
Mgk agak melenceng sedikit topic-nya, saya diminta tolong oleh teman 
saya non-indo ttg PPN, mgk ada hubungannya dgn new company setup di 
indo dan saya buta sama sekali soal PPN.

Bagi yg familiar mengenai PPN, saya berterimakasih sekali klo mau 
membantu. Mgk lbh baik JAPRI biar tidak mengganggu yg lain.

Trima kasih bgt2 ya ^_^v
Hi Fay

Selamat petang.

Questions for your friend:

1. How many VAT classification for Indonesia?
- eg. Australia - there are zero rated, exempt, input tax credit, 
10% GST, etc.
- Do they have VAT exempt for Indonesia.

2. Recoverable expenses - are they subject to VAT. eg. we pay for 
airfare (domestic) and charge to client. When we bill client, do we 
need to put VAT.  For eg we process all the AP Invoices for one of 
our clients, when we bill P&G for funding, we charge VAT.

3. In Indonesia, we have been told they usually generate a 
commercial invoice (can be in any currency and the text is in 
English) and Tax Invoice (the text is in Bahasa Indonesia and must 
be in IDR)

Since we do not levy VAT on OPE to client, we dont issue a Tax 
Invoice? That is why the Commercial Invoice Nos and Tax Invoice IDs 
do not match.

Even though we issue two invoices (Commercial and Tax), the client 
can decide whether they will be pay in USD or IDR for VAT. We adopt 
the same approach for the vendor invoices.

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