
I've got a similar issues connecting to a network device running KlasOS. I 
am not sure which connection type to use to make this work. I've tried with 
the code that @sign@L posted but no luck. In sign@L's code I see he is 
using "connection: local" and "ansible_connection=ssh". Isn't this the same 
thing? It picks the connection module to use. Which one is it using in this 
case; local or ssh? Reading the docs on the "local" connection module is 
states "This connection plugin allows ansible to execute tasks on the 
Ansible ‘controller’ instead of on a remote host." 
Can you list the output of you playbook run with -vvv. I wonder how it 
looks compared to mine. To my understanding if I use local connection 
module I should be doing something like this in the tasks:


  - name: Connect to KlasOS

    raw: 'username@x.x.x.x'

and then use expect.

Can someone please shed some light into this.


On Monday, 17 September 2018 12:57:02 UTC+2, sign@L wrote:
> I need to send commands to 600 network devices (they are Fortinet Access 
> Points) that have SSH enabled. Python is not available on the device, so I 
> need to use something like network_cli.
> I've tried all the ansible_network_os options (ios, nxos, vyos, eos...), 
> but none work.
> Is there a way of sending simple commands to a device without the 
> requirement to specify & verify the device OS?
> I don't care about gathering facts beforehand.

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