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# Increasing the default vm.max_map_count value

As per [this proposal](, we decided to increase the [vm.max_map_count]( value from the default `65530` to `1048576`, based on the same change that multiple distributions already did on their respective side.

This change should help addressing performance, crash or start-up issues for some memory intensive applications, particularly for (but not limited to) [some Windows games]( played through Wine/Steam Proton. Overall, it goes forward a smoother user experience out of the box with no expressed concerns about potential downsides in the related proposal.

This `vm.max_map_count` increase is introduced in the `2024.04.07` release of the [filesystem package]( and will be effective right after the upgrade. Before upgrading, in case you're already providing your own value for that parameter in a `sysctl` config file, either remove it (to switch to the new default value) or make sure your config file will be read [with a higher priority]( than the `/usr/lib/sysctl.d/10-arch.conf` file (to supersede the new default value).

Robin Candau / Antiz

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