As part of 'Rising Algorithms: Navigate, Automate, Dream', we are excited to host three distinct workshops that create an open forum for hands-on exploration and discussion of AI and machine learning tools, with three fantastic presenters. Each workshop aims to cater to a range of different levels and interests for artists and cultural workers. These workshops are held at two/fiftyseven, Level 2, 57 Willis Street, Wellington Central.
Here is a short introduction to each workshop:

Friday 24 May, 9:00 - 12:00
Navigating Wonderland: An AI-Powered Creative Journey - Victoria Campbell

This entry-level workshop bridges the realms of generative AI technology and artistic expression while drawing inspiration from the whimsical world of "Alice in Wonderland". The workshop is led by Victoria Campbell, a seasoned graphic designer and design educator with over 30 years of experience.

More info and registration: [1]

Friday 24 May, 9:00 - 12:00
AI-Enhanced 3D Content Creation in Media Arts: Unveiling the Power of Neural Radiance Fields and 3D Gaussian Splatting - Lukasz Mirocha

This workshop will familiarise participants with the latest set of tools and design pipelines that leverage AI-assisted (neural network) methods of capturing real-life objects and locations and converting them into 3D assets. The workshop is led by Dr Lukasz Mirocha, a Hong Kong based new media and creative software artist working with immersive and real-time 3D media.

More info and registration: [2]

Friday 24 May, 13:00 - 16:00
Imagining and Generating Virtual Worlds - DOTDOT

Learn how to use generative AI tools to create an online, interactive virtual world to present your artistic practice, research, or cultural experience within. DOTDOT is an award-winning creative studio focused on generating impact through social and immersive experiences. Exploring the boundaries of technology, art and design, they create spaces that are memorable, playful, interactive and curious.

More info and registration: [3]

We hope to see you there!

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