Dear Spring Community

I'm pleased to announce the Acegi Security System for Spring release 0.6 is
now available from The project
provides comprehensive security services for The Spring Framework.


* It is ready NOW
* Easy to use and deploy (includes a new samples/quick-start directory)
* Enterprise-wide single sign on (via Yale Uni's CAS project)
* Reuses your Spring expertise
* Domain object instance security
* Non-intrusive setup
* Full (but optional) container integration
* Keeps your objects free of security code
* Secures your HTTP requests as well (regular expressions, Ant Paths etc)
* Channel security (HTTPS/HTTP auto redirection etc)
* Supports HTTP BASIC authentication (RFC 1945)
* Convenient security taglib
* Application context or attribute-based configuration
* Various authentication backends (including JDBC)
* Event support
* Easy integration with existing databases (no schema changes)
* Caching (now pluggable, with an EHCACHE implementation)
* Pluggable architecture
* Startup-time validation
* Remoting support (demonstrated in sample application)
* Advanced password encoding (SHA, MD5, salts etc)
* Run-as replacement
* Unit tests (Clover coverage is currently 98%)
* Container integration tests
* Supports your own unit tests
* Peer reviewed
* Thorough documentation
* Apache license


* Added domain object instance access control list (ACL) packages
* Added feature so DaoAuthenticationProvider returns User in Authentication
* Added AbstractIntegrationFilter.secureContext property for custom contexts
* Added stack trace logging to SecurityEnforcementFilter
* Added exception-specific target URLs to AbstractProcessingFilter
* Added JdbcDaoImpl hook so subclasses can insert custom granted authorities
* Added AuthenticationProvider that wraps JAAS login modules
* Added support for EL expressions in the authz tag library
* Added failed Authentication object to AuthenticationExceptions
* Added signed JARs to all official release builds (see readme.txt)
* Added remote client authentication validation package
* Added protected sendAccessDeniedError method to SecurityEnforcementFilter
* Updated Authentication to be serializable (Weblogic support)
* Updated JAR to Spring 1.1 RC 1
* Updated to Clover 1.3
* Updated to HSQLDB version 1.7.2 Release Candidate 6D
* Refactored User to net.sf.acegisecurity.UserDetails interface
* Refactored CAS package to store UserDetails in CasAuthenticationToken
* Improved organisation of DaoAuthenticationProvider to facilitate subclassing
* Improved test coverage (now 98.3%)
* Improved JDBC-based tests to use in-memory database rather than filesystem
* Fixed Linux compatibility issues (directory case sensitivity etc)
* Fixed AbstractProcessingFilter to handle servlet spec container differences
* Fixed AbstractIntegrationFilter to resolve a Weblogic compatibility issue
* Fixed CasAuthenticationToken if proxy granting ticket callback not requested
* Fixed EH-CACHE handling on web context refresh
* Documentation improvements

We recommend that all users upgrade to take advantage of these new features and 
improvements. An upgrade-05-06.txt file is provided in the distribution ZIPs to assist 
with this.

Please visit to access the latest
version or read more about the features.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the growing team who provide 
support and improvements to the project.

Best regards

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