
John the Ripper version is out, along with its corresponding
jumbo patch update.  This is another development version, and this time
the focus was on performance improvements with very large password files
or sets of files.


The changes since 1.7.4 are as follows:

* Major performance improvements for processing of very large password
files or sets of files, especially with salt-less or same-salt hashes,
achieved primarily through introduction of two additional hash table
sizes (64K and 1M entries), changes to the loader, and smarter
processing of successful guesses (to accommodate getting thousands of
hashes successfully cracked per second).

* Many default buffer and hash table sizes have been increased and
thresholds for the use of hash tables lowered, meaning that John will
now tend to use more memory to achieve better speed (unless it is told
not to with the "--save-memory" option).

* Some previously missed common website passwords found on public lists
of "top N passwords" have been added to the bundled common passwords list.

* Some bugs introduced in 1.7.4 and affecting wordlist mode's elimination
of consecutive duplicate candidate passwords have been fixed.

The jumbo patches had many of the same performance bottlenecks addressed
or worked around for a while.  With this update, the performance
improvements have been (re)implemented in an "official" manner and
included into JtR itself, and a couple of additional bottlenecks have
been addressed.

Those interested in more detail may check the CVS commit messages at:


I was committing the changes one by one and with very descriptive commit
messages.  I added quite some source code comments, too.

On a related note, support for "generic" MD5-based hashes (optionally
salted or/and iterated) has been added to the jumbo patch (starting with
1.7.4-jumbo-2), due to code contributed by JimF.  Previously, this
existed as a separate "JimF patch", which one could apply on top of the
jumbo patch.

Enjoy, and please provide your feedback on the john-users list.


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