
Was there any decision made concerning JSF 1.2 and Trinidad? The spec is 
compatible, however generics were added to the API so some Trinidad 
classes will requires some changes, the components mainly. What is the 
master plan concerning it? Stay with 1.1 as long as possible? Switch to 
1.2 as soon as MyFaces is stable with the new spec?

Personally I would like to switch to 1.2 as soon as there's a stable spec 
implementation, especially since Trinidad is still in incubation (thus 
don't have that many users) and 1.2 is the standard for JEE 5. At worst, 
those wanting 1.1 can use the old ADF Faces.

So far, the main compatibility issues I found are with 
ExternalContext.getApplicationMap, ExternalContext.getRequestMap, 
ExternalContext.getSessionMap and UIComponent.getAttributes. Trinidad uses 
an <Object, Object> semantic for all of those. However, JSF 1.2 forces 
<String, Object> for all of those.


Simon Lessard
Fujitsu Consulting

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