Dave Mielke <d...@mielke.cc> writes:

> [quoted lines by Mario Lang on 2019/11/01 at 19:40 +0100]
>>Trying to switch from screen to tmux, I notice that the command prompt
>>(^B :) does not use the hardware cursor.  screen does use the hardware
>>cursor for the same kind of functionality.  
> Which functionality? Is ^B supposed to have a special meaning? Do you mean a
> caret (circumflex) followed by a B or do you mean Ctrl-B?

screen and tmux both have a so-called prefix-key.  In screen, that is
Ctrl+a (sometimes written as ^a) and tmux uses Ctrl+b (I lazily just
wrote ^B).  That keybinding is the prefix to all predefined bindings in
screen and tmux.  Since both do roughly the same thing, prefix followed
by a colon (:) invokes the command prompt.  This will print a prompt
character in the last line of the screen, and allows the user to enter
commands which might not be bound to a specific key combination.  In
screen, that command prompt uses the hardware cursor, while tmux uses a
text attribute to manually draw the editing cursor.

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