hi Susan, 

This is a conversation I am following with great

I have what is probably a very stupid question.
Obviously  this is a subject you and Mark have
conversed about beforre on this list and I have not
been able to follow all of it. However, I am missing
quotes from the will and testament of both Baha'u'llah
(referring to Abdu'l-Baha) and Abdu'l-Baha (when He is
referring to Shoghi Effendi, Guardianship and the
Universal House of Justice).

I recently read some passages from there again and
they seemed to me quite clear with regard to the area
of jurisdiction and legislation. 

As you may have noticed ;o) I am not trained in
academic thought and i am afraid that above statement
is disregarding a lot of nuances I may be unaware of. 
I hope you will have the time and patience to
elucidate for me what nuances I am missing when I
think that the passages from the will and testament of
Both are enough, cause I get the feeling that my
approach is too simplistic. :o)

with love, 

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