On Mon, 11 May 2009 15:44:49 +0200, Niels Thykier wrote:

> Hi Bash-completion team + subversion maintainer


> [..]
> Namely why is debian shipping with two different bash_completions for
> subversion? I have one from bash_completion v1:1.0-2 and one from
> subversion v1.5.6dfsg-1(determined via apt-file):

Because we had a subversion completion, but didn't check whether it was
complete or not. Thus we renamed it as _subversion.

> [..]
> On my system it seems that the "_subversion" file overrules the
> "subversion" (I only checked the _svn function, and assumed this
> precedence held for the other svn-commands).

AFAICT "_" should come before "s", so "subversion" should really overrule
"_subversion"... but I didn't really try this, so sorry if it happened the
opposite -- I'll fix it in the next Debian revision (and consequently upstream)


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