
This is to announce two things at once:

1. As many of you are aware, there hasn't been a new official build of
John the Ripper for Windows for years.  (The latest official build was
of version, and there were many user-contributed builds.)

Well, this has changed.  I've just released an official binary build of
John the Ripper 1.7.9 for Windows, available in the usual place:


There's no -jumbo based on 1.7.9 yet, but we'll have one soon.

2. Alain Espinosa, a contributor to -jumbo, has released a password
cracker program of his own.  This is Hash Suite for Windows:


It is shareware (commercial with a free trial), currently offered at a
low nominal price in order to receive more feedback.  The functionality
is comparable to that of L0phtCrack - Windows hashes (LM, NTLM, MSCash),
Windows GUI, and a report engine (producing some pretty reports).


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