Re: Warning (512)

2011-01-07 Thread Andy Dirnberger
What version of Cake are you using? findAll() was replaced by find('all') in 1.2. From the 1.3 docs: On Jan 6, 7:22 pm, AndreGuerreiro wrote: Hi, I got this message

Re: Common Punctuation

2010-11-29 Thread Andy Dirnberger
The 'i' means case insensitive, so you don't need the A-Z anymore: '/^[\-\'\.\sa-z]+$/i' On Nov 29, 3:54 am, Stephen wrote: My mistake, i goes after the forward slash. *'rule' = array('custom', '/^[\-\'\.\sa-zA-Z]+$/i'),* On 29 November 2010 08:53, Stephen

Re: How to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in find conditions array

2010-09-20 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Did you try array(..., 'ClubsPlayer.start_datetime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')? On Sep 19, 5:38 pm, DerBjörn wrote: Hi Zaky, yes with time() it works like that: ClubsPlayer.start_datetime =' = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) but i thought there is a easilier way :) Thanks

Re: Why are there no logs?!

2010-09-10 Thread Andy Dirnberger
What are you using for the log setting in core.php? On Sep 10, 7:52 am, psybear83 wrote: Hi everybody From Ruby On Rails I'm used that while developing my log files are full of informations about what pages were rendered etc. In CakePHP I'm missing this - I don't even

Re: Why are there no logs?!

2010-09-10 Thread Andy Dirnberger
: as mentioned above i use define('LOG_ERROR', 2); On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Andy Dirnberger wrote: What are you using for the log setting in core.php? On Sep 10, 7:52 am, psybear83 wrote: Hi everybody From Ruby On Rails I'm used

Re: Need help from a routing expert

2010-08-30 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Router::connect('/threads/*', array('controller' = 'threads', 'action' = 'index')); On Aug 30, 7:52 am, Greg Skerman wrote: Ok so this should be fairly easy right? I have a few controllers (forums, threads and posts) The index of the forums controller shows the list of

Re: CakePHP Tags Plugin Question 2

2010-08-02 Thread Andy Dirnberger
There's an error in your syntax. The line should be $filter = array('Event.postcode' = '4883'); On Aug 2, 11:24 pm, #2Will wrote: Sorry but i seem to be struggling today.  Ive got my index page showing my paginated list and filtering by tag, but what if i want to add in

Re: Link with image and text

2010-07-25 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Things will be different if you're using Cake 1.3, but it will be along the lines of: $this-Html-link($this-Html-image('folio/thumb/' . $feature['Entry'] [0]['image'], array('alt' = __($feature['Portfolio']['title'], true), 'border' = 0)) . 'h3' . $feature['Portfolio']['title'] . '/h3', URL_HERE,

Re: 404 Error in Debug Mode

2010-07-07 Thread Andy Dirnberger
The 404 page is the same. When an error occurs in production mode, the site will return a 404 instead of the actual error. That's the only difference in how 404s are handled. The difference that may be tripping you up is that when debug is set to 1+ there is an HTML comment appended to the end of

Re: admin routing.prefix

2010-06-13 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Sounds like you have private function admin_login() in UsersController. Try public function admin_login() instead. On Jun 13, 7:05 pm, Davor Ilic wrote: with this i mean this link: 2010/6/14 Davor Ilic

Re: can i use html5 in cakephp?

2010-06-09 Thread Andy Dirnberger
According to the W3C, they expect to reach the recommendation milestone for HTML5 in Q3 2010. On Jun 9, 11:11 pm, calvin wrote: You can use whatever you want, but HTML5 is nowhere near completion. It's not

Re: $pageTitle not working

2010-06-01 Thread Andy Dirnberger
I got around this by adding the following to AppController::beforeRender until I was able to clean up the controllers. if (!empty($this-pageTitle)) { $this-set('title_for_layout', $this-pageTitle); } On May 31, 11:27 pm, Miles J wrote: This was the one thing I hated

Re: Getting .htpasswd protection to work

2010-06-01 Thread Andy Dirnberger
/path.php. On Jun 1, 11:16 pm, Jeff wrote: Hi Andy, Actually that is my full path.  At least when I FTP to my server, immediately in the root directory / is the app folder.  Is there anything else that could be wrong? Thanks On May 12, 9:20 pm, Andy Dirnberger

Re: 1.3 prefix routing.

2010-05-28 Thread Andy Dirnberger
In your controller, the current prefix is stored in $this- params['prefix']. It's also available through Router::currentRoute()- defaults['prefix']. On May 27, 6:45 pm, aleph1 wrote: I can't see how to retrieve the current prefix that is being used for routing purposes.

Re: case sensitivity on certain hosting

2010-05-27 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Does that host have a users folder at ..users? On May 27, 11:37 am, leo wrote: I'm having a problem on one of our hostings with case sensitivity. Strangely, it is only on the 'users' controller. If I do '..users/login' it doesn't work. If I do '..Users/login' it does.

Re: How can I consolidate conditions that I will use for every find?

2010-05-22 Thread Andy Dirnberger
This is just a rough idea and will need to be completed (and probably improved some), but hopefully it can get you started. In AppModel: var $schedule_id; function find($conditions = null, $fields = array(), $order = null, $recursive = null) { if (is_array($conditions)) { if

Re: Problems with URLs causing flash too break

2010-05-18 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Do you have a crossdomain.xml file? On May 17, 8:21 pm, Cycling_Joe wrote: Can anyone guide me to what I am doing wrong. If the www is omitted in my url's it causes my flash  files to break. If I go tohttp://www.mysite.comeverything is fine. If I go

Re: Front-end for end-users and admins design

2010-05-18 Thread Andy Dirnberger
You may want to take a look at prefix routing (admin routing prior to 1.3) On May 18, 9:58 am, Andrei Mita wrote: Thank Renato. Actually I was thinking to develop two separate cake apps: one to run the website for the

Re: Getting .htpasswd protection to work

2010-05-12 Thread Andy Dirnberger
You need to use /the/full/path/to/app/.htpasswd. On May 12, 11:17 pm, Jeff wrote: Hi, I have the following in my /app/webroot/.htaccess file, as well as a matching .htpasswd file in the correct directory per multiple online how-to's, but my password protection is not

Re: array dump

2010-05-10 Thread Andy Dirnberger On May 10, 9:06 pm, bradmaxs wrote: Can anyone tell me how to get: Array (     [0] = Array         (             [Portfolio] = Array                 (                     [id] = 1                     [user_id] = 0                

Re: 1.3 omit attribute

2010-05-09 Thread Andy Dirnberger
the automated 'for'  attribute for the $this-Html-label. On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Andy Dirnberger andy.dirnber...@gmail.comwrote: Labels are supposed to be used with input fields. You should be using th for table column headers. On May 8, 4:13 pm, ZAky

Re: 1.3 omit attribute

2010-05-08 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Labels are supposed to be used with input fields. You should be using th for table column headers. On May 8, 4:13 pm, ZAky wrote: I am trying to omit the auto generated  'for' attribute for $this-Html-label with no success. I tried:

Re: how to select from subquery result

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Why use the subquery? SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE some_id = 1 GROUP BY block_id HAVING MAX(date) or: $Model-find('all', array( 'conditions' = array('Model.some_id' = 1), 'group' = ('Model.block_id HAVING MAX(date)'), ); On May 7, 6:16 am, Eleazar wrote: Hello for

Re: how to select from subquery result

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Dirnberger
,        [original table name 2]-values [1]- etc. What on earth could cause this? I have no idea where to begin! Why is the returned array not formatted  in the usual way? Why would it work on the localhost but not on the online server? Any ideas will be appreciated! On May 7, 4:08 pm, Andy

Re: Cakephp Ajax is not including the javascripts in the view

2010-04-30 Thread Andy Dirnberger
I believe the src attribute of any script tag loaded through an Ajax call is ignored; all JavaScript needs to be included in the original page load or embedded directly in the response. On Apr 30, 3:23 am, Vijay wrote: Thanks for reply andrei. I am calling the normal

Re: wordpress integration without seperate url

2010-04-29 Thread Andy Dirnberger
I think mex is talking about dropping WordPress right into the webroot folder with the ultimate goal being to have going to UsersController in Cake and going to WordPress. The problem is, .htaccess would have no easy way of knowing

Re: Validate on

2010-04-22 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Check the Cookbook On Apr 22, 10:10 am, Angelo wrote: Hello, I juste discover ina blog article that we can use a on value in $validate array. Is there somewehere documentation about all value we can put in

Re: Checking multiple columns for duplication checking in model

2010-04-22 Thread Andy Dirnberger
My example does not compare field1 and field2 for uniqueness against each other, it compares field1 and field2 against the database. When creating a new record, it will check that the combination of field1+field2 doesn't already exist in the database. When updating a record it will check that the

Re: Checking multiple columns for duplication checking in model

2010-04-21 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Here's a stripped down example of how I do it: app_model.php class AppModel extends Model { ... function isUniqueMulti($data, $fields) { if (!is_array($fields)) { $fields = array($fields); } foreach ($fields as $key) { $tmp[$key] = $this-data[$this-name][$key];

Re: is it advisable to use jquery on cakephp?

2010-04-19 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Check out JsHelper in 1.3 On Apr 19, 10:17 am, Bryan Lim wrote: question as above. I also want to ask if there's an official jquery helper for cakephp? The one at the bakery is kinda outdated. thanks!

Re: Can I stop the page from re-rendering after a form submission?

2010-04-14 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Cake doesn't insist on anything. The nature of clicking a submit button in a form is to submit the form. That means the browser sends the post/get request to the server and loads the response. If you want different behavior, you need to catch the submit event through JavaScript and cancel it. The

Re: Allowing access to plugin pages

2010-04-09 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Try $this-Auth-allow('*'). I think the addition of array() is what's tripping you up. On Apr 9, 4:48 pm, TobyG wrote: Hi there, Just wondering how to grant access to a plugin page using Auth. Have tried using... $this-Auth-allow(array('*')); in the before

Re: Yet another HABTM multiple checkbox query, cakePHP 1.3 RC3

2010-04-05 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Why are you trying to save to the relationship table? Cake will do that for you automatically. What does your view look like (at least the part that creates the form)? Provided your HABTM is set up correctly in the models and view, calling $this-Model-save($this-data) in the controller should be

Re: Retrieving objects from the DB instead of arrays

2010-03-30 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Why not perform your manipulations in afterFind? If you add an 'age' key to the result in the callback (my guess is you store the date of birth in the database, not the current age), you can then use $person['Person']['age'] in your view. On Mar 30,

Re: How use __consruct in model

2010-03-09 Thread Andy Dirnberger
You need to do two things: 1. Accept all of the parent constructor's parameters 2. Call the parent constructor function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null) { parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds); ... } That said, I'm not exactly sure what you're doing with parent::$this-

Re: Calling custom methods in related models

2010-03-07 Thread Andy Dirnberger
What happens if you change SisField::$hasMany to var $hasMany = array('SisQueue');? pardon for my dumbness but I did not understand what you are asking me to the model hasMany is already var hasMany= I'm asking you to change $hasMany from what you have to the shorter version I

Re: Calling custom methods in related models

2010-03-06 Thread Andy Dirnberger
What happens if you change SisField::$hasMany to var $hasMany = array('SisQueue');? On Mar 6, 9:02 pm, mathaios wrote: yes Paul this is the problem! $this-SisField-SisQueue-belongsTo does return an empty array instead of the real one. Clearly Cake is auto-creating the

Re: Calling custom methods in related models

2010-03-04 Thread Andy Dirnberger
What is the actual name of model2 and what is its filename? If the file isn't being found, model2 is of type AppModel and not model2, which would explain why you can't access a method defined in model2. On Mar 4, 12:36 pm, mathaios wrote: Hallo all bakers! I hope someone can

Re: file upload with ajax

2010-03-03 Thread Andy Dirnberger
XMLHttpRequest cannot upload files. The two ways to give the appearance of Ajax are with Flash (e.g., Uploadify, SWFUpload, etc.) and with an iframe. Either way, only the data from $_POST ends up in $this-data. To access any uploaded files, you need to use $_FILES. Check out the new CakePHP

Re: Question about relationships, extending the blog tutorial

2010-02-25 Thread Andy Dirnberger
', array('rows' = '10', 'columns' = '40')); echo $form-radio('frontpage', array('1'='Yes','0'='No')); echo $form-end('Save Post'); ? I want to thank everyone who has helped out with my questions. On Feb 24, 7:21 am, Andy Dirnberger wrote: If you have debug set to 0

Re: Question about relationships, extending the blog tutorial

2010-02-24 Thread Andy Dirnberger
and the it does not output any of the information.  If I put ?php echo $post['User']['id']; ? or ?php echo $post['User']['username']; ? those values will output just fine but not displayname, what might cause this? On Feb 23, 8:36 pm, Andy Dirnberger wrote: Did you try

Re: Question about relationships, extending the blog tutorial

2010-02-23 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Did you try just using var $belongsTo = array('User');? The values you are supplying for className and foreignKey should be the defaults. If you remove the $belongsTo piece, do your posts show up again? If not, what else did you change? What code do you currently have in your controller? No

Re: Question about relationships, extending the blog tutorial

2010-02-22 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Try $belongsTo instead of $hasOne. $belongsTo = array('User'); On Feb 22, 7:03 pm, deek wrote: First of all let me say I'm very new to CakePHP and complex PHP in general.  I based the blog I am working on off the tutorial on the CakePHP website. I skipped creating ACL

Re: Keeping State

2010-02-22 Thread Andy Dirnberger
It's still sessions: On Feb 22, 9:01 pm, Josh LaMar wrote: Hi all, This is my first post. I am new to CakePHP but I have experience programming in PHP and Python/CGI. Anyways I want to get comfortable switching over to CakePHP by