Hello everyone,

I have a problem with cx_freeze. After freezing my program it isn't
possible to import some modules. I got that issue by using 'openpyxl' and

My program structure is like this:


         load Gui

         import CalcProgramm

         use CalcProgramm

         do somethink...


        import numpy

        import os

        import openpyxl

        import scipy.io

        do somethink..

I checked how far my program is executed and I recognized that everything
is Ok until i reach the point where openpyxl and/or scipy.io will be
imported (I switched the order to check this behavior).

Have you any Ideas what the problem could be?

I use the latest version of Winpython (Python 3.4.3 and cx_freeze 3.4.3).
I'm looking forward to get any ideas what I can check or change to get my
distribution running.

Best wishes,

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