Hello FreeSurfer community,

I am trying to extract the cortical thickness from a specific ROI.
I followed the pipeline: cortical thickness of a volume-defined ROI. But for 
the last step:

mri_segstats \
  --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/surf/lh.fsaverage.ROI5.mgh \
  --in lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh \
  --sum segstats-ROI5.txt

I encountered an error:
ERROR: dimension inconsistency in source data
Number of surface vertices = 126983
       Number of value vertices = 163842

I tried as suggested in the forum the reshape-factor option as well as the 
noreshape option for mri_vol2surf and mri_surf2surf. With no success, I 
obtained a similar error.

The ROI is extracted from another acquisition and is registered to the T1. The 
T1 has been processed by following the classic pipeline using recon-all … -all

Any suggestions on how to fix that error or another pipeline that will allow me 
to get the cortical thickness from inside my ROI?

Thank you

Elodie Boudes
University of Calgary

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