Hi Jens,

our storage driver is the default aufs:

Storage Driver: aufs
  Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
  Backing Filesystem: extfs
  Dirs: 189
  Dirperm1 Supported: false

... based on ext4, also with default option (journaling only on metadata).

However, we have a persistent volume for the BaseX database files pointed to a regular folder on the host (ext4). To my understanding the storage driver isn't used in this case.

Is there a recommendation for a basex filesystem?

With kind regards,

Am 26.08.2016 um 22:04 schrieb Jens Erat:
Hi Björn,

which Docker storage driver are you using?

In my own experiments, I recently realized BaseX does not play very well with 
copy-on-write, resulting in heavy fragmentation. If you're using BTRFS or ZFS, 
you should definitely make sure to disable copy on write for the BaseX database 
when performing frequent updates. I have not verified whether BTRFS' autodefrag 
option improves this.

This is not a Docker issue, but one with the file systems (databases need 
tuning for those kinds of file systems in general).


Benedikt Wegmann
Jabber/XMPP: bwegm...@jabber.gwdg.de

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