Ben, thanks for the reply. I was not able to find your
post on "subscriber-specific GrantedAuthority". Basd
on what you described, looks like it will not work in
my case because the user can switch workspace after
logging in. I think the GrantedAuthorities are only
assigned when the user is logging in.

Yes, the "workspace" is just a param you pass in to
the serice. Writing a custom AccessDecisionVoter
definitely will work, but I lose all the built-in
support for role-based access decision. I thing I can
think of is to change the GrantedAuthorities
dynamically for every request based on which workspace
the user is trying to access. Will this work?

- Hao

--- Ben Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hao Chen wrote:
> > I have a use case that requires role-based
> > authorization, but the user's role is
> > is based on the access context. Roles are assigned
> to
> > user based on the "workspace" the user is
> accessing.
> > For example, a user may have role X in
> > workspace A, but may have role Y in "workspace" B.
> I
> > think many systems may have similar concepts. I
> know
> > ACL would work for this, but I just wonder whether
> > Acegi has any built-in tools for handling such
> > scoped-roles easily. Or is there any suggested
> > apporach for this use case.
> >   
> If you search for my posts on the forums, I have
> discussed 
> subscriber-specific GrantedAuthority[]s. In an ASP
> deployment, you may 
> have a SubscriberThreadLocal, which has a subscriber
> number. Then your 
> UserDetailsService looks at the active SubscriberId,
> and only adds roles 
> which the principal has for that SubscriberId. Your
> workspace notion 
> may, however, be more related to an argument passed
> to a services layer 
> method. In that situation you're better off having a
> custom 
> GrantedAuthority returned by your
> UserDetailsService, and a custom 
> AccessDecisionVoter that knows how to process that
> custom 
> GrantedAuthority. The exact approach depends on what
> you're trying to 
> achieve.
> Cheers
> Ben
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