approach of the MVC model
-- speaking in terms of theory -- in the original proposal of Bobby. 

Let me tell you something funny: 

* I do not see any unconvenient working with tags, as bones, because
for, as far as I remember, my firsts experiences in the web were using
tag , a programming language named _Coldfusion_. 1995. Anyone've heard
of it?
* To me , the proposal of Bobby for the HMTL6 spec reminds me subtly
that way of work, perfectly defined then and now as MVC. No kidding.
* Later, years later it came ECMAScript, I guess. For this the success
of ActionSCript/flash, ECMaScript based in C and Perl, with a clear
advantage over the Java plugins and the non-permitted Javascript ( in
the banking sphere, for example )
* We might have in mind that The websites , since few years ago, were
no made by developers, just few developers/programmers. It was the need
of communication and self-publishing what spread the web. Developers
were not then neither in its inception. Have a look at the forums and
silos from 1006 till 2004 and you will agree with me. A professional
coder is a professional coder.As far as I remember, developers were
focused on something that in our days days is not really well paid, if
it still exist, and if it is even get paid (joke). That was Middelware.
Now the money is in the web. Making grammar for the web to produce
hipertext. A simple TCP/Ip protocol.
* But HTML goes far from this, as we old cows knew. HTML is useful in
the MAIL/SMTP protocol, in the GOPHER protocol as well as in a lot of
scenarios aside from the HTTP/S/S2 we visit everyday.
* With all those protocols in mind, back then, designers ( like the
future ones Bobby is referring to ) , without being trained developers,
and coming from a background in the use of Hypercard and Graphical
computers start to learn to code for the web. The Mosaic (Netscape) now
dissapeared. After this, it came the need of standards and the oblivion
of VBScript, JScript, and Tables. As far as I remember, you might buy a
PowerPC station and you still were recommended to disable the CSS for (
a lovely declarative-imperative language, that inherits directly from C,
considered by then an afficionado and non-coder language ) for a better
navigation. That was in 2002, I guess.
* When I see people coding in a Terminal , I have a flashback as if I
were at secondary school. Of course there is the need to know to code,
as there is a need to know grammar. The need for this is simple: To use
properly a language. In our case, the language of the web.

Etcetera. Sorry for the verbose. I see all arguments right , and I
perceive both side of the positions explained in this mailing list. But
I do consider realy interesting the approach Bobby has made. 

Far more interesting ( appreciating the good use of JSON he explains )
that keeping alive a lovely language that some of us we have been using
for more than 15 years. 

I look and wait after the ECMAScript6 proposal, but I still have in mind
there was a web, once where no javascruipt was needed. And it worked
pretty well. 

My apologies for the verbose. Have all a good day. 



Delfi Ramirez

My digital signature [1]

+34 633 589231 [2] 

twitter: delfinramirez

 IRC: segonquart Skype: segonquart [3] [4]

On 2015-04-02 21:22, Rimantas Liubertas wrote: 

 There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely: 1) it relies on 
 some undefined magic I believe that's called programming.

So that poor fashion designer will have to learn to program after all...

 2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
 To what? HTML already has things like SCRIPT and other features not related 
 to hypertext markup.

I don't know to what, I never saw any examples how your MVC would look
Would you care to show how something like [6] would look if
done your way?

 3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow know 
 how to use the features you propose without learning. How?
 They use HTML, which is far more widespread than Javascript.

But they don't do MVC with pure HTML.

 There's a reason this proposal has gone viral outside of this list.

Good luck.

Best regards,


[3] skype:segonquart

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Andrea Rendine
stop talking about comfort zone and scared programmers and start acting
like a person who considers anybody else worth discussing with, instead of
a bunch of stupid people acting for their own interest.
What you propose is as complex and impractical as a JS framework is.
Moreover, an author should either learn very well SQL or learn your
variant of the language which is translated into SQL statements, something
you seem not to consider.

 Not ad hominem.  I’ve literally had developers tell me everyone should
learn Javascript.  Example:
 That's obviously a horrible idea.  Why would anyone encourage millions of
other people to do more work?   Everyone’s time is limited.  Why should a
fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed
site?  They have other things to worry about, like next season’s
I strongly hope you are joking. If the fashion blogger does not know how to
work with JS, s/he will either stick with ready-made sites or blogs, or ask
to someone capable to build the site for him/her. It's not just because
anyone can be a fashion blogger, that anyone can build a website too. The
former activity needs no skills (apart from some taste, while the
definition of taste is quite non-uniform), while the latter needs
technical skills, And your proposal will need technical skills as well -
not on the JS side, but in HTML.

 I was talking with a Tumblr power user a couple of days ago about this
and she confirmed that all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML,
somewhat fewer people know CSS, and nobody knows Javascript.
sarcasmWell, this means that we must also simplify CSS, don't you think
so? all that stuff about media queries, about animation and transitions,
pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, how can poor Tumblr users learn
sarcasm type=hardIt's a real luck that Tumblr kids, who obviously
constitute the bulk of modern authorship, know HTML well enough to also
learn your complex two-way control/view model (I still find it complex
somehow, I'm not as smart as they are of course. Evidence: I'm stuck in my
JS comfort zone)./sarcasm

I repeat the assumption I did in my private message, that you haven't
probably had the time to read. You seem to swing freely between saying no
to JS frameworks and saying no to JS as a whole. When and why you did
elaborate the idea that JS is not part of Website building? When did you
decide that web pages have to be HTML and CSS and SQL, while half the HTML
we have now is also defined in terms of objects with properties and
methods? Want to say no to frameworks? Stick to basic properties for

Keep on fighting against JS, and you will look like someone who is trying
to abandon CSS in favor of font tags and @width/@height attributes
because they're simpler.

2015-04-02 10:23 GMT+02:00 Rimantas Liubertas

  I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be
 obvious. This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t
 fundamental problems with the proposal.

 There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
 1) it relies on some undefined magic
 2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
 3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow know
 how to use the features you propose without learning. How?

  That's obviously a horrible idea. Why would anyone encourage millions of
 other people to do more work? Everyone’s time is limited. Why should a
 fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed site?
 They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.
  The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC
 framework in HTML for that to happen.
 And fashion designer will be able to use it without learning? Also it is
 not clear, how are you going to separate M from V from C if it is all HTML.
  You’ll find that the kind of proposal I’m putting out there is the only
 viable solution.

 Your proposal is just a bit of magical thinking, not any solution. I am
 not sure what problem are you trying to solve.
 Is that ‘allow non-technical people to build web-sites’? Then you are
 solving it at the wrong level.

 Best regards,

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Apr 2, 2015, at 1:16 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
 Many of simple cases that I see that you could potentially do with
 your approach as described, at least my understanding of what I've
 seen so far, can in fact be done today with several frameworks
 declaratively.. There is competition in the space of how to express it
 and that is fundamentally no different than if we discussed it on a
 mailing list, there would be different ideas.  The difference is that
 one involves speculation, no testing and is useless to people in the
 meantime (and the meantime means years) - very frequently only at the
 end of that do you find out that 'whoops, that isn't actually what
 developers need for 70% of real cases' and that scenario is a
 fundamental loss at almost every level.  The issue is that that those
 simple cases are, in fact, not the norm, you exceed them very quickly
 and the question immediately becomes 'then what?’.  

You adapt and change things as needed.  But for now you work with the 
information you have.

Again, I’m not trying to create a large comp-sci project with all sorts of 
theoretical options.  I just see a basic user experience problem and figuring 
out a solution designed to fix that.  

I hope you agree that there is full-page reload is a problem with the web?  If 
you agree that it’s a problem then we can fix it.

Ideally the solution would work with all parameters I previously mentioned 
(JSON API interfacing, no loading additional JS files, high-school kids can 
understand it, etc..)

Other solutions don’t meet these parameters.  Angular/React/etc. requires 
loading in an extra Javascript file, as well as JS programming, which is why 
they’re not widely adopted except for JS developers.  XSLT doesn’t have a 
statefully persistent model object  operates around weird XML.  MDV also needs 
JS and the models seem tied too close to the DOM, and so on..

The fact that so many people are trying to solve this problem isn’t a good 
thing.  It means there’s a problem with HTML itself that needs to be addressed. 
 HTML really needs to just go ahead and fix it.

 There's a lot of
 competition and collaboration figuring out how you create a well
 reasoned system that allows users the proper balances of power and
 simplicity and ability to adapt.  To answer the same sorts of
 questions that they answer every day, your solution will involve
 JavaScript too - as well as SQL and some server-side specifications
 which will require their own languages and probably frameworks.

Those are optional features.  The basic proposal offers dynamic pages without 
Javascript, using pure HTML.

 I'm honestly not trying to dissuade you here or perpetuate an
 argument, I'm just saying that your insistence on drawing this line to
 say 'it's so simple' is, surely you can appreciate, a 'big' statement
 and it doesn't seem unreasonable for people to ask you to actually
 show them.  Believe it or not, participants in standards bodies have
 limits to the amount of time and monetary investment they can make
 into something and there's a lot to do.  Getting something started
 often requires first-movers to show something, even browser makers
 usually don't just throw an idea out there, they work out a proof of
 concept with the proposal and show people what they are talking about.
 It's not unreasonable to think that people ask you to do a little more
 leg-work before they commit to ...well... even reading more if you see
 what I mean... we've all got limited time.

Right now I’m trying to figure out advanced scenarios or use models where this 
proposal would be a bad idea. You have any ideas on that?  Polyfills aren’t 
going to cover all possible scenarios, either, since they’re going to be 
limited by test coverage.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Apr 2, 2015, at 4:23 AM, Rimantas Liubertas wrote:
 I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious. 
 This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
 fundamental problems with the proposal.
 There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
 1) it relies on some undefined magic  

I believe that’s called “programming”.

 2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.

To what?  HTML already has things like SCRIPT and other features not related 
to hypertext markup.

Besides, where’s the rule that say “HTML needs to only be this..” ?  Artificial 
constraints are unnecessary.

 3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow know 
 how to use the features you propose without learning. How?

They use HTML, which is far more widespread than Javascript.

There’s a reason this proposal has gone viral outside of this list.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Apr 2, 2015, at 3:22 AM, Mat Carey wrote:
 This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
 fundamental problems with the proposal
 My fundamental problem with this proposal is that it doesn’t blend well with 
 the HTML we have - this group puts a lot of effort into backward 
 compatibility because the web needs it.

Explain why you feel it’s not backwards compatible.  I made sure the proposal 
is backwards compatible with the “MREF” attributes.  

You could take the same page and load it into an older browser, and it would 
work perfectly fine.  Older browsers would just ignore the MODEL elements and 
other attributes.

 Even if everyone loved it this feature could not go into HTML spec and be 
 adopted by developers without a polyfill.

Where did you get that idea?  Polyfills are unnecessary to advance HTML.  
Browser vendors don’t need them.  Where is the polyfill for CSS Exclusions, for 

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Yoav Weiss

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Andrea Rendine wrote:

 stop talking about comfort zone and scared programmers and start acting
 like a person who considers anybody else worth discussing with, instead of
 a bunch of stupid people acting for their own interest.
 What you propose is as complex and impractical as a JS framework is.
 Moreover, an author should either learn very well SQL or learn your
 variant of the language which is translated into SQL statements, something
 you seem not to consider.

  Not ad hominem.  I’ve literally had developers tell me everyone should
 learn Javascript.  Example:
  That's obviously a horrible idea.  Why would anyone encourage millions of
 other people to do more work?   Everyone’s time is limited.  Why should a
 fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed
 site?  They have other things to worry about, like next season’s
 I strongly hope you are joking. If the fashion blogger does not know how to
 work with JS, s/he will either stick with ready-made sites or blogs, or ask
 to someone capable to build the site for him/her. It's not just because
 anyone can be a fashion blogger, that anyone can build a website too. The
 former activity needs no skills (apart from some taste, while the
 definition of taste is quite non-uniform), while the latter needs
 technical skills, And your proposal will need technical skills as well -
 not on the JS side, but in HTML.

  I was talking with a Tumblr power user a couple of days ago about this
 and she confirmed that all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML,
 somewhat fewer people know CSS, and nobody knows Javascript.
 sarcasmWell, this means that we must also simplify CSS, don't you think
 so? all that stuff about media queries, about animation and transitions,
 pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, how can poor Tumblr users learn
 sarcasm type=hardIt's a real luck that Tumblr kids, who obviously
 constitute the bulk of modern authorship, know HTML well enough to also
 learn your complex two-way control/view model (I still find it complex
 somehow, I'm not as smart as they are of course. Evidence: I'm stuck in my
 JS comfort zone)./sarcasm

 I repeat the assumption I did in my private message, that you haven't
 probably had the time to read. You seem to swing freely between saying no
 to JS frameworks and saying no to JS as a whole. When and why you did
 elaborate the idea that JS is not part of Website building? When did you
 decide that web pages have to be HTML and CSS and SQL, while half the HTML
 we have now is also defined in terms of objects with properties and
 methods? Want to say no to frameworks? Stick to basic properties for

 Keep on fighting against JS, and you will look like someone who is trying
 to abandon CSS in favor of font tags and @width/@height attributes
 because they're simpler.

 2015-04-02 10:23 GMT+02:00 Rimantas Liubertas

   I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be
  obvious. This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there
  fundamental problems with the proposal.
  There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
  1) it relies on some undefined magic
  2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
  3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow
  how to use the features you propose without learning. How?
   That's obviously a horrible idea. Why would anyone encourage millions
  other people to do more work? Everyone’s time is limited. Why should a
  fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed
  They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.
   The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in
  framework in HTML for that to happen.
  And fashion designer will be able to use it without learning? Also it is
  not clear, how are you going to separate M from V from C if it is all
   You’ll find that the kind of proposal I’m putting out there is the only
  viable solution.
  Your proposal is just a bit of magical thinking, not any solution. I am
  not sure what problem are you trying to solve.
  Is that ‘allow non-technical people to build web-sites’? Then you are
  solving it at the wrong level.
  Best regards,

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Brian Kardell
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:

 On Mar 31, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote:

 On 3/30/2015 10:02 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 One thing I’m interested in is to see more technical discussions   around 
 this idea.  Like, very specific issues that show a design or
  concept flaw.  It’s only been about 10 days since I proposed this and  I 
  haven’t received much in that area.  (I did change one thing to  split 
  MREF from HREF based on feedback about people wanting backwards  
 Technical discussion is the last step of the process. The reason why people 
 haven't provided technical feedback is because you have failed to motivate 
 your proposal.

 I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious.  
 This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
 fundamental problems with the proposal.  Most of the unnecessary arguments 
 against it boil down to people just stuck in their comfort-zone, and those 
 people aren’t the target audience for this proposal anyways.  Javascript 
 people are going to be happy with their existing selection of MVC frameworks, 
 so why would they want anything new like this?
 The mistake Javascript developers are making is that they make the assumption 
 that everybody else is a Javascript developer.

That is just a fundamentally false portrayal and while I read between
the lines and understand your intent,  you're misunderstanding the
goals and pressures of an explainable platform that gets partially
figured out via experimental implementations.  Literally all of the
major players here are working on how to build increasingly high level
abstractions and working to compete or collaborate where appropriate.

Many of simple cases that I see that you could potentially do with
your approach as described, at least my understanding of what I've
seen so far, can in fact be done today with several frameworks
declaratively.. There is competition in the space of how to express it
and that is fundamentally no different than if we discussed it on a
mailing list, there would be different ideas.  The difference is that
one involves speculation, no testing and is useless to people in the
meantime (and the meantime means years) - very frequently only at the
end of that do you find out that 'whoops, that isn't actually what
developers need for 70% of real cases' and that scenario is a
fundamental loss at almost every level.  The issue is that that those
simple cases are, in fact, not the norm, you exceed them very quickly
and the question immediately becomes 'then what?'.  There's a lot of
competition and collaboration figuring out how you create a well
reasoned system that allows users the proper balances of power and
simplicity and ability to adapt.  To answer the same sorts of
questions that they answer every day, your solution will involve
JavaScript too - as well as SQL and some server-side specifications
which will require their own languages and probably frameworks.

I'm honestly not trying to dissuade you here or perpetuate an
argument, I'm just saying that your insistence on drawing this line to
say 'it's so simple' is, surely you can appreciate, a 'big' statement
and it doesn't seem unreasonable for people to ask you to actually
show them.  Believe it or not, participants in standards bodies have
limits to the amount of time and monetary investment they can make
into something and there's a lot to do.  Getting something started
often requires first-movers to show something, even browser makers
usually don't just throw an idea out there, they work out a proof of
concept with the proposal and show people what they are talking about.
It's not unreasonable to think that people ask you to do a little more
leg-work before they commit to ...well... even reading more if you see
what I mean... we've all got limited time.

I'm not trying to discourage you here, not at all.  If you have an
idea, I encourage you to try to develop it - find some people who are
interested, make compromises, flesh it out and come back to the list
with yourself in a better position.  I mean, it's not my list, so you
can do what you want - I just think that that's how you will see the
best results.

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Martin Janecke

On 02.04.15 04:59, Bobby Mozumder wrote:

The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
framework in HTML for that to happen.

That's something you take for granted, but other people don't. 
Apparently, people want to see the claim substantiated.

I understood that the motivation for your proposal is a shorter loading 
time for content on webpages. Your proposal might be one way to achieve 
this, but to me it's not obvious that we *need* a built-in MVC framework 
in HTML to make content load quicker, or that it is the best way to do 
it. Your proposal is a pretty huge, much encompassing thing for a very 
particular problem.

Are you going to create a working demonstration/polyfill for your 
proposal, so that people can try it, as has been suggested?

On Mar 31, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote: […]

Serious question: why? What benefit does it bring? That JS is bad is not a 
self-evident proposition.

You’re asking people to learn Javascript, an MVC framework, and its associated 
templating system, to fix a basic user experience problem with the web.

Bobby, you are the one who suggests that people should learn an MVC 
framework, aren't you?

Also, I think we have to remind ourselves that when you say a basic 
user experience problem with the web you mean long loading time. I 
think naming the problem you're trying to solve is important so that 
people can help solving it. Or else we're just talking about a concept 
of yours and nobody really knows why anymore.

I was talking with a Tumblr power user a couple of days ago about this and she 
confirmed that all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML, somewhat 
fewer people know CSS, and nobody knows Javascript.  Tumblr maintains about 200 
million sites.

Imagine you or someone else indeed made that polyfill some people asked 
you to provide. Tumblr could easily include that script on every Tumblr 
blog or make this a one-click option for authors, right?

So with that polyfill all authors of the 200 million Tumblr sites could 
make use of your idea without knowing any JavaScript and before your 
proposal has made it into HTML.

Sounds like making that polyfill would be a good idea, doesn't it? And 
if it proofs useful indeed and more popular than alternatives, it could 
be included in the HTML standard.


Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Michael A. Peters

On 04/02/2015 04:08 AM, Andrea Rendine wrote:

sarcasmWell, this means that we must also simplify CSS, don't you think
so? all that stuff about media queries, about animation and transitions,
pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, how can poor Tumblr users learn

Oh god yes, I like CSS selectors but the rest of CSS I personally have a 
hard time wrapping my head around - I'm guessing CSS was designed by 
people who have a completely different thinking style than I do.

I have no problem getting LaTeX to do what I want but CSS - I have 
struggled with it for literally 15 years.

I want to see CSS re-written from the ground up.

But that's going off topic ;)

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Andrea Rendine
You don't have to show any magnificent markup example with pages of
You have to show authors how this framework WORKS in real life. With
comprehensive use cases.
This is a polyfill. As you can find for any other HTML magic you see
CSS is a different case. Without proper tools, you can only replicate your
desired layout with graphical tools (and this is always done).
You can't expect that UA vendors build a new product based on your words.
Do you have ideas about several use cases and not just one?
Build a JS surrogate (you said you know JS) mimicking what future user
agents are expected to do. And test it for security and robustness and
flexibility. Markup is just words. Tagged words, but simply words.
Of course browser vendors will have to do a lot of programming to reproduce
your ideas. But first show how your ideas work.
And keep in mind that something is not simple just because it starts with 
and ends with , and for this reason you can call it markup or XML or SGML
or HTML and say it's simple.
Ok, it's you on the right side and the whole world gone wrong. I'm sure
your proposal has gone viral, and the fact you have no contributors, no
forks or no answers on Github (apart from Taylor Swift spam) is just red
But with a demo, everything will be clearer. And stop criticizing everybody
else's work just because it's different from yours.

2015-04-02 21:27 GMT+02:00 Bobby Mozumder

  On Apr 2, 2015, at 3:22 PM, Rimantas Liubertas
  There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
  1) it relies on some undefined magic
  I believe that’s called “programming”.
  So that poor fashion designer will have to learn to program after all…

 The browser vendors are the ones doing the programming.  They’ll
 ultimately decide if they want to implement this or not.

  2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
  To what? HTML already has things like SCRIPT and other features not
 related to hypertext markup.
  I don’t know to what, I never saw any examples how your MVC would look
  Would you care to show how something like would look if
  done your way?

 I have examples in the original message, as well as in: http:///

 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-01 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 31, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote:
 On 3/30/2015 10:02 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 One thing I’m interested in is to see more technical discussions   around 
 this idea.  Like, very specific issues that show a design or 
  concept flaw.  It’s only been about 10 days since I proposed this and  I 
  haven’t received much in that area.  (I did change one thing to  split 
  MREF from HREF based on feedback about people wanting backwards  
 Technical discussion is the last step of the process. The reason why people 
 haven't provided technical feedback is because you have failed to motivate 
 your proposal.

I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious.  
This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t fundamental 
problems with the proposal.  Most of the unnecessary arguments against it boil 
down to people just stuck in their comfort-zone, and those people aren’t the 
target audience for this proposal anyways.  Javascript people are going to be 
happy with their existing selection of MVC frameworks, so why would they want 
anything new like this?

The mistake Javascript developers are making is that they make the assumption 
that everybody else is a Javascript developer.

 Instead, I’m mostly getting a lot of “I’m scared!” or “Everyone   should 
 get a PhD in Javascript like I did!” which obviously isn’t  
 going to happen. So, if there are technical faults with the proposal  here, 
 definitely list them.  (or preferably in the Github, where I  can keep track 
 of issues directly)
 Attacking your detractors with ad hominems is a great way to get yourself 
 ignored. People aren't saying those things--they're questioning the utility 
 of your proposal in the first place. You take it for granted that HTML needs 
 a complex, SQL-based MVC framework. You take it for granted that JS is the 
 devil and should be avoided. You appear to take it for granted that using JS 
 frameworks is a problem that needs to be solved. These views are not commonly 
 held on this mailing list, and you're completely ignoring the feedback which 
 is, in effect, questioning these assumptions.

Not ad hominem.  I’ve literally had developers tell me everyone should learn 
Javascript.  Example:

That's obviously a horrible idea.  Why would anyone encourage millions of other 
people to do more work?   Everyone’s time is limited.  Why should a 
fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed site?  
They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.  

The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
framework in HTML for that to happen.

 We need to be able to advance the web without going through   Javascript.  
 It’s a mistake to assume that JS is a fundamental part 
  of the web.  The web is optimized for hypertext document processing,  and 
  most people use it to read content online.  This proposal fixes a  
  remaining issue with that.
 Serious question: why? What benefit does it bring? That JS is bad is not a 
 self-evident proposition.

You’re asking people to learn Javascript, an MVC framework, and its associated 
templating system, to fix a basic user experience problem with the web.  

I was talking with a Tumblr power user a couple of days ago about this and she 
confirmed that all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML, somewhat 
fewer people know CSS, and nobody knows Javascript.  Tumblr maintains about 200 
million sites.

Given all that, what’s your proposal to put forth an app-like high-speed 
responsive web experience without using Javascript?  Because any plan that 
includes “Need to know Javascript” will fail.

You’ll find that the kind of proposal I’m putting out there is the only viable 

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-31 Thread Joshua Cranmer

On 3/30/2015 10:02 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
One thing I’m interested in is to see more technical discussions   around this idea.  Like, very specific issues that show a design or 
 concept flaw.  It’s only been about 10 days since I proposed this and 
 I haven’t received much in that area.  (I did change one thing to  
split MREF from HREF based on feedback about people wanting backwards  
Technical discussion is the last step of the process. The reason why 
people haven't provided technical feedback is because you have failed to 
motivate your proposal.

Instead, I’m mostly getting a lot of “I’m scared!” or “Everyone   should get a PhD in Javascript like I did!” which obviously isn’t  
going to happen. So, if there are technical faults with the proposal  
here, definitely list them.  (or preferably in the Github, where I  can 
keep track of issues directly)
Attacking your detractors with ad hominems is a great way to get 
yourself ignored. People aren't saying those things--they're questioning 
the utility of your proposal in the first place. You take it for granted 
that HTML needs a complex, SQL-based MVC framework. You take it for 
granted that JS is the devil and should be avoided. You appear to take 
it for granted that using JS frameworks is a problem that needs to be 
solved. These views are not commonly held on this mailing list, and 
you're completely ignoring the feedback which is, in effect, questioning 
these assumptions.

We need to be able to advance the web without going through   Javascript.  It’s a mistake to assume that JS is a fundamental part 
 of the web.  The web is optimized for hypertext document processing, 
 and most people use it to read content online.  This proposal fixes a 
 remaining issue with that.
Serious question: why? What benefit does it bring? That JS is bad is not 
a self-evident proposition.

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not 
tried it. -- Donald E. Knuth

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-30 Thread Andrea Rendine
Bobby, the major criticism you have received about your proposal is that
you aren't considering at all any other party involved in this subject.
Correct me if I'm wrong, you cite no user agent responsible for support,
nor working groups or anything loosely resembling to that.
You are providing a very useful insight on how *you* see the web. And you
also provide a feedback based on the experience of high-school Tumblr girls
(why should she learn how to use Angular? However, there's nothing bad if
she learns something new).

The fact is, your proposal cannot be labeled as HTML6 Web needs something
new. And however your last messages do show that the proposal itself is not
strictly related to read/write Web as you claim. In fact, the main reasons
you cite behind your proposal are responsiveness and full-page reload
latency. Which are real problems, for sure, but not in the sense of
read/write, they're rather a matter of UX. A relative matter which does not
make the Web largely unusable, and if you have doubt about it just have a
look at ChromeExperiments and see what can be done with current poor

If what you need is localised content load, you have some features you can
use as of now. For example, you can use nested browsing contexts, which
also offer a layer of protection in the form of CORS restrictions,
sandboxing and MIME type declaration.

You want to get rid of these things? Use XHR, its support is native. As you
said, you are not against JS itself, but against writing more Javascript
than necessary. If you have the means, push towards a more pervasive
standardisation of current JS implementation, so that there will be
decreasing need for polyfills and syntax standardisers (with your proposal,
there'd be a need for a polyfill as well until it doesn't become supported
on new UA versions *and* new UA versions completely or substantially
replace legacy versions).

You still want more? Don't focus on changing a web page content. HTML is
still a declarative language after all, and there's nothing bad with it.
It's the purpose which originated it. Of course there's more now, but the
examples of websites or web apps you cited don't generally change the
content of a page, they integrate it, adding more items to the page as time
passes and events happen. So, as I said some messages ago, why not focusing
on template? It can add new elements to the existing document, it's HTML5
so you will have no chance of proposing your language, but you can still
work fairly well with it and with its margins for improvement. Current spec
suggests how to use it with a JS framework, why don't you elaborate a
proposal where template is able to load and parse its own
content-to-be? (Of course you can even imagine loading a page which is
initially empty, with just a declaration for a template, which adds content
at runtime. But it is different from altering current content, a kind of
operation that no web designer would desire to be natively executed).

And finally, consider that JS complexity and JS memory load are 2 different
aspects you will have to face with a brand-new language or featureset:
 - complexity deals with richness of use cases. When dealing with external
content load you have to consider its origin, format, language, connection
delay time (you focus on mobile experience, so you know what I mean), its
parsing. You have your mind standards, but you can't think things go always
ideally, nor you can consider that everybody uses the same structure you
have in mind. JS is flexible in this, as it manipulates current DOM
structure. Would your native implementation be flexible as well? (side
note: if you look at template, its content is really flexible, as it
allows as content model lists, tables, subsets of tables, menus and
definitely all flow content subsets you can imagine.) It also deals with
security. HTML cannot be stretched to execute direct SQL commands (what if
those commands are maliciously altered? Do you guarantee instructions
integrity? Or perhaps you provide a level of abstraction between HTML6
instruction and DB instruction? This only translates complexity from one
language to another, you see), nor to directly respond to server-triggered
events (you can imagine the issues of maintaining an open channel with the
server in order for it to fire content loading events, both on the side of
performance and security).
 - memory load is a completely different case. Yes, in order for a
framework to work, you have to deal with downloading and compiling it,
then it has to be executed. A native feature doesn't need downloads, but it
makes UAs heavier when they have to deal with all the subtleties of content
handling. You are suggesting that a UA behaves as a client for a specific
server of your web app, in a 2-way interaction (you can talk about page
and all, but the actor in a MVC as view and controller is the browser
itself). Can you guarantee that the additional work managed by the user
agent does not 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-30 Thread Jonathan Garbee
  You’re making this more complicated than it needs to be. Simplify the
problem domain.

I think we can all agree, we don't want another App Cache on our hands for
a standard. Sorry you feel an idea can be thrown out, immediately accepted
and pushed through simply because it seems obvious. In the real world,
things aren't always boiled down to the simplest solutions. Sometimes, we
need to have a bit of complexity and extra overhead in setting something up
to make sure it is robust and effective in as many situations as possible.

As has been said before, build a polyfill to show off your idea. I don't
think many vendors want to spend time building this out in-browser to test
when it is easily done in existing JS to get the idea down. We also need to
stop thinking purely about how things were built two years ago. ES6 and Web
Components introduce a lot of ground-breaking changes in this area, we
should see how they play out with framework vendors before jumping into
throwing it all into HTML and hoping it works well.

 So saying this is a “hard problem” just reeks of Javascript developer

This sounds very disrespectful. You're telling the people who are, writing
the standards, paying attention to give input to new standards and
modifying existing ones that they are lazy. They do this for a reason, most
have been bitten by some poorly thought out standard. This could end up
just another one. This kind of response does not encourage people to
continue to have a conversation on the proposal with you.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Andrea Rendine wrote:

 Bobby, the major criticism you have received about your proposal is that
 you aren't considering at all any other party involved in this subject.
 Correct me if I'm wrong, you cite no user agent responsible for support,
 nor working groups or anything loosely resembling to that.
 You are providing a very useful insight on how *you* see the web. And you
 also provide a feedback based on the experience of high-school Tumblr girls
 (why should she learn how to use Angular? However, there's nothing bad if
 she learns something new).

 The fact is, your proposal cannot be labeled as HTML6 Web needs something
 new. And however your last messages do show that the proposal itself is not
 strictly related to read/write Web as you claim. In fact, the main reasons
 you cite behind your proposal are responsiveness and full-page reload
 latency. Which are real problems, for sure, but not in the sense of
 read/write, they're rather a matter of UX. A relative matter which does not
 make the Web largely unusable, and if you have doubt about it just have a
 look at ChromeExperiments and see what can be done with current poor

 If what you need is localised content load, you have some features you can
 use as of now. For example, you can use nested browsing contexts, which
 also offer a layer of protection in the form of CORS restrictions,
 sandboxing and MIME type declaration.

 You want to get rid of these things? Use XHR, its support is native. As you
 said, you are not against JS itself, but against writing more Javascript
 than necessary. If you have the means, push towards a more pervasive
 standardisation of current JS implementation, so that there will be
 decreasing need for polyfills and syntax standardisers (with your proposal,
 there'd be a need for a polyfill as well until it doesn't become supported
 on new UA versions *and* new UA versions completely or substantially
 replace legacy versions).

 You still want more? Don't focus on changing a web page content. HTML is
 still a declarative language after all, and there's nothing bad with it.
 It's the purpose which originated it. Of course there's more now, but the
 examples of websites or web apps you cited don't generally change the
 content of a page, they integrate it, adding more items to the page as time
 passes and events happen. So, as I said some messages ago, why not focusing
 on template? It can add new elements to the existing document, it's HTML5
 so you will have no chance of proposing your language, but you can still
 work fairly well with it and with its margins for improvement. Current spec
 suggests how to use it with a JS framework, why don't you elaborate a
 proposal where template is able to load and parse its own
 content-to-be? (Of course you can even imagine loading a page which is
 initially empty, with just a declaration for a template, which adds content
 at runtime. But it is different from altering current content, a kind of
 operation that no web designer would desire to be natively executed).

 And finally, consider that JS complexity and JS memory load are 2 different
 aspects you will have to face with a brand-new language or featureset:
  - complexity deals with richness of use cases. When dealing with external
 content load you have to consider its origin, format, language, connection
 delay time (you focus on mobile experience, 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-30 Thread Nathan White

The burden of proof is on you. This is how argumentation and debate works.
Many rebuttals have been made that you simply ignore or fail to address.
You continue to make conflated statements that only distort the
conversation more. Like I said before, I'm not opposed to you sharing an
opinion but it should not belittle other voices.

I have no idea why people say this is a “hard problem.”  You’re making this
 more complicated than it needs to be. Simplify the problem domain.  We just
 need a declarative, native MVC framework in the browser.

Think about these larger level questions first. Why should MVC be a
standard and why is your version the correct one? There is no agreed upon
design pattern, yes MVC is popular but it takes many different forms. Some
people prefer MVVM, MVP, MVA, PAC, RMR or even Naked Objects. And there are
many more like event driven  pipelines. My point is MVC is far from being
an agreed upon solution, so why should we adopt your proposal?

How do you handle internationalization or localization?

Start there, there are numerous more issues.

 I gave a solution that’s optimal in every case.

You have failed to demonstrate this. Make a polyfill.

 There is no case where using Angular or Ember or React would be a better
 solution than having a native MVC framework in HTML.

Statements like this only exacerbate your ignorance on the subject matter.
Do you even understand these frameworks? What makes your opinionated
version a standard and not a framework? All of the above don't claim to
solve every problem but offer a pathway for extensibility, How would we
extend your proposal for domain specific problems?

 It’s easier (declarative syntax), it’s responsive (no need to download
 large Javascript frameworks), and uses less power (uses native code).

Maybe for you. Your opting for configuration over convention approach. Many
developers despise this approach. Verbosity killed XML / XSLT how would
this not suffer the same fate?

Again show how downloading large javascript frameworks are a burden.
Provide some numbers.

 Most of the issues around the current frameworks are due to Javascript
 itself and its interaction with the DOM.  React’s framework has a virtual
 DOM implementation to help speed things and other frameworks are being
 rewritten to do the same.  A user doesn’t have to worry about this.
 They’re experimenting and redesigning because they’re solving Javascript

No, they are using Javascript to solve state problems. HTTP/HTML is
inherently stateless. How do you solve for state?

 Maybe we need to define the authentication mechanism first?

Do you not see the fallacy of your proposal? Things should not have feature
creep and require redefining every aspect of what exists. Break this down
into small pieces. Like others said, this is a losing battle. Focus on
templates first. That piece could have merit if properly defined and
contained. The web is based on small pieces loosely joined, your trying to
change the whole paradigm in one fail swoop. Tight coupling of many

 And we already serve JSON API endpoints, so I don’t know why you feel this
 adds more work to the server?  This proposal would use the same data that
 API servers already provide.  And if you need backwards compatibility, it’s
 there as well.

Your inherently encoding more information about the server, hence pushing a
larger burden and tighter coupling to the server. This is fine for
frameworks but not standards.

 I’d like to see where this solution causes something to break.  Or where
 Angular or Ember or React would be a better solution than this.  With this
 proposal, you can still use Javascript for more advanced applications, you
 just don’t have to worry about loading in another MVC framework.

Again the burden is on you. Angular, Ember and React are frameworks and not
trying to become standards. Why is your proposal different, how is it not a

 So saying this is a “hard problem” just reeks of Javascript developer
 laziness, stuck in local-minima comfort-zone.  But this comfort zone
 doesn’t matter to non-Javascript people.  (note that i’ve written thousands
 of lines of Javascript, but have no desire to write more Javascript than

Your oversimplifying the problem. Show a proof of concept. Make that
polyfill. My suggestion would be to implement something like so others have a place to compare to what already

- Nathan White


 On Mar 28, 2015, at 1:19 PM, wrote:


 I think your enthusiasm to question and challenge the status quo is great.
 Many individuals like you challenge the standards in this mailing list. I'm
 constantly learning from the discussions that takes place from such
 proposals and I value it immensely.

 However, I'm kinda pissed off on how you went about sharing your insight.
 Unlike you everyone has encouraged discourse while respecting 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-30 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 30, 2015, at 2:06 PM, Nathan White wrote:
 Think about these larger level questions first. Why should MVC be a
 standard and why is your version the correct one? There is no agreed upon
 design pattern, yes MVC is popular but it takes many different forms. Some
 people prefer MVVM, MVP, MVA, PAC, RMR or even Naked Objects. And there are
 many more like event driven  pipelines. My point is MVC is far from being
 an agreed upon solution, so why should we adopt your proposal?

Because the overall MVC won.  This proposal optimizes what people do, not what 
they can do.  This proposal isn’t a computer science project. 

 How do you handle internationalization or localization?

What’s the issue there?  HTML has LANG attributes for every element.  The 
proposal already allows you to assign model values to any attribute, including 
LANG attributes.  

 Start there, there are numerous more issues.

If you can, list them, preferably in the Github so I can track the issues.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

 I gave a solution that’s optimal in every case.
 You have failed to demonstrate this. Make a polyfill.
 There is no case where using Angular or Ember or React would be a better
 solution than having a native MVC framework in HTML.
 Statements like this only exacerbate your ignorance on the subject matter.
 Do you even understand these frameworks? What makes your opinionated
 version a standard and not a framework? All of the above don't claim to
 solve every problem but offer a pathway for extensibility, How would we
 extend your proposal for domain specific problems?
 It’s easier (declarative syntax), it’s responsive (no need to download
 large Javascript frameworks), and uses less power (uses native code).
 Maybe for you. Your opting for configuration over convention approach. Many
 developers despise this approach. Verbosity killed XML / XSLT how would
 this not suffer the same fate?
 Again show how downloading large javascript frameworks are a burden.
 Provide some numbers.
 Most of the issues around the current frameworks are due to Javascript
 itself and its interaction with the DOM.  React’s framework has a virtual
 DOM implementation to help speed things and other frameworks are being
 rewritten to do the same.  A user doesn’t have to worry about this.
 They’re experimenting and redesigning because they’re solving Javascript
 No, they are using Javascript to solve state problems. HTTP/HTML is
 inherently stateless. How do you solve for state?
 Maybe we need to define the authentication mechanism first?
 Do you not see the fallacy of your proposal? Things should not have feature
 creep and require redefining every aspect of what exists. Break this down
 into small pieces. Like others said, this is a losing battle. Focus on
 templates first. That piece could have merit if properly defined and
 contained. The web is based on small pieces loosely joined, your trying to
 change the whole paradigm in one fail swoop. Tight coupling of many
 And we already serve JSON API endpoints, so I don’t know why you feel this
 adds more work to the server?  This proposal would use the same data that
 API servers already provide.  And if you need backwards compatibility, it’s
 there as well.
 Your inherently encoding more information about the server, hence pushing a
 larger burden and tighter coupling to the server. This is fine for
 frameworks but not standards.
 I’d like to see where this solution causes something to break.  Or where
 Angular or Ember or React would be a better solution than this.  With this
 proposal, you can still use Javascript for more advanced applications, you
 just don’t have to worry about loading in another MVC framework.
 Again the burden is on you. Angular, Ember and React are frameworks and not
 trying to become standards. Why is your proposal different, how is it not a
 So saying this is a “hard problem” just reeks of Javascript developer
 laziness, stuck in local-minima comfort-zone.  But this comfort zone
 doesn’t matter to non-Javascript people.  (note that i’ve written thousands
 of lines of Javascript, but have no desire to write more Javascript than
 Your oversimplifying the problem. Show a proof of concept. Make that
 polyfill. My suggestion would be to implement something like so others have a place to compare to what already
 - Nathan White
 On Mar 28, 2015, at 1:19 PM, wrote:
 I think your enthusiasm to question and challenge the status quo is great.

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-30 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 30, 2015, at 9:23 AM, Jonathan Garbee wrote:
 You’re making this more complicated than it needs to be. Simplify the
 problem domain.
 I think we can all agree, we don't want another App Cache on our hands for
 a standard. Sorry you feel an idea can be thrown out, immediately accepted
 and pushed through simply because it seems obvious. In the real world,
 things aren't always boiled down to the simplest solutions. Sometimes, we
 need to have a bit of complexity and extra overhead in setting something up
 to make sure it is robust and effective in as many situations as possible.

I expect this process to take years.  Not sure where anyone thought that it was 
going to be immediately accepted?

One thing I’m interested in is to see more technical discussions around this 
idea.  Like, very specific issues that show a design or concept flaw.  It’s 
only been about 10 days since I proposed this and I haven’t received much in 
that area.  (I did change one thing to split MREF from HREF based on feedback 
about people wanting backwards compatibility.)  

Instead, I’m mostly getting a lot of “I’m scared!” or “Everyone should get a 
PhD in Javascript like I did!” which obviously isn’t going to happen. So, if 
there are technical faults with the proposal here, definitely list them.  (or 
preferably in the Github, where I can keep track of issues directly)

We need to be able to advance the web without going through Javascript.  It’s a 
mistake to assume that JS is a fundamental part of the web.  The web is 
optimized for hypertext document processing, and most people use it to read 
content online.  This proposal fixes a remaining issue with that.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-29 Thread Bobby Mozumder
I have no idea why people say this is a “hard problem.”  You’re making this 
more complicated than it needs to be. Simplify the problem domain.  We just 
need a declarative, native MVC framework in the browser.

I gave a solution that’s optimal in every case.  

There is no case where using Angular or Ember or React would be a better 
solution than having a native MVC framework in HTML.  It’s easier (declarative 
syntax), it’s responsive (no need to download large Javascript frameworks), and 
uses less power (uses native code).

Most of the issues around the current frameworks are due to Javascript itself 
and its interaction with the DOM.  React’s framework has a virtual DOM 
implementation to help speed things and other frameworks are being rewritten to 
do the same.  A user doesn’t have to worry about this.  They’re experimenting 
and redesigning because they’re solving Javascript problems.

So what exactly is incorrect about the proposed solution?  If there are 
technical problems with it, do explain.  Do you feel the response codes need to 
be defined now?  We have standard response codes in HTTP, should we standardize 
on them here? Maybe we need to define the authentication mechanism first?  Or 
maybe the models need more data-type options? All of these would be fleshed out 
as the spec is defined.

And we already serve JSON API endpoints, so I don’t know why you feel this adds 
more work to the server?  This proposal would use the same data that API 
servers already provide.  And if you need backwards compatibility, it’s there 
as well.

I’d like to see where this solution causes something to break.  Or where 
Angular or Ember or React would be a better solution than this.  With this 
proposal, you can still use Javascript for more advanced applications, you just 
don’t have to worry about loading in another MVC framework.

So saying this is a “hard problem” just reeks of Javascript developer laziness, 
stuck in local-minima comfort-zone.  But this comfort zone doesn’t matter to 
non-Javascript people.  (note that i’ve written thousands of lines of 
Javascript, but have no desire to write more Javascript than necessary.)


 On Mar 28, 2015, at 1:19 PM, wrote:
 I think your enthusiasm to question and challenge the status quo is great. 
 Many individuals like you challenge the standards in this mailing list. I'm 
 constantly learning from the discussions that takes place from such proposals 
 and I value it immensely.
 However, I'm kinda pissed off on how you went about sharing your insight. 
 Unlike you everyone has encouraged discourse while respecting the enormous 
 amount of effort it took to get here. Posting a title with HTML6 is 
 hyperbolic and link bait at best. HTML5 is a living spec, changing the 
 version with no dialog from committee members is disrespectful. The trash 
 statistics you used to support your argument reeks of laziness, they waste 
 everyones time. Give us a case study or some large sample of data before 
 asserting such nonsense. 
 If you really want to make this happen write a polyfill. Many proposals and 
 even standards are implemented as a proof of concept before ever reaching a 
 vendor. Your proposal can be implemented with javascript right now with not 
 much effort. This is the beauty of javascript and why we have so many 
 frameworks. No one agrees on how we solve these really hard problems. 
 Everyone is experimenting and testing. That's my biggest gripe about your 
 proposal, oversimplifying the problem domain. What you propose pushes tighter 
 coupling and implementation details to the servers. Your just moving the 
 problem not removing it.
 Your core argument for your proposal asserts JavaScript is hard and slow. Yet 
 at the same time you want HTML to act like such because single page apps are 
 fast.  Do you see the fallacy in this argument? Please provide some data 
 especially on the slow bloated part. I often find optimizing even a few 
 images will yield file size savings that far exceed the payload size of an 
 entire sites JavaScript. Yes, JavaScript is hard but the problems associated 
 with web are really hard. There are so many layers and ways to solve. In my 
 opinion your proposal is simply not generic enough to be called a standard, 
 it would be classified as a framework much like the ones you attack. This is 
 the beauty of the standards we have, we have wiggle room to create, explore 
 and learn. They do not tell us how to solve the problem, I think this is what 
 frustrates you.
 If you want to continue this dialog please take sometime and read through how 
 others addressed proposals to the community. Like I said I'm not against you 
 sharing your view point but try and respect the process. This will save 
 everyone time.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-28 Thread Andrea Rendine
I'm going to say something not nice. Blame me freely.
 Back in the earliest days, it was pretty easy to publish a page of
text...  Easy enough for the average writer ... The fact that writing a
simple document has become a programming job - between a lot more HTML
functionality, CSS, and JavaScript - is (IMHO) a HUGE barrier to the basic
concept of a read/write web.
Yes. It has.For a long time everybody could write Web pages that, though
inaccurate, reached their goal somehow.
Which is why current HTML spec is full of
 - attempts to stop non-semantic use for elements (the edge case of layout
tables should teach something),
 - error-handling rules,
 - complex paragraphs describing legacy compatibility with previous
 - rules for correctly handling non-standard features, or existing features
badly used (see object@classid et al.)
 -  a huge list of non-conforming elements derived from presentational
HTML or from browsers war era
 - and much more.
Indeed, leaving some degree of freedom to authors allows a broad field test
for what's good and what's missing in features. Sometimes it also allows
that features are *invented* on field, only to become standard afterward.
But IMHO publishing a web page is not an easy task. Nor it is required to
be such. A web page isn't a Word document, even if Word can create web
pages. Or, which is better, everything in content publishing is fun and
games... until publisher and public are the same. When writing for other
users, for interoperability, for potentially unknown or custom or
*evolving* platforms, the it works for me approach is no longer
applicable. Everybody can write content for a web page, of course, but
publishing it in increasingly complex, visually attractive, accessible,
semantic ways requires programming skills as well as any publishing sector
requires its own skills.

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-28 Thread Martin Janecke
Am .03.2015, 02:51 Uhr, schrieb Miles Fidelman

[…] It seems like:

- It's getting harder and harder to do simple things.  Too many
JavaScript frameworks and libraries.  Too much complexity. Authoring
should not require extensive programming skills. (Whatever happened to
the read/write web?).

I think that simple things are still simple to achieve. A few use cases  
became a little more verbose when presentational HTML parts were  
deprecated in favor of CSS (like now you have to write style=width:50%  
instead of width=50%), but other things have become easier than they  
were in the past, for example providing the document encoding (meta  
charset=… instead of meta http-equiv=Content-type  

Does authoring as in writing articles on the web really require  
programming skills? I don't think so. Of course, if someone wants to have  
all the newest and shiniest interactive stuff, it may require some  
programming skills. But those are things that weren't easier in the past,  
are they? I think that they were hard too or not even possible. So things  
didn't become harder, but you can now do additional stuff that's hard.

Too many JavaScript frameworks and libraries? We're not forced to use any,  
are we? So I don't understand. Well, I'm annoyed myself when people use  
JavaScript stuff instead of simpler things, for example span  
onclick=javascript:window.location.href='' instead  
of a href=;. But the point is that a link with an  
a-element still works as it always did; nobody asked people to use  
JavaScript instead.

I think that web pages don't need to be complex; people make them complex.  
I don't consider that human characteristic to be solvable by adding more  
syntax options.


Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-28 Thread


I think your enthusiasm to question and challenge the status quo is great. Many 
individuals like you challenge the standards in this mailing list. I'm 
constantly learning from the discussions that takes place from such proposals 
and I value it immensely.

However, I'm kinda pissed off on how you went about sharing your insight. 
Unlike you everyone has encouraged discourse while respecting the enormous 
amount of effort it took to get here. Posting a title with HTML6 is hyperbolic 
and link bait at best. HTML5 is a living spec, changing the version with no 
dialog from committee members is disrespectful. The trash statistics you used 
to support your argument reeks of laziness, they waste everyones time. Give 
us a case study or some large sample of data before asserting such nonsense. 

If you really want to make this happen write a polyfill. Many proposals and 
even standards are implemented as a proof of concept before ever reaching a 
vendor. Your proposal can be implemented with javascript right now with not 
much effort. This is the beauty of javascript and why we have so many 
frameworks. No one agrees on how we solve these really hard problems. Everyone 
is experimenting and testing. That's my biggest gripe about your proposal, 
oversimplifying the problem domain. What you propose pushes tighter coupling 
and implementation details to the servers. Your just moving the problem not 
removing it.

Your core argument for your proposal asserts JavaScript is hard and slow. Yet 
at the same time you want HTML to act like such because single page apps are 
fast.  Do you see the fallacy in this argument? Please provide some data 
especially on the slow bloated part. I often find optimizing even a few images 
will yield file size savings that far exceed the payload size of an entire 
sites JavaScript. Yes, JavaScript is hard but the problems associated with web 
are really hard. There are so many layers and ways to solve. In my opinion your 
proposal is simply not generic enough to be called a standard, it would be 
classified as a framework much like the ones you attack. This is the beauty of 
the standards we have, we have wiggle room to create, explore and learn. They 
do not tell us how to solve the problem, I think this is what frustrates you.

If you want to continue this dialog please take sometime and read through how 
others addressed proposals to the community. Like I said I'm not against you 
sharing your view point but try and respect the process. This will save 
everyone time.

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 9:44 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 On Mar 23, 2015, at 2:18 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
 At some level,  you can safely say that you will tend to like your own
 design and find others a bit harder to understand.. Having experience
 with a whole lot of previous attempts, but not yours, for example, I
 can't say that I find yours to be especially simple or intuitive, but
 I won't claim to represent the norm any more than I ask you not to -
 so I agree, actual data is required.  
 The data I have is the outside virality of this.  We could probably even 
 quantify this.  I have to rely on outside feedback as well, and do take into 
 considerations people's comments and iterate on the proposal as needed.  
 Obviously Javascript developer are against it, but regular web developers 
 look like  they’re into it.
 This really should be part of the out-of-the-box HTML default use model. 
 I will say that the XML nature
 is problematic, as is SQL for reasons we can actually point to.
 I’ll change the example to JSON.  The SQL section could come later as well.
 Additionally, I will say that your list is pretty short, you'd also
 have to include things like XBL and MDV
 ( and a
 whole bunch of other stuff that had powerful support and lots of
 investment, and give them some serious consideration as to why they
 failed to get agreement, implementation, adoption and staying power -
 then think about how your proposal would not fall victim to the same
 pressures.  For me, personally at least, I think there are existing
 proposals which I already prefer more.  I'm not seeing how an element
 is a 'controller' for example or how you make a controller
 non-imperative - even models generally have a data layer in a lot of
 frameworks which would currently confound me as to how to accomplish
 relation/request management declaratively.. I know we can get there, I
 want to get there - I just haven't seen the right proposal yet that
 answers all of those things.  It definitely seems like for now you'd
 need a pretty rich JS API which you haven't even hinted at here.
 For this proposal, the controller isn’t an element.  It’s the browser itself. 
 The user interacts with the document View layer.  He clicks on a link: A 
 The view layer notifies the 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-28 Thread Barry Smith

I try to read every one of these mailing list emails,,, even though I don't 
respond.  However,  I think it is crying shame that the new details and 
other Interactive elements are not supported across all browsers.  The 
details and the dialog elements are a great way to bypass some 
javascript.  As a note to all browser vendors;  Get with the program

Barry Smith
Growing Web Developer

From: Andrea Rendine
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

 It's sad indeed, as it seems that best practices are seldomly followed and
 poor coding is the way.
 some functionality ordinarily provided by JavaScript that now can be done
 by HTML5, e.g. the details tag and progress tag
 Actually progress is native only in its attribute definition and
 default rendering. It still requires JS in order to access its @value in
 write mode.
 On the other hand, I suppose that complete implementation of details is
 delayed by the fact that it's defined in terms of shadow DOM, and no real
 DOM adjusting is expected for it. Not every browser is ready for this
 further level of interface, probably.

 2015-03-28 3:45 GMT+01:00 Michael A. Peters

 On 03/27/2015 06:51 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

 I've been reading through the discussion thread, all of which seems to
 jump immediately into the weeds of specific details of the proposal.

 I'm amazed that nobody has yet commented on the implicit premise, which
 I read as:
 - JavaScript is a processing pig
 - with the addition of a few, well-defined constructs to HTML, with
 support from browsers, we could do a lot of what we want (or what people
 are doing) - without the overhead imposed by JavaScript

 To me, this seems like a very good thing.  It seems like:

 - It's getting harder and harder to do simple things.  Too many
 JavaScript frameworks and libraries.  Too much complexity. Authoring
 should not require extensive programming skills. (Whatever happened to
 the read/write web?).

 - JavaScript seems to encourage poor programming style, or at least
 resource-intensive programming.  It seems like 2/3 of the web pages I
 visit either freeze up, or just take incredibly long to load. Granted,
 that a lot of this is this stems from all the little click monitoring
 apps, and widgets, and who knows what else people put on their pages -
 and waiting for those various sites to respond - but it's the
 proliferation of more and more JavaScript that enables this.

 In HTML5 some functionality ordinarily provided by JavaScript that now 
 be done by HTML5, e.g. the details tag and progress tag, is still not
 universally supported by modern browsers requiring JavaScript fallback.

 I don't know why it takes the browsers so long to implement, but it does.

 The problem with JavaScript is that fewer and fewer web devs care. Rather
 than picking a framework (like jQuery) and sticking with it, they 
 JS they find around the web (often in violation of the license) and add
 whatever framework that snippet depends upon.

 Few people care about passing their JS through tools like JSLint, and 
 pages still have dozens of external JS references as well as numerous
 inline scripts.

 They just don't care. And that is hard to fix with standards because they
 don't care.

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-27 Thread Andrea Rendine
It's sad indeed, as it seems that best practices are seldomly followed and
poor coding is the way.
 some functionality ordinarily provided by JavaScript that now can be done
by HTML5, e.g. the details tag and progress tag
Actually progress is native only in its attribute definition and
default rendering. It still requires JS in order to access its @value in
write mode.
On the other hand, I suppose that complete implementation of details is
delayed by the fact that it's defined in terms of shadow DOM, and no real
DOM adjusting is expected for it. Not every browser is ready for this
further level of interface, probably.

2015-03-28 3:45 GMT+01:00 Michael A. Peters

 On 03/27/2015 06:51 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

 I've been reading through the discussion thread, all of which seems to
 jump immediately into the weeds of specific details of the proposal.

 I'm amazed that nobody has yet commented on the implicit premise, which
 I read as:
 - JavaScript is a processing pig
 - with the addition of a few, well-defined constructs to HTML, with
 support from browsers, we could do a lot of what we want (or what people
 are doing) - without the overhead imposed by JavaScript

 To me, this seems like a very good thing.  It seems like:

 - It's getting harder and harder to do simple things.  Too many
 JavaScript frameworks and libraries.  Too much complexity. Authoring
 should not require extensive programming skills. (Whatever happened to
 the read/write web?).

 - JavaScript seems to encourage poor programming style, or at least
 resource-intensive programming.  It seems like 2/3 of the web pages I
 visit either freeze up, or just take incredibly long to load. Granted,
 that a lot of this is this stems from all the little click monitoring
 apps, and widgets, and who knows what else people put on their pages -
 and waiting for those various sites to respond - but it's the
 proliferation of more and more JavaScript that enables this.

 In HTML5 some functionality ordinarily provided by JavaScript that now can
 be done by HTML5, e.g. the details tag and progress tag, is still not
 universally supported by modern browsers requiring JavaScript fallback.

 I don't know why it takes the browsers so long to implement, but it does.

 The problem with JavaScript is that fewer and fewer web devs care. Rather
 than picking a framework (like jQuery) and sticking with it, they copypasta
 JS they find around the web (often in violation of the license) and add
 whatever framework that snippet depends upon.

 Few people care about passing their JS through tools like JSLint, and many
 pages still have dozens of external JS references as well as numerous
 inline scripts.

 They just don't care. And that is hard to fix with standards because they
 don't care.

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-27 Thread Michael A. Peters

On 03/27/2015 06:51 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

I've been reading through the discussion thread, all of which seems to
jump immediately into the weeds of specific details of the proposal.

I'm amazed that nobody has yet commented on the implicit premise, which
I read as:
- JavaScript is a processing pig
- with the addition of a few, well-defined constructs to HTML, with
support from browsers, we could do a lot of what we want (or what people
are doing) - without the overhead imposed by JavaScript

To me, this seems like a very good thing.  It seems like:

- It's getting harder and harder to do simple things.  Too many
JavaScript frameworks and libraries.  Too much complexity. Authoring
should not require extensive programming skills. (Whatever happened to
the read/write web?).

- JavaScript seems to encourage poor programming style, or at least
resource-intensive programming.  It seems like 2/3 of the web pages I
visit either freeze up, or just take incredibly long to load. Granted,
that a lot of this is this stems from all the little click monitoring
apps, and widgets, and who knows what else people put on their pages -
and waiting for those various sites to respond - but it's the
proliferation of more and more JavaScript that enables this.

In HTML5 some functionality ordinarily provided by JavaScript that now 
can be done by HTML5, e.g. the details tag and progress tag, is still 
not universally supported by modern browsers requiring JavaScript fallback.

I don't know why it takes the browsers so long to implement, but it does.

The problem with JavaScript is that fewer and fewer web devs care. 
Rather than picking a framework (like jQuery) and sticking with it, they 
copypasta JS they find around the web (often in violation of the 
license) and add whatever framework that snippet depends upon.

Few people care about passing their JS through tools like JSLint, and 
many pages still have dozens of external JS references as well as 
numerous inline scripts.

They just don't care. And that is hard to fix with standards because 
they don't care.

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-27 Thread Miles Fidelman

I've been reading through the discussion thread, all of which seems to
jump immediately into the weeds of specific details of the proposal.

I'm amazed that nobody has yet commented on the implicit premise, which
I read as:
- JavaScript is a processing pig
- with the addition of a few, well-defined constructs to HTML, with
support from browsers, we could do a lot of what we want (or what people
are doing) - without the overhead imposed by JavaScript

To me, this seems like a very good thing.  It seems like:

- It's getting harder and harder to do simple things.  Too many
JavaScript frameworks and libraries.  Too much complexity. Authoring
should not require extensive programming skills. (Whatever happened to
the read/write web?).

- JavaScript seems to encourage poor programming style, or at least
resource-intensive programming.  It seems like 2/3 of the web pages I
visit either freeze up, or just take incredibly long to load. Granted,
that a lot of this is this stems from all the little click monitoring
apps, and widgets, and who knows what else people put on their pages -
and waiting for those various sites to respond - but it's the
proliferation of more and more JavaScript that enables this.  (Which is
not to say that some folks write well behaving pages, nor that
JavaScript isn't useful - just that it seems to be leading to more and
more problems).  One would think that commercial developers would know
better than to release pages that drive users away, but no.

As to the specifics, it sounds like the proposal is to move some XML
processing functions into the browser.  To me, Xpath, XSLT and XQuery,
maybe a basic XML database - all in a browser, instead of server-side -
sounds like a viable alternative to JavaScript for a lot of
applications.  Implement first as a JavaScript library, as a test and
transition path.  Could be kind of cool.  Might also end up being just
as much of a processing pig as JavaScript.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Jonathan Garbee
Let's just leave the sharing out of this. There is no data as to *why* it
is being shared. All that is is a red-herring to the technical discussion.

Web Components are what you are looking for. Problem is, JS required.
However that isn't a deal-breaker in most projects. You make a custom
element that contains within it the standard paragraphs, headers, asides,
etc. and you can feed data into that. No problem. It is *exactly* what you
are describing except it takes an extra step of making a custom component.

 75 million Wordpress sites and 200 million Tumblr blogs out there that
treat web pages as basic documents.

There is nothing restricting these sites from implementing web components
under the hood.

 And besides, there’s still the problem of having to download huge power
inefficient Javascript libraries.

No problem with web components, they are *built into the browser.*

 ... break semantics with custom elements ...

Semantics are only broken if you implement custom elements in a bad way.
Making your own custom element just to put data into an h1 is doing it

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 7:04 AM, Jonathan Garbee wrote:

 The buzz mostly comes from throwing of HTML6 into the title. HTML5 is a
 buzzword and this creates new buzz for the next version to act as
 click-bait for ad views. It also went viral from the mention since people
 were mocking the idea of HTML6 (and the single-page app system proposed.)
 As far as I know, HTML6 won't ever be an actual thing for any foreseeable
 time to come. HTML5 is now the Living Standard of HTML and will continue
 on indefinitely until it dies.

 Also, you’ll find that people share things that they like.  Editors might,
 but readers have no vested interest in click-bait.

 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Sandro Paganotti
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Bobby Mozumder

  On Mar 23, 2015, at 7:04 AM, Jonathan Garbee wrote:
  The buzz mostly comes from throwing of HTML6 into the title. HTML5 is a
  buzzword and this creates new buzz for the next version to act as
  click-bait for ad views. It also went viral from the mention since people
  were mocking the idea of HTML6 (and the single-page app system proposed.)
  As far as I know, HTML6 won't ever be an actual thing for any foreseeable
  time to come. HTML5 is now the Living Standard of HTML and will
  on indefinitely until it dies.

 My understanding was that WHATWG defines the living standard, and W3C
 creates versioned snapshots of it?  I see there's an editors' draft of
 HTM5.1 being discussed on W3C.

  The idea is interesting yes, however it currently ends up in a sticky
  situation. You are recreating custom elements using HTML only and they
  aren't as expansive. Most of the conversation I have seen around this
  (while it is little) boils down to this as to why it isn't worth having.
  Your thoughts on JS Frameworks all trying to do this and failing, is why
  new standards are being made to address it. These are the pieces of web
  components [1]. Once full browser support exists for these JS will have
  direct power over what the frameworks are doing under the hood. With the
  bonus of any frameworks using the standards creating inter-compatible
  components with other technologies if they do things well enough.
  For right now, the proper move isn't to get rid of JS for these actions
  let browser vendors know that developers what the web component features.

 I see Web Components as targeted more towards advanced GUI widgets.  If
 you look at the examples that's what they all are.  They're not enhancing
 very basic HTML elements.

 This proposal is meant to enhance existing HTML elements.  Dynamically
 updating ARTICLE and P and H1 elements would be extremely useful for
 the 75 million Wordpress sites and 200 million Tumblr blogs out there that
 treat web pages as basic documents.  Do we really need to break semantics
 by creating custom PAPER-ARTICLE and NG-P and B-H1 elements?

 Web components will continue to exist, but existing HTML elements should
 still be enhanced for modern use models.  People already know the basic
 HTML elements, they should be able to use them.

 And besides, there's still the problem of having to download huge power
 inefficient Javascript libraries.


To me it sounds a quite elegant solution to use web components to extend
the existing elements, for example by using the is attribute, to allow them
to actually fetch a specific resource from web as you suggested. Using this
technique would also allow other developers to extend the new behaviour in
order to embrace various specific use cases.


 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 7:04 AM, Jonathan Garbee wrote:
 The buzz mostly comes from throwing of HTML6 into the title. HTML5 is a
 buzzword and this creates new buzz for the next version to act as
 click-bait for ad views. It also went viral from the mention since people
 were mocking the idea of HTML6 (and the single-page app system proposed.)
 As far as I know, HTML6 won't ever be an actual thing for any foreseeable
 time to come. HTML5 is now the Living Standard of HTML and will continue
 on indefinitely until it dies.

Also, you’ll find that people share things that they like.  Editors might, but 
readers have no vested interest in click-bait.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 7:04 AM, Jonathan Garbee wrote:
 The buzz mostly comes from throwing of HTML6 into the title. HTML5 is a
 buzzword and this creates new buzz for the next version to act as
 click-bait for ad views. It also went viral from the mention since people
 were mocking the idea of HTML6 (and the single-page app system proposed.)
 As far as I know, HTML6 won't ever be an actual thing for any foreseeable
 time to come. HTML5 is now the Living Standard of HTML and will continue
 on indefinitely until it dies.

My understanding was that WHATWG defines the living standard, and W3C creates 
versioned snapshots of it?  I see there’s an editors’ draft of HTM5.1 being 
discussed on W3C. 

 The idea is interesting yes, however it currently ends up in a sticky
 situation. You are recreating custom elements using HTML only and they
 aren't as expansive. Most of the conversation I have seen around this topic
 (while it is little) boils down to this as to why it isn't worth having.
 Your thoughts on JS Frameworks all trying to do this and failing, is why
 new standards are being made to address it. These are the pieces of web
 components [1]. Once full browser support exists for these JS will have
 direct power over what the frameworks are doing under the hood. With the
 bonus of any frameworks using the standards creating inter-compatible
 components with other technologies if they do things well enough.
 For right now, the proper move isn't to get rid of JS for these actions but
 let browser vendors know that developers what the web component features.

I see Web Components as targeted more towards advanced GUI widgets.  If you 
look at the examples that’s what they all are.  They’re not enhancing very 
basic HTML elements.

This proposal is meant to enhance existing HTML elements.  Dynamically updating 
ARTICLE and P and H1 elements would be extremely useful for the 75 
million Wordpress sites and 200 million Tumblr blogs out there that treat web 
pages as basic documents.  Do we really need to break semantics by creating 
custom PAPER-ARTICLE and NG-P and B-H1 elements?  

Web components will continue to exist, but existing HTML elements should still 
be enhanced for modern use models.  People already know the basic HTML 
elements, they should be able to use them.

And besides, there’s still the problem of having to download huge power 
inefficient Javascript libraries.

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Jonathan Garbee
The buzz mostly comes from throwing of HTML6 into the title. HTML5 is a
buzzword and this creates new buzz for the next version to act as
click-bait for ad views. It also went viral from the mention since people
were mocking the idea of HTML6 (and the single-page app system proposed.)
As far as I know, HTML6 won't ever be an actual thing for any foreseeable
time to come. HTML5 is now the Living Standard of HTML and will continue
on indefinitely until it dies.

The idea is interesting yes, however it currently ends up in a sticky
situation. You are recreating custom elements using HTML only and they
aren't as expansive. Most of the conversation I have seen around this topic
(while it is little) boils down to this as to why it isn't worth having.

Your thoughts on JS Frameworks all trying to do this and failing, is why
new standards are being made to address it. These are the pieces of web
components [1]. Once full browser support exists for these JS will have
direct power over what the frameworks are doing under the hood. With the
bonus of any frameworks using the standards creating inter-compatible
components with other technologies if they do things well enough.

For right now, the proper move isn't to get rid of JS for these actions but
let browser vendors know that developers what the web component features.



On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 6:11 AM, Bobby Mozumder

  On Mar 23, 2015, at 5:33 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
  XForms, Microdata and XSLT all do different things. Note that no widely
  used browser supports XForms in its default configuration; while Chrome,
  Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera all support XSLT. Can you
  explain the “clear usability  design issues” you have seen in XSLT?
  If so, please do.

 There’s no locally persistent model object. It’s not an MVC framework.
 It’s a view layer.

 And it’s not just me.  There’s a reason Angular, React, Ember, and so on
 don't use XSLT in trying to solve the single-page app problem, probably
 because it doesn’t have a locally persistent model object.

  I certainly did not. I would like to see an implementation of your
  proposal and several demonstrations. Do you have something on hand?

 Are you familiar with MVC design patterns?  This would be what it is.

 Sorry, don’t have an implementation on me.  What’s the process going
 forward?  Do people need to write a web browser for every proposal?

  I agree in that buzz does not necessarily mean your proposal has merit.

 Did you ask the people talking about it?  What were their opinions?

 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Sandro Paganotti
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 10:15 AM, Sandro Paganotti

 well, yes; but once it's done accordingly to the behaviour required it
 could be released and then used by everybody. So it is just a matter of
 creating a new catalog of components that anyone can import using the html
 import. In my view it would be something really close to your initial
 implementation proposal:

 article is='json-enhanced' remote-node=


 I think that's what being done right now, where everybody defines expected
 behavior of elements and create a catalog of components that anyone can
 import.  We call that the web browser and that's why we're here.  =^D

+1; my point is: in this case I don't think it's necessary to move this
solution into a native browser implementation. In my opinion the browser
should provide tools developers can use to built web experiences. If I have
to try to imagine a solution complex enough even only to handle some uses
cases (eg: dealing with network problems, missing properties, etc..) it
would look much like a small framework than a simple tool and, in my
opinion, frameworks should be kept in a JS domain, so everyone can pick the
one he like without having to deal with something already into the browser.


 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Sandro Paganotti 
 To me it sounds a quite elegant solution to use web components to extend
 the existing elements, for example by using the is attribute, to allow them
 to actually fetch a specific resource from web as you suggested. Using this
 technique would also allow other developers to extend the new behaviour in
 order to embrace various specific use cases.

I don’t see that as a clean solution at all.  Web developers still have to 
learn the inherited model class

So, instead of:

ARTICLE model=“myArticleData”

You’re asking web developers to do something like:

var proto = Object.create(HTMLArticleElement.prototype, {   // some 
type of initial element definition 
   model: {
 get: function() { …  },  
 set: function() { …  }, 
proto.createdCallback = function(model) {   // now we have to 
attach an event listener to the model
model.addEventListener(‘change’, function(e) { model )
var xArticle = document.registerElement(‘x-article', { // now 
register the element
prototype: proto, 
extends: ‘article'

ARTICLE is=“X-ARTICLE” model=“myArticleData   // and then use a 
different name

(And this is the simplified version...)

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Sandro Paganotti
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Sandro Paganotti

 To me it sounds a quite elegant solution to use web components to extend
 the existing elements, for example by using the is attribute, to allow them
 to actually fetch a specific resource from web as you suggested. Using this
 technique would also allow other developers to extend the new behaviour in
 order to embrace various specific use cases.


 I don't see that as a clean solution at all.  Web developers still have to
 learn the inherited model class

 So, instead of:

 ARTICLE model=myArticleData

 You're asking web developers to do something like:

 var proto = Object.create(HTMLArticleElement.prototype, {   // some type
 of initial element definition
  model: {
  get: function() { ...  },
  set: function() { ...  },
 proto.createdCallback = function(model) { // now we have to attach an
 event listener to the model
 model.addEventListener('change', function(e) { model )
 var xArticle = document.registerElement('x-article', { // now register
 the element
   prototype: proto,
 extends: 'article'

 ARTICLE is=X-ARTICLE model=myArticleData   // and then use a
 different name

 (And this is the simplified version...)

well, yes; but once it's done accordingly to the behaviour required it
could be released and then used by everybody. So it is just a matter of
creating a new catalog of components that anyone can import using the html
import. In my view it would be something really close to your initial
implementation proposal:

article is='json-enhanced' remote-node=


 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 9:35 AM, Jonathan Garbee wrote:
 Let's just leave the sharing out of this. There is no data as to *why* it
 is being shared. All that is is a red-herring to the technical discussion.
 Web Components are what you are looking for. Problem is, JS required.
 However that isn't a deal-breaker in most projects. You make a custom
 element that contains within it the standard paragraphs, headers, asides,
 etc. and you can feed data into that. No problem. It is *exactly* what you
 are describing except it takes an extra step of making a custom component.

How many lines of Javascript code do you need to write to do the following:

ARTICLE model=“myArticleData”

I tried to give a quick  dirty one in my last msg and it didn’t look pretty.

 75 million Wordpress sites and 200 million Tumblr blogs out there that
 treat web pages as basic documents.
 There is nothing restricting these sites from implementing web components
 under the hood.

Of course there is a restriction: they don’t know Javascript.

 And besides, there’s still the problem of having to download huge power
 inefficient Javascript libraries.
 No problem with web components, they are *built into the browser.*

You still have to write JS, and they’re not going to do that all the time.  If 
they use Web components it will be in libraries.

Web components are only going to be created for extremely complex widgets, not 
for H1, ARTICLE, etc..

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 10:15 AM, Sandro Paganotti 
 well, yes; but once it's done accordingly to the behaviour required it could 
 be released and then used by everybody. So it is just a matter of creating a 
 new catalog of components that anyone can import using the html import. In my 
 view it would be something really close to your initial implementation 
 article is='json-enhanced' 

I think that’s what being done right now, where everybody defines expected 
behavior of elements and create a catalog of components that anyone can import. 
 We call that the web browser and that’s why we’re here.  =^D

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Nils Dagsson Moskopp
Bobby Mozumder writes:

 On Mar 20, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
 A few things worth noting:  First, we've actually tried a bunch of
 this before, and you're not using it now so I think we can say that at
 some level it was unsuccessful.  

 Thanks for the feedback here. I just had a quick look at some of the
 past proposals (XForms, Microdata,  XSLT), and they all had clear
 usability  design issues to me.

XForms, Microdata and XSLT all do different things. Note that no widely
used browser supports XForms in its default configuration; while Chrome,
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera all support XSLT. Can you
explain the “clear usability  design issues” you have seen in XSLT?

If so, please do.

I suspect that many developers hate to be “forced” by language structure
to think about clean abstractions and rather write maintenance-intensive
spaghetti code. A friend of mine started learning how to make web pages
recently – she was annoyed by the amount of “just use jQuery” (instead
of CSS) that came up when she wanted to solve simple layout problems.

 For this, I focused on presenting the most obvious, usable solution,
 while trying to be very simple  intuitive to a web developer.  A
 usability test would be to see if people understand what I’m

I certainly did not. I would like to see an implementation of your
proposal and several demonstrations. Do you have something on hand?


 Already, though, for some reason this proposal went viral. Search
 Twitter for HTML6 to see what I mean. There are lots of discussions
 around it out there now, including blog posts and news articles.
 (It’s already big in Japan.)  Here’s an example blog post that
 discusses this proposal:

 With hundreds or thousands of shares, retweets, upvotes, etc..  it
 looks like a lot of people want a solution like this.  I don’t know
 how it happened but I believe this represents peoples wide
 dissatisfaction with having to use Javascript frameworks.

I agree in that buzz does not necessarily mean your proposal has merit.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 20, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
 A few things worth noting:  First, we've actually tried a bunch of
 this before, and you're not using it now so I think we can say that at
 some level it was unsuccessful.  

Thanks for the feedback here. I just had a quick look at some of the past 
proposals (XForms, Microdata,  XSLT), and they all had clear usability  
design issues to me.  For this, I focused on presenting the most obvious, 
usable solution, while trying to be very simple  intuitive to a web developer. 
 A usability test would be to see if people understand what I’m proposing.

 Second, I am going to submit for
 comment that there are a couple of significant reasons why it failed
 and why I don't expect we'd have much more success with it if we were
 to take it up right now and you can kind of sum them up like this:
 There isn't something close enough to actually emerging that remotely
 looks ready and standards bodies are historically terrible at that
 class of problem.

You’re looking at it from bottom-up.  They’re all trying to implement the 
missing MVC framework in browsers, and are just working on implementation 
issues.  Javascript implementation have no real relevance to HTML.  For 
example, would you implement React’s framework or API design in the browsers if 
they solved everything?  What would be the next step in your statement?  

I think we really need a top-down focus on a separate HTML-based solution: find 
the problem, and solve for that.  Not, find a solution, and fit that into 
another problem domain.

 It's a really, really, really hard problem to abstract something at
 such a high level which meets all of the use cases people actually
 have which plays into why there are so many ever-changing solutions in
 the ecosystem - they're actually trying to figure it out and that's a
 good thing.  It's rarely as simple as it appears at first blush and
 good ideas breed new possibilities of even better realizations.  As
 the number of people using these tools increases, we gain additional
 input and data - Along the way they are helping to identify where
 there _are_ commonalities and suggest lower level additions that can
 be standardized as well as providing necessary failed experiments that
 go into finding a good solution.  

A lot of the work appears to be focused on Javascript issues and optimizations 
at this point.  These frameworks were originally designed to solve the same 
missing MVC framework problem, but now they’re working through details of 
Javascript implementation, like Angular’s design issues and React’s virtual DOM 
optimization technique.  Their current work would have little relevance to 
something outside Javascript.

Also, something like React.js is 400kb, and that’s without data modeling, and 
people are saying we should mix multiple frameworks.  Do we really want to 
attach 400kb or more of Javascript to every web page?  Can we not?  There’s a 
latency  power costs associated with it.  If we let the browser handle the MVC 
framework, then it can manage power and memory on its own, while reducing 
initial latency.

 In general, see or search for articles/posts related
 for the thoughts of a lot of us in the community on topics like this
 and, if you have an idea for what would be better - find some people
 to help you build it, give people an opportunity to try it and see...
 Where you can't, raise interesting questions about why and lets build
 up a platform where we can make reasonable explanations to build up
 higher-level proposals.

I do expect this idea will take years to work through, and will try to gain 
some support while taking other past/present/future attempts into account, in 
both HTML and Javascript.

Already, though, for some reason this proposal went viral. Search Twitter for 
HTML6 to see what I mean. There are lots of discussions around it out there 
now, including blog posts and news articles.  (It’s already big in Japan.)  
Here’s an example blog post that discusses this proposal:

With hundreds or thousands of shares, retweets, upvotes, etc..  it looks like a 
lot of people want a solution like this.  I don’t know how it happened but I 
believe this represents peoples wide dissatisfaction with having to use 
Javascript frameworks. 

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 5:33 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
 XForms, Microdata and XSLT all do different things. Note that no widely
 used browser supports XForms in its default configuration; while Chrome,
 Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera all support XSLT. Can you
 explain the “clear usability  design issues” you have seen in XSLT?
 If so, please do.

There’s no locally persistent model object. It’s not an MVC framework.  It’s a 
view layer. 

And it’s not just me.  There’s a reason Angular, React, Ember, and so on don't 
use XSLT in trying to solve the single-page app problem, probably because it 
doesn’t have a locally persistent model object.

 I certainly did not. I would like to see an implementation of your
 proposal and several demonstrations. Do you have something on hand?

Are you familiar with MVC design patterns?  This would be what it is.

Sorry, don’t have an implementation on me.  What’s the process going forward?  
Do people need to write a web browser for every proposal?

 I agree in that buzz does not necessarily mean your proposal has merit.

Did you ask the people talking about it?  What were their opinions?

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Brian Kardell
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:44 AM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 Thanks for the feedback here. I just had a quick look at some of the past 
 proposals (XForms, Microdata,  XSLT), and they all had clear usability  
 design issues to me.  For this, I focused on presenting the most obvious, 
 usable solution, while trying to be very simple  intuitive to a web 
 developer.  A usability test would be to see if people understand what I’m 

At some level,  you can safely say that you will tend to like your own
design and find others a bit harder to understand.. Having experience
with a whole lot of previous attempts, but not yours, for example, I
can't say that I find yours to be especially simple or intuitive, but
I won't claim to represent the norm any more than I ask you not to -
so I agree, actual data is required.  I will say that the XML nature
is problematic, as is SQL for reasons we can actually point to.

Additionally, I will say that your list is pretty short, you'd also
have to include things like XBL and MDV
( and a
whole bunch of other stuff that had powerful support and lots of
investment, and give them some serious consideration as to why they
failed to get agreement, implementation, adoption and staying power -
then think about how your proposal would not fall victim to the same
pressures.  For me, personally at least, I think there are existing
proposals which I already prefer more.  I'm not seeing how an element
is a 'controller' for example or how you make a controller
non-imperative - even models generally have a data layer in a lot of
frameworks which would currently confound me as to how to accomplish
relation/request management declaratively.. I know we can get there, I
want to get there - I just haven't seen the right proposal yet that
answers all of those things.  It definitely seems like for now you'd
need a pretty rich JS API which you haven't even hinted at here.

 You’re looking at it from bottom-up.
They’re all trying to implement the missing MVC framework in browsers, and 
are just
working on implementation issues.
Javascript implementation have no real relevance to
HTML.  For example, would you implement React’s framework or API design in the
browsers if they solved everything?  What would be the next step in your 
 ...[snip] I think we really need a top-down focus on a separate HTML-based 
 solution: find the problem, and solve for that.  Not, find a solution, and 
 fit that into another problem domain.

It's certainly not the case that there is a this is the agreed upon
standard concept - there is MVVM, MDV, MVP and so on - angular, for
example, was model view whatever.  Routing is also a concept in most
of these and a lot of the design that's come out is a lot closer as a
piece and contains useful paradigms for promoting recommendations
about URLs.  So there are some cow paths being tred, and their
competition and collaboration is actually a good thing in my mind -
all of them are getting better for it.

Note, I don't implement anything natively in browsers, that's
implementers and I am not employed by one.  React is not a proposal,
it's a framework - there's a pretty big difference.  If Facebook (or
ember or angular or anyone else) actually solved everything, worked
with others and developers were adopting it and it had some stability
and they submitted a proposal that captured a layered explanation of a
really useful paradigm, absolutely I'd support it.  The last effort I
saw at this was linked above (MDV) and that's being experimented with
in polymer, but I think it's currently withdrawn - but polymer is
working with angular and ember devs, and all of those are learning
things from React.  That's good in the long run, how many long,
hypothetical emails on a list like this would we have to have to
arrive there?

All of these frameworks have a lot of code, as you've noted, and a lot
of abstractions and hooks - therefore, they generally make for a
pretty complex proposal.  My own goal, however, is _absolutely_ that
wherever possible a proposal would come with a prollyfill which allows
users to try it, gain some experience and help improve it before it
becomes a standard and ultimately can serve as a polyfill for browsers
that don't support it yet.

High level things are great, I love them.  I have some, I'd like to
have more.  They're also hard to agree on and very closed-ended - the
potential to get it wrong is great - all the more so when the design
happens in a committee before anyone has implemented or tried to use
anything for real work. There are definitely pieces of your proposal
or frameworks that could be broken down and useful outside a whole MVC
proposal and stand a better chance of entering the collective DNA of a
possible larger solution and allowing us to create an adaptable
platform, and there are definitely inroads where we can be moving the
whole idea 

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-23 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 23, 2015, at 2:18 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
 At some level,  you can safely say that you will tend to like your own
 design and find others a bit harder to understand.. Having experience
 with a whole lot of previous attempts, but not yours, for example, I
 can't say that I find yours to be especially simple or intuitive, but
 I won't claim to represent the norm any more than I ask you not to -
 so I agree, actual data is required.  

The data I have is the outside virality of this.  We could probably even 
quantify this.  I have to rely on outside feedback as well, and do take into 
considerations people's comments and iterate on the proposal as needed.  
Obviously Javascript developer are against it, but regular web developers look 
like  they’re into it.

This really should be part of the out-of-the-box HTML default use model. 

 I will say that the XML nature
 is problematic, as is SQL for reasons we can actually point to.

I’ll change the example to JSON.  The SQL section could come later as well.

 Additionally, I will say that your list is pretty short, you'd also
 have to include things like XBL and MDV
 ( and a
 whole bunch of other stuff that had powerful support and lots of
 investment, and give them some serious consideration as to why they
 failed to get agreement, implementation, adoption and staying power -
 then think about how your proposal would not fall victim to the same
 pressures.  For me, personally at least, I think there are existing
 proposals which I already prefer more.  I'm not seeing how an element
 is a 'controller' for example or how you make a controller
 non-imperative - even models generally have a data layer in a lot of
 frameworks which would currently confound me as to how to accomplish
 relation/request management declaratively.. I know we can get there, I
 want to get there - I just haven't seen the right proposal yet that
 answers all of those things.  It definitely seems like for now you'd
 need a pretty rich JS API which you haven't even hinted at here.

For this proposal, the controller isn’t an element.  It’s the browser itself. 

The user interacts with the document View layer.  He clicks on a link: A 

The view layer notifies the browser of a click. 

The browser fetches and loads data into 
the model objects.   

The model objects update the document View layer.

So, when you consider the browser to be the controller, this design and use 
model makes sense, and follows the same use model as now.  Instead of loading a 
new page, you load data objects now.  All the logic to do that is in the 

Plus, the browser already has a whole Javascript framework that can be used to 
enhance its behaviour.  If I want to do some processing on the models, just 
write some Javascript callback code to do so. Bam. Done and done.

People are freaking out about the idea of separation of concerns with the HTML 
acting as logic, but it isn’t doing logic here.  The browser is still 
responsible for logic, and it has default behaviors for these models (Clicking 
on this link loads external data into this model) which you can extend 
(convert the Markdown model data into HTML, or load API data at a scroll 

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript pt.2

2015-03-22 Thread Bobby Mozumder
Hi, the part 2 of this message is awaiting moderation due to message size, but 
it already went through at:

Moderator, please allow it to continue.  I tried to cancel it for WHATWG but 
the server is offline and the message already went through on

thank you!

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-20 Thread Michael A. Peters

On 03/20/2015 02:10 AM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:

There’s a standard design pattern emerging via all the front-end javascript 
frameworks where content is loaded dynamically via JSON APIs.  This is the 
single-page app web design pattern. Everyone’s into it because the 
responsiveness is so much better than loading a full page - 10-50ms with a 
clean API load vs. 300-1500ms for a full HTML page load.


Not everyone is into it. I hate it. For many reasons.

Only place I like it is for feeds, like Tumblr, and even there is can be 
really problematic sometimes.

Web devs can keep using it, free world, but calling it HTML6 would be 
absurd. HTML should not embrace particular design choices.

My two cents.

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-20 Thread Jens Oliver Meiert
 There’s a standard design pattern emerging via all the front-end javascript
 frameworks where content is loaded dynamically via JSON APIs.

So it’s already possible, right? :)

Even if HTML would accommodate, how would we know we’re not just
moving complexity from one end to the other? Would we want that? Why?

* From my point of view we’ve made this mistakes a few times, and I
deem the most prominent one CSS variables/custom properties. (See e.g.

Jens Oliver Meiert

✎ The Little Book of HTML/CSS Frameworks:

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-20 Thread Brian Kardell
Going to liberally snip the bits I'm responding to...

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 5:10 AM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 There’s a standard design pattern emerging via all the front-end javascript 
 frameworks where content is loaded dynamically via JSON APIs.  This is the 
 single-page app web design pattern.


 Since this is so common now, can we implement this directly in the browsers 
 via HTML so users can dynamically run single-page apps without Javascript?


 Anyways, what do you think about this?  I think something like this could 
 eliminate a lot of Javascript.  These javascript frameworks are all trying to 
 do this, but none of them do it easily and they’re always being redesigned.  
 Something should be done to standardize on it at a higher level.  There’s a 
 tremendous speed advantage in this, and we shouldn’t have to program in 
 Javascript for such a common design pattern.  Web pages should be loadable 
 with 60fps speeds and should be as responsive as native apps.

 Bobby Mozumder
 FutureClaw Magazine

A few things worth noting:  First, we've actually tried a bunch of
this before, and you're not using it now so I think we can say that at
some level it was unsuccessful.  Second, I am going to submit for
comment that there are a couple of significant reasons why it failed
and why I don't expect we'd have much more success with it if we were
to take it up right now and you can kind of sum them up like this:
There isn't something close enough to actually emerging that remotely
looks ready and standards bodies are historically terrible at that
class of problem.

It's a really, really, really hard problem to abstract something at
such a high level which meets all of the use cases people actually
have which plays into why there are so many ever-changing solutions in
the ecosystem - they're actually trying to figure it out and that's a
good thing.  It's rarely as simple as it appears at first blush and
good ideas breed new possibilities of even better realizations.  As
the number of people using these tools increases, we gain additional
input and data - Along the way they are helping to identify where
there _are_ commonalities and suggest lower level additions that can
be standardized as well as providing necessary failed experiments that
go into finding a good solution.  In general, see or search for articles/posts related
for the thoughts of a lot of us in the community on topics like this
and, if you have an idea for what would be better - find some people
to help you build it, give people an opportunity to try it and see...
Where you can't, raise interesting questions about why and lets build
up a platform where we can make reasonable explanations to build up
higher-level proposals.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents, as they say.

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-20 Thread delfin

On 2015-03-20 21:13, Bobby Mozumder wrote: 

 On Mar 20, 2015, at 7:12 AM, Jens Oliver Meiert wrote: So 
 it's already possible, right? :)
 Maybe, with a lot of expensive Javascript coding. Of course, anything is 
 possible with a lot of expensive coding. The goal should be to make it 
 simple. That's why Facebook has 1.5 billion users while there are only a few 
 hundred thousand front-end Javascript framework developers.
 Even if HTML would accommodate, how would we know we're not just moving 
 complexity from one end to the other? Would we want that? Why? *
 The goal should be to make things simpler, not more complex. People should 
 pick up on it quickly. Were you able to pick up on my example quickly? How 
 long would it take to learn a Javascript framework? 
 At the very least, the entire goal is to have browsers, by default  
 out-of-the-box, be able to serve pages as fast as possible. You're competing 
 against native apps that already do so, and you're losing. Those 10s of 
 milliseconds are important to the user.
 I do not catch the simil between an app (Facebook) vs. the future of HTML6, 
 my excuses. I do not remember neither hold the notion that the needs of HTML5 
 were build due to the highest succes of the MySpace platform, during those 
 early days.
 I do no think that account number of users may define any standard, mainly 
 because of the audience (user) are just this, audience.
 I like the idea and the schema to simplify and avoid unnecessary frameworks, 
 but this should be implemented in a higher level, i.e the DOM.
 Time to render apps or pages does not depend only on the ability of the 
 developer, but on the will of the companies that provide access to the net. 
 So the simpler, the better, for we cannot presume of the values of lenght and 
 latence by the services provided by this companies, when we are connecting 
 through an external service.
 For Intranets, the present model works quite good. And your proposal soounds 
 brilliant to me.
 I am thinking now on the SMTP/Mail protocol scenario, not yet abbandoned, and 
 I guess that will be a good start to decide means for future goals.
 Delfi Ramirez
 My digital signature [2]
 +34 633 589231 [3] 
 twitter: delfinramirez
 IRC: segonquart Skype: segonquart [4] [5] [6]
 /in/mozumder [1]

[4] skype:segonquart

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-03-20 Thread Bobby Mozumder
 The HTML body thus becomes a tempting language, with all the content residing 
 in the fixtures that can be dynamically reloaded without Javascript.

Sorry I just noticed an autocorrect typo.  The above statement should be:

 The HTML body thus becomes a templating language, with all the content 
 residing in the fixtures that can be dynamically reloaded without Javascript.
Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine