[BinusNet] [Help] Joomla Template: JA Larix

2008-07-10 Terurut Topik Thomas Tjahja
Dear all, saya lagi coba2 main dgn joomla. Versi yg saya pake Joomla 1.5.4, saya jg pake Xampp versi 1.6.7 (Apache HTTPD 2.2.9 + Openssl 0.9.8h,MySQL 5.0.51b,PHP 5.2.6). Component : VirtueMart 1.1.1, lalu saya install template : JA Larix 1.0, OS : Win XP SP2. Ini masih main di localhost,belum

[BinusNet] Issa Kumalasari, Bangkit dari Trauma Perkosaan

2008-02-26 Terurut Topik Thomas Tjahja
Buat rekan2 binusian yg kebetulan kenal dgn mahasiswi binus korban perkosaan, mungkin bisa memberitahukan ttg metode TLT dibawah ini utk mengurangi trauma yg dideritanya. Issa Kumalasari, Bangkit dari Trauma Perkosaan Hari Minggu di bulan Agustus 2006 menjadi hari paling naas dalam hidup

[BinusNet] Lowongan @ sequislife

2008-02-26 Terurut Topik Thomas Tjahja
PT.AJ SEQUISLIFE lagi open position, ada 6. 1. Senior Officer IT Support 2. Assistant Manager Account Executive (Institutional Business Consultant) 3. Senior Officer Account Executive (Institutional Business Consultant) 4. TELEMARKETING 5. Internal Audit Officer 6. Investment officer

[BinusNet] [loker] New hires of Senior Officer IT Support

2008-02-08 Terurut Topik Thomas Tjahja
S1 Computer Science/engineering with the following qualifications: a)Understand the network and telecommunication topology b)Familiar with desktop's hardware peripherals c)Comprehend thoroughly Windows NT/2000/2003/vista/98/XP, Internet Explorer, MS Office, ISA server and Antivirus