
I have a very old BackupPC server (coming up to 15 years, now running 4.4.0). I've been migrating the entire pool to v4, basically one backup per day (since the migration requires downtime). This has been going fine for months, but recently, one of the backups exposed some problems in the cpool that have me worried:

There's this:

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: ERROR pool file 
/srv/backuppc/cpool/00/f6/01f7b4d296cfc54f260dbd3ab7f61d0a has digest 
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e instead of 01f7b4d296cfc54f260dbd3ab7f61d0a

and then there are errors like this:

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file 58209505159c3b0e9cfd48099a53bc79 
count 1

I am less worried about the second one, because in [this message](https://adsm.org/lists/html/BackupPC-users/2017-03/msg00026.html), Craig explains that these are reminiscents of a bug that's since been fixed, and the problems will go away when the backups created by the buggy software expire. Every run of `nightly` also reports the exact same set of 6 such missing files.

But the former error is giving me a bit of a worry, and there's [an open issue on Github](https://github.com/backuppc/backuppc/issues/412).

The way I read the error message is that there's a zero-length file in the cpool stored under a hash that should indicate that there was actually content. So has my filesystem truncated these files? It's an ext4 filesystem, and it fsck's cleanly.

What I find especially unnerving is that there's a new set of these files being reported on every run of `refCountUpdate -m -c -r0-255` (without `-P`), without any overlap. This doesn't seem like just a handful of pool files erroneously put in place due to a bug, but more like an unknown set of these.

So I ran a `find cpool/?? -size 0` and it found around 1,800 of them, though most of them have been created on 21 August 2021, with only a few (ca. 17%) created on 14 Jan 2022. That's a bit of a relief, and maybe it's not all that bad?

At the end of a refCountUpdate, I am shown this:

BackupPC_refCountUpdate total errors: 6

and those are the missing files (see above). The zero-sized files stored with the wrong digest are not included.

Another glimmer of hope: there is only exactly one backup from 21 August 2021 in the database, so about 83% of the zero-sized, misplaced files may well apply to this one very backup, incidentally the initial backup of one of the youngest hosts in the collection.

I have a couple of questions:

1. Can someone explain what's going on, and hopefully put my mind to rest?

2. Are these really just empty files for which a faulty digest was calculated at some point in the past?

3. Why doesn't `refCountUpdate` report the same set of such files on every run?

4. Why are these logged as errors, but not included in the total error count?

5. How can I find out where in the backup hierarchies these files are referenced?

6. Given that I know the precise backup that seems to be mostly affected by this, is there anything else I can provide to help diagnose this?


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