I appreciate your sense of service Mr. Ravi

On 2/7/16, Ravishankar Ayyakkannu <ravidre...@wikimedia.in> wrote:
> Hi,
> Effective 01 February 2016, I have changed the nature of my engagement with
> Wikimedia India (WMIN) from staff to volunteer.
> I joined WMIN when the overall scene in the Indian Wikimedia movement was
> tumultuous. It wasn’t easy getting things back on track. In the last 16
> months, I hope I have succeeded in restoring the trust of all stakeholders
> including WMF, CIS-A2K, and the community. It was an honour to represent
> the movement in India, and I thank all who have helped me shoulder this
> responsibility. I know that I have played my part in empowering at least
> one Wikimedian to contribute more actively and nurturing at least one
> Wikimedia community. And that gives me immense satisfaction as I sign off
> as WMIN’s Program Director.
> At the moment, WMIN cannot hire or retain any staff until it gets FCRA
> permanent registration and succeeds in securing next grant. I hope to
> continue serving WMIN as a volunteer to the best of my abilities while it
> undergoes this transition.  I will also be contributing to various
> Wikimedia projects and events as usual in my capacity as a volunteer.
> I wish WMIN all the best and look forward to it playing a bigger role in
> the movement as it matures.
> Thanks,
> Ravi



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