I propose that a little string preference is added so that the advance user can

set a default way to save his files for example

say in the Menu File I click on "Set Save Line" an input dialog comes
describing what vars are set to be what and what my current line is with ok and

cancel buttons. 

I could so something like
%First - %Date - %Pages Pages.%DefaultFORMAT

something like that would translate to 
%First (Takes the first line typed) in this case Journal Entry 5
%Date (The Date which could also be expanded with different formats) 1.12.00
%Pages (Number of Pages)21
%DefaultFORMAT ( just an idea to set the default format) rtf
this would look like this as a file namee
Journal Entry 5 - 1.12.00 - 21 Pages.rtf

and of course for people who don't even want to know how to do something like 
that abiword would be released with a default string. 
any ideas problems? I think it would be awesome to be able to customize how my 
files got saved by default.

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