[apache/incubator-teaclave] Dependency errors (Issue #729)

2024-06-07 Thread Mario López
So I am trying to contribute to the project. I am trying to use sgx_tstd library on attestation/src/service.rs, but if I use `sgx_tstd = { version = "2.0.0" }` on the Cargo.toml from attestation, this error shows up: ``` error: failed to select a version for the requirement `sgx_tstd =

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Issues with keys (Issue #727)

2024-06-04 Thread Mario López
Closed #727 as not planned. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/727#event-13033225200 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

[apache/incubator-teaclave] Issues with keys (Issue #727)

2024-04-22 Thread Mario López
So I am trying to change keys for demostration on config/keys. I created my own CA and exported some end-entity certificate and private key. I changed `dcap_root_ca_cert.pem`, `dcap_server_cert.pem` and `dcap_server_key.pem` with mine. Also added server cert and pem to the basic dcap

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Is DCAP actually supported? (Issue #726)

2024-03-21 Thread Mario López
Closed #726 as completed. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/726#event-12198299145 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-03-21 Thread Mario López
Closed #725 as completed. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/725#event-12198303313 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

[apache/incubator-teaclave] Is DCAP actually supported? (Issue #726)

2024-02-14 Thread Mario López
-- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/726 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] DCAP Attestation Errors (Issue #710)

2024-02-05 Thread Mario López
Closed #710 as completed. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/710#event-11707460769 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-02-02 Thread Mario López
I saw dcap testing tool (/release/dcap/teaclave_dcap_ref_as) actually accepts the POST connection. ``` POST /sgx/dev/attestation/v4/report application/json: >> Matched: (verify_quote) POST /sgx/dev/attestation/v4/report application/json >> Outcome: Success >> Response succeeded. ```

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-02-01 Thread Mario López
So I was able to temporary bypass the certification problems, but the issue with de 404 error is still there: ``` [TRACE teaclave_attestation::service] HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found X-Powered-By: Express

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-01-31 Thread Mario López
Could someone explain me the correlation between these keys and my pccs service keys? Do I need to change cert and key and add my pccs files? Is it necessary to have a particular type of certificate on the pccs? Should It work with no changes for development and testing?

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-01-06 Thread Mario López
I might need to trace down source code, nevertheless, I am only able to bypass the certificate error using the attestation tool to test it, if I try to load teaclave services, I get `NotValidForName` error, using teaclave DCAP certificates on PCCS service. So I guess there should be another

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-01-04 Thread Mario López
Yes I am aware of all of that, so I am assuming it is a configuration issue from my teaclave? Since it is the one who is making those requests. Maybe there is some config I should change bu I couldn't find propper DCAP deployment documentation. Also: ```

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-01-04 Thread Mario López
So doing some testing I used the keys located at `/incubator-teaclave/config/keys` to try to bypass the error. I used `dcap_server_cert.pem` and `dcap_server_key.pem` as my pccs certificate and private key (since the other way around didn't work as it outputs the same error). I was able to

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2024-01-03 Thread Mario López
So I changed `LogLevel` to `debug` in `/opt/intel/sgx-dcap-pccs/config/default.json`: ``` { "HTTPS_PORT" : 8082, "hosts" : "", "uri": "https://api.trustedservices.intel.com/sgx/certification/v3/;, ... "LogLevel" : "debug", ``` Now once I restart pccs service, I run `sudo -E

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2023-12-28 Thread Mario López
Some more maybe useful information: /etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf content: ``` { // *** ATTENTION : This file is in JSON format so the keys are case sensitive. Don't change them.

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2023-12-27 Thread Mario López
Update: Installed 1.14 version of PCCS on my VM, error is the same, configuration file `/etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf` is working well since changes on certs reflect on error logs on teaclave. Sample codes also work as they should. Also ,neither aesmd or pccs services show any errors. -- Reply

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Certificate Errors on deployment (Issue #725)

2023-12-21 Thread Mario López
Configuration is correct, also logs don't show errors or warnings. My pccs version, which is on host machine, is 1.19, maybe that could cause problems since my vm is working with sdk 2.17 and dcap 1.14 as teaclave needs. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] UnsupportedCertVersion Error (Issue #725)

2023-12-13 Thread Mario López
Update: I could solve UnsupportedCertVersion error, I had to create a new cert for pccs but with version 3, since it was on version 1, that solved the error. Now I get **UnknownIssuer** error, which I guess it's because the certificate is a self signed one. I don't know if teaclave has some

[apache/incubator-teaclave] UnsupportedCertVersion Error (Issue #725)

2023-12-12 Thread Mario López
# Environment I am using Ubuntu 20.04 with SGX 2.17. Installed Teaclave with the following: ``` sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/teaclave -w /teaclave \ -it teaclave/teaclave-build-ubuntu-2004-sgx-dcap-1.14:0.2.0 \ bash -c ". /root/.cargo/env && \ . /opt/sgxsdk/environment && \

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] SGX error: NoDevice on SIM Mode (Issue #722)

2023-12-12 Thread Mario López
Closed #722 as completed. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/722#event-11220894636 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] SGX error: NoDevice on SIM Mode (Issue #722)

2023-11-24 Thread Mario López
More from last output, loop comes from this error, which is not understandable since it is running on SIM mode: ``` teaclave-frontend-service | [2023-11-24T09:25:09Z ERROR teaclave_binder::ipc::app] ecall_ipc_entry_point, app sgx_error:InvalidEcnalveId

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] SGX error: NoDevice on SIM Mode (Issue #722)

2023-11-22 Thread Mario López
After removing every docker image related to teaclave, it seems that the program actually is on SIM mode. Now receiving this error: ``` teaclave-scheduler-service | [TRACE rustls::server::tls12::client_hello] sending server hello Message { version: TLSv1_2, payload: Handshake {

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] SGX error: NoDevice on SIM Mode (Issue #722)

2023-11-10 Thread Mario López
I assume there should be no problem since I am running teaclave on SIM mode, but just in case, I am running Intel SGX SDK 2.22 -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/722#issuecomment-1805636738 You are receiving this because you

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Intel SGX latest support (Issue #723)

2023-11-10 Thread Mario López
Closed #723 as completed. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/723#event-10924465635 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] Intel SGX latest support (Issue #723)

2023-11-10 Thread Mario López
Ok thanks, I will wait for a realease with 2.22 support since it is the version my server is running. -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave/issues/723#issuecomment-1805634884 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave] SGX error: NoDevice on SIM Mode (Issue #722)

2023-11-08 Thread Mario López
Changed docker compose image on `run-teaclave-services.sh`. Also removed the docker image used to build teaclave so it could be downloaded again. Nothing changed: ``` COMMAND: docker-compose -f docker-compose-ubuntu-2004.yml up Recreating teaclave-storage-service... done Recreating

[apache/incubator-teaclave] Intel SGX latest support (Issue #723)

2023-11-07 Thread Mario López
Hi, I was wondering if there is any support for the latest versión of Intel SGX 2.22, since I can't find any docker image from any version after 2.17. Also, is there any way to build teaclave without the docker image? Should it be working for latest Intel SGX? Or there is just no support

[apache/incubator-teaclave] SGX error: NoDevice on SIM Mode (Issue #722)

2023-11-06 Thread Mario López
I am trying to deploy teaclave on simulation mode, these are the steps I did: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave.git $ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/teaclave -w /teaclave \ -it teaclave/teaclave-build-ubuntu-2004-sgx-2.17.1:0.2.0 \ bash -c ". /root/.cargo/env && \

Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk] Error: DCAP-PCKRetrieval Sample Code Example not running (Issue #430)

2023-09-19 Thread Mario López
Same here, any news on this? -- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk/issues/430#issuecomment-1725273841 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Message ID:

[apache/incubator-teaclave] DCAP Attestation Errors (Issue #710)

2023-07-24 Thread Mario López
So I'm trying to deploy the teaclave services. Environment variables are configured as: ``` export AS_SPID="" export AS_KEY="" export AS_ALGO="sgx_ecdsa" export AS_URL="https://host.docker.internal:8081; export TEACLAVE_LOG=trace

[Ltsp-discuss] Caught SIGHUP

2003-09-30 Thread Mario López
hi... i'm trying to use my Diskless Computer (DC) with LTS (latest :: 3.0), when i start my Server (RedHat80 +NFS+TFTP+DHCP3) there isn't problem... but when i try to start my DC, i only see : Caught SIGHUP ... i'm using Ehterboot and, i can see the Linux Kernel is loaded!!, the FS (NFS) is