
I'm testing my install recipes on debian and I've found two little problems.

on CentOS I execute
    dsconf myinstance plugin retro-changelog enable

but today I tried in debian and it says is an invalid choice:

    dsconf instance plugin: error: invalid choice: 'retro-changelog' (choose 
from 'memberof', 'automember', 'referint', 'rootdn', 'usn', 'accountpolicy', 
'attruniq', 'dna', 'linkedattr', 'managedentries', 'passthroughauth', 
'retrochangelog', 'whoami', 'list', 'get', 'edit')

So retro-changelog is called now retrochangelog.

Is that a Debian thing or it changed it's name on a recent version?

In addition I executed the command with the new name and it gives me a message 
without a correct variable.

    dsconf myinstance plugin retrochangelog enable
    Enabled plugin '%s' Retro Changelog Plugin

    dsconf myinstance plugin retrochangelog status
    Plugin '%s' is enabled Retro Changelog Plugin

it seems a cosmetic error but I just want to be sure if I need to open a bug.

here are the version of the packages:

dpkg -l | grep 389
ii  389-ds-base                                amd64        
389 Directory Server suite - server
ii  389-ds-base-legacy-tools                   amd64        
Legacy utilities for 389 Directory Server
ii  389-ds-base-libs:amd64                     amd64        
389 Directory Server suite - libraries
ii  python3-lib389                             all          
Python3 module for accessing and configuring the 389 Directory Server

thanks in advance,

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