Hello everyone,

This is an Avocado LTS release announcement: 92.0 is now available!

About LTS (Long Term Stability)

Release 92.0 is the first release of the fifth LTS (Long Term
Stability) release series (92.x).

The previous LTS release series, 82.x, is also an active series, with
82.1 having been released a week ago.  Read more about what LTS means


Important Announcement

Since the previous LTS version (82.0), Avocado has switched the
default runner, from the implementation most people currently use
(internally simply called runner), to the newer architecture and
implementation called nrunner).

Users migrating from Avocado 82.x will be impacted by this change
and should act accordingly.

To keep using the current (soon to be legacy) runner, you must set
the --test-runner=runner command line option (or the equivalent
test_runner configuration option, under section [run]).

Known issues are being tracked on our GitHub project page, with the
nrunner tag, and new issue reports are appreciated.

LTS Release Notes

To understand what you may have to do in order to upgrade from 82.x
to 92.0, it's highly recommended you look at the LTS release notes:


Release Notes

Since we host the release notes alongside our official documentation,
please refer to the following link for the complete information about
this release:


Installing Avocado

Instructions are available in our documentation on how to install
either with packages or from source:


RPM packages for the current Fedoras (33 and 34) and EL 8 (Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, CentOS, etc) are already available on those
distributions' "avocado" module, on the "latest" stream.  The
installation should be straightforward, and you can find instructions


Also, updated Python source and binary packages are available on PyPI:



Updated Python source and binary packages are available on PyPI:


RPM packages should soon be available for the current Fedoras (33 and
34) and EPEL 8 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, etc) in the
"avocado-vt" modular repository.

Happy hacking and testing!

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