Re: User id in afterPaypalNotification

2011-09-25 Thread nurvzy
You can't use sessions, Paypal is talking to your site, not the user. Once the user leaves for paypal they complete the purchase then paypal takes over and communicates to your application via a POST to the url you define. So to get user data I'd suggest passing in what you want passed back. For

Re: Redirect back to my site after paypal_ipn

2011-09-25 Thread nurvzy
This isn't a plugin setting, it's a paypal setting. You'll need to update your paypal profile: Quick google search resulted: Hope that helps, Nick Baker On Sep 25, 12:38 pm,

Re: Displaying comments in the Index page

2011-06-19 Thread nurvzy
The issue you're running into is in the default index view and controller action you have recursive set to 0 for speed reasons. A quick fix would be to set that value higher to retrieve comments associated with posts. A better solution would be to use the Containable behavior and limit it to just

Re: Auto Increment A Field

2011-03-12 Thread nurvzy
$this-Product-id = 40; $this-Product-saveField('vote', $this-Product-field('vote') + 1); Nick On Mar 12, 9:36 am, Krissy Masters wrote: $this-Product-updateAll(array(''=''), array(''=40)); So we are updating Product ID = 40 where

Re: reading new cake book is painful than the old one.

2011-02-13 Thread nurvzy
I like the new book, but I agree it needs a little polish. I've tried to edit it a few times to add some more information and I was met with a white screen of death each time. With Chrome and FF. Happened after requiring login. Then I couldn't get to the book at all without a white screen. Cleared

Re: How To Save A User Email after Logging In

2011-01-27 Thread nurvzy
Assuming you've asked for the email permission you'll have access to the authenticated facebook user's email with: $this-Connect-user('email'); Save into your users database however you see fit. Example: if($this-Connect-user('email') !$this-User-field('email')){

Re: Is there is function to clean all records in aros_acos table?

2011-01-16 Thread nurvzy
Seems obvious, but: $this-ArosAcos-deleteAll(1); Treat the join table as an adhoc model and run deleteAll on it. Nick On Jan 15, 8:20 pm, roy wrote: I am writing a function to rehresh permission table in database. See if there is a function that can clean the records in

Re: to Test or not to Test

2011-01-08 Thread nurvzy
Testing is essential for any application you intend on maintaining or will be passing between developers. In regards to click testing, sure -- test your app yourself, if you only do it once you've saved time by not writing the test. But now lets say you then refactor a bit/add a new feature.

Re: MAX() in query

2010-12-29 Thread nurvzy That should help you, read through how to build complex conditions with subqueries and build the conditions array described. Once you have your conditions array just pass it to $this- paginate($conditions); You should be all set. Hope

Re: Complex LIKE Conditions in CakePHP

2010-12-23 Thread nurvzy
I'm assuming you want an OR -- Dr. Loboto's produce an AND condition. LIKE plural AND LIKE singular doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You probably want LIKE plural OR LIKE singular to be found in the description. $conditions = array( 'OR' = array( array('Product.short_description LIKE' =


2010-12-21 Thread nurvzy
I use and love jedit. Great plugin system, can be as simple or advanced as you want it to be. On Dec 21, 7:57 am, Kristofer wrote: What IDE do people typically use with CakePHP?  I've been doing stuff from the Linux command line using vim for so long.  I'd like

Re: $_POST is populated with the form data, but $this-data is always empty

2010-11-29 Thread nurvzy
Why are you setting NULL as your form model? Try: ?php echo $form-create('User', array( 'default' = true, 'inputDefaults' = array( 'label' = false,

Re: RequestHandler::isAjax() buggy?

2010-11-28 Thread nurvzy
The function is extremely simple: function isAjax() { return env('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') === XMLHttpRequest; } That's the standard way of checking for an ajax request. In regards to debugging I'd suggest throwing in some logs, both $_SERVER and when a successful ajax was accomplished.

Re: CakePHP 1.3, JSHelper and Autocomplete, Missing method?

2010-11-18 Thread nurvzy
That cookbook link you reference is for the Ajax Helper, not the JsHelper. To my knowledge autocomplete is not supported out of the box using the JsHelper. But it's simple enough to do on your own. Nick On Nov 18, 1:09 am, Louie Miranda

Re: Why only pass $data to view instead of model instance?

2010-11-17 Thread nurvzy
I have to agree with miles, this is a feature I've wanted for a while. The newest 2.0 milestone has retutning the model reference as apposed to an array as a toggle feature slated for release. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. *fingers crossed* Nick On Nov 16, 12:09 pm, Jamie

Re: Can't get SimpleTest 1.0.1 working with CakePHP 1.3.5

2010-11-04 Thread nurvzy
Can you run tests from shell? $ cd path/to/app $ cake testsuite app all Hope that helps, Nick On Nov 4, 7:10 pm, Jules wrote: Another update: I can run my unit tests from Opera (but all other browsers choke). While this is far from ideal, it will do for now. Still

Re: blackHole($controller, $string) leads to Missing argument 2 for AppController::blackHole() *+

2010-11-03 Thread nurvzy
What AD is saying is the security component is setting $error to an empty string (in the method header) if it doesn't exist, you are not. As such when the second argument isn't given in *your* method, instead of $error being set to '' you'll get a notification. Hope that helps, Nick On Nov 3,

Re: How strict is your approach towards convention over configuration?

2010-11-03 Thread nurvzy
That's really clever AD. I was going to say you can edit all custom foreign keys in the models and joins and cakephp will play nice, but creating database views is a pretty slick approach I hadn't thought of. Nick On Nov 3, 8:39 am, AD7six wrote: On Nov 3, 9:32 am, Enno

Re: CakePHP without CLI for the Bake console

2010-10-12 Thread nurvzy
I agree, you should develop locally and command line access is not needed remotely. However, it can really come in handy! There are tons of cheap hosting that allow shell access -- if yours doesn't, I suggest shopping around. Nick On Oct 12, 5:31 am, Jeremy Burns | Class Outfit

Re: Redirect to XML

2010-10-08 Thread nurvzy
Read through the RequestHandler area of the cookbook then head over to parse extension part of the router section. Lastly take a look at the XML helper to output your content into xml. You'll get a good head start on all you'll need to do to accomplish this.

Re: reporting component

2010-09-28 Thread nurvzy
More info please. At least give a link to the bakery article you tried to give us a clue what you're trying to do. Nick On Sep 28, 4:52 am, james wrote: Are there any up to date reporting components for cake? I tried to add the one from the bakery but had loads of

Re: Form Helper Automatically Inserting the ID of the Node?

2010-09-28 Thread nurvzy
This happens when you have $this-data['ModelAlias']['id'] set in your $this-data. If the id is present the helper assumes you're preforming an edit and as such appends the ID to the url as that is the default baked behavior (to receive an ID on edit/delete). To turn this off, make sure to unset

Re: CakePHP Above Webroot

2010-09-27 Thread nurvzy
Is it safe to have the cake folder exposed? It's safe, but rather unprofessional. I'd be more worried that the root of your client's account is accessible more than the cake library. Nick On Sep 27, 3:03 am, jbgillet wrote: Hi Guys, Just wondering how

Re: CakePHP Gigya Social Network Plugin implementation

2010-09-25 Thread nurvzy
Hi Foroct, So the way gigya works is when logging in Gigya's server handles the authentication and saves a local UUID for that person, Upon a successful gigya login, gigya will send the user as a _GET request back to the url you choose. It is then up to you how to handle that. The plugin

Re: CakePHP and Facebook login system COOKIE ERROR

2010-09-25 Thread nurvzy
Shameless plug: I've written a fairly comprehensive plugin to interface with Facebook. At the very least it can give you a few ideas on how to implement it. Blog Article: See it in action here:

Re: Auth-allow component umpredictable

2010-09-24 Thread nurvzy
Indeed, Miles J is correct. On Sep 24, 1:21 pm, Miles J wrote: I'm not sure thats how Auth works, it only accepts actions: // In books controller $this-Auth-allow('index'); // In users controller $this-Auth-allow('collection', 'register'); On Sep 24, 11:32 am,

Re: cakephp editor

2010-09-19 Thread nurvzy
I use and enjoy jedit. Multiplatform, tons of plugins, full IDE with just a handfull of plugins or keep it streamlined. It takes a little settup, but ill never go back to anything else. Nick On Sep 19, 8:44 am, dhiraj ray wrote: i'm new in cake php. i want to know which

Re: Less verbose usage of HtmlHelper?

2010-09-19 Thread nurvzy
You're mistaken. While i agree its overkill using the helper for basic markup, performxe wise its negligible at worse, no difference at best. This is because you are already loading php as a module, youre already loading the html helper and your ctp is being parsed through the php interpreter.

Re: a good isAuthorized function?

2010-09-16 Thread nurvzy
I do something like this: function isAuthorized() { if (strpos($this-action,admin) !== false){ return $this-isAdmin(); } if (strpos($this-action,clerk) !== false){ return $this-isClerkOrAdmin(); } return true; } My isAdmin() and isClerkOrAdmin() functions look at various

Re: possible to create fixtures to be used in every test case?

2010-09-16 Thread nurvzy
? On Sep 13, 11:52 pm, nurvzy wrote: If you use lazy_loading you can get past this, only unit test what each model will actually use, instead of having to load all fixtures for each because of the default model chaining behavior required for PHP4 support. An alternative

Re: So IS there a way to use fixtures with web tests or NOT???

2010-09-16 Thread nurvzy
! On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:06 PM, nurvzy wrote: Fixtures in WebTestCase? Short answer: Nope. Long answer: Eventhough you can't use fixtures, you can still make your app use a secondary database

Re: Cakephp Model Testing

2010-09-16 Thread nurvzy
Can you test from shell? $ cd path/to/app $ cake testsuite app case models/airline On Sep 15, 5:24 am, web developer wrote: I am using cakephp 1.2 and would like to know how to do/use testing in cakephp.I went through on testing (till model testing). I hit

Re: possible to create fixtures to be used in every test case?

2010-09-15 Thread nurvzy
CakeTestCase, it seems that the fixtures did not get inherited by the model test file. On Sep 13, 11:52 pm, nurvzy wrote: If you use lazy_loading you can get past this, only unit test what each model will actually use, instead of having to load all fixtures for each because

Re: So IS there a way to use fixtures with web tests or NOT???

2010-09-15 Thread nurvzy
Fixtures in WebTestCase? Short answer: Nope. Long answer: Eventhough you can't use fixtures, you can still make your app use a secondary database instead of your production one. This is not a CakePHP

Re: possible to create fixtures to be used in every test case?

2010-09-13 Thread nurvzy
If you use lazy_loading you can get past this, only unit test what each model will actually use, instead of having to load all fixtures for each because of the default model chaining behavior required for PHP4 support. An alternative I've found useful prior to lazy_loading was creating a BaseCase

Re: Starting a programming blog, should I use CakePHP or wordpress?

2010-09-11 Thread nurvzy I wrote mine from scratch with CakePHP, but I'm a DIY kind of guy. It's kind of an even split between the CakePHP bloggers I respect and follow. I know Matt Curry ( uses Croogo ( which is a CakePHP CMS but started

Re: better to wait for cake2 than upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3?

2010-09-09 Thread nurvzy
$html-link() works just fine in 1.3. Migration to 1.3 from 1.2 is fairily painless. follow the migration guide and you'll be done within an hour. It's well worth it, the flushed out plugin system is all win. Hope that helps,

Re: Testsuite Problem

2010-09-08 Thread nurvzy
It takes a little effort to setup your environment to get all the cakephp core tests to pass. Not a lot of effort but certainly worth mentioning. I believe there is documentation on lighthouse that lists all the things one needs to do to get their environment setup to run all the core tests.

Re: Facebook Plugin Help

2010-09-06 Thread nurvzy
Hi Dave, Thanks for using my plugin. The plugin takes advantage of the new HtmlHelper::scriptBlock method that is new in 1.3.x. Make sure you're running the latest version of CakePHP 1.3. Hope that helps, Nick On Sep 6, 3:11 pm, Dave Maharaj wrote: I am using the

Re: What's about the double underscore in front of methods?

2010-08-27 Thread nurvzy
Hmm, I actually thought the idea behind the underscores was to provide a sudo protected/private flags for PHP4. One underscore means protected, two means private. While there is nothing in PHP4 that prohibiting one to use a function with __ or _ prefix, it is universally frowned upon as you're

Re: missing submit button

2010-08-18 Thread nurvzy
No clue, I suggest firebugging it. Start turning off css bits until you find the culprit. Also make sure you don't gave some rogue javascript setting it to hide. A quick test would be turning off javascript and refreshing. Hope that helps, Nick On Aug 18, 8:48 am, Charles Bueche

Re: Security Component; custom form (rich editor)

2010-07-30 Thread nurvzy
Your welcome. :) On Jul 30, 5:32 pm, Tomatosoup wrote: A bit late though, but thanks! On 11 jul, 03:48, nurvzy wrote: Set the security component to not validate that field. Hope that helps

Re: PHP 5.2 no longer supported (Implications for cake 2.0) ??

2010-07-26 Thread nurvzy
I agree, it does feel soon, but hopefully this will push [serious] hosting companies to upgrade their PHP installs to 5.3.x, which is a good thing IMHO. On Jul 26, 5:19 pm, cricket wrote: On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 8:21 AM, keymaster wrote: I saw this

Re: Cannot send the email to more than one recipient.

2010-07-14 Thread nurvzy
Can you get it to work with just one recipient? Because my first question is if you (or your host) has setup sendmail properly. You can always use a SMTP server to send your mail which is usually recommended for bulk email anyway. Nick On Jul 13, 9:27 pm, googong wrote: Hi

Re: Too many SQL queries!!

2010-07-13 Thread nurvzy
Use a mixture of: fields option key (so you're not retrieving data you don't intend to use), containable (so you're not selecting associative models and their fields you don't care about), and set recursive = -1 in your app_model.php The first thing I do whenever I start any new CakePHP project

Re: when and why using different models/controllers?

2010-07-13 Thread nurvzy
Ok, so the issue here is you're still thinking about your website/app as a basic procedural script. Which isn't that hard to do, as that is kind of the life cycle of a standard HTTP request. However, the trick here is to stop thinking about your website as your basic php procedural script, and

Re: Nick Baker's FileUpload

2010-07-12 Thread nurvzy
On Jul 5, 9:44 pm, nurvzy wrote: Hi,   Well that looks A-OK to me.  Error code 0 is a good thing.  So the issue it is not being saved to the file system or that it's not in the directory you expected it to be?   Different upload directories is not officially supported yet

Re: Js helper advice needed

2010-07-11 Thread nurvzy
This was an issue I ran into while doing an ajax shopping cart. The form element that is returned via AJAX needs to have echo $js- writeBuffer() in it as well. Alternatively, you can specify that the jshelper not buffer the javascript and instead output it as you call it (AjaxHelper style).

Re: Security Component; custom form (rich editor)

2010-07-10 Thread nurvzy
Set the security component to not validate that field. Hope that helps, Nick On Jul 10, 1:28 pm, Tomatosoup wrote: Hello, I use the Security component, but one (kind of custom) form gets invalidated. Is there some

Re: Problems with blog tutorial Warning (512): SQL Error: 1064:

2010-07-09 Thread nurvzy
Indeed, the error is because you have $this-Post-edit($id); in your controller. If the method name is not found cake sends the method name as an SQL query by default. Simply remove that line and you should be all set. I encourage you to make sure you type in your controller code as it's laid

Re: Cake 1.2 / 1.3: how to Instantiate helper with options?

2010-07-09 Thread nurvzy
As far as I know you can't set the default input options at the constructor level. Although I haven't dug into the code in a while to make sure of that. If I'm wrong, someone will correct me. You can go the MyFormHelper class route, which may be the *best* option IMHO. Just overwrite the

Re: Problems with blog tutorial Warning (512): SQL Error: 1064:

2010-07-09 Thread nurvzy
It's possible what you meant to do was this: $this-Post-id = $id; Because you're doing a blind read() after the fact. If you're going to remove that line you'll need to be sure to pass in the id to read() like so: $this-Post-read(null, $id); Hope that helps, Nick On Jul 9, 11:25 pm, nurvzy

Re: Javascript Helper modification. Opinions, please.

2010-07-09 Thread nurvzy
That's a good idea, although the JavascriptHelper is deprecated now. As such, I would put in a feature request for the JsHelper via lighthouse. Nick On Jul 9, 1:05 pm, Geoff Oliver wrote: Hello, I've been working with Cake for a few years and I really like it. Lately, I've

Re: Can I change $id on -read(null, $id) to $username or something?

2010-07-07 Thread nurvzy
Show me where it says findByx is depecated. Nick On Jul 7, 3:21 am, euromark wrote: but thats deprecated, sam! u should always use the generic find(type, options) where options contains conditions: e.g. find('first',

Re: Can Cake do this?

2010-07-07 Thread nurvzy
If its possible in PHP, its possible in CakePHP. I suggest going through the blog and ACL tutorial to help get you started: On Jul 6, 7:47 pm, maxarbos wrote: I am just getting into learning about cake and wanted to know

Re: keep admin out of form action

2010-07-05 Thread nurvzy
$form-create('Member', array('url' = array('admin' = false, 'controller' = 'members', 'action' = 'region'), 'type' = 'get')); That should get you what you want, Nick On Jul 5, 12:09 pm, cricket wrote: What's the proper way to say 'admin' = 0 for a form? I tried:

Re: Nick Baker's FileUpload

2010-07-05 Thread nurvzy
Hi Bradmax, First, thanks for using the plugin. Sorry to hear of your troubles. Is your ad model the only model that is using actsAs configuration, (ie the rest using the component?). Would you mind showing me how you have it (and the working models) configured? Thanks, Nick On Jul 5,

Re: Nick Baker's FileUpload

2010-07-05 Thread nurvzy
' = true //filenames will overwrite existing files of the same name. (default true)                 //'fileNameFunction' = 'sha1' //execute the Sha1 function on a filename before saving it (default false)         )     ); took out validation for now - no relations. On Jul 5, 6:10 pm, nurvzy

Re: Nick Baker's FileUpload

2010-07-05 Thread nurvzy
] = outtamustard.jpg                     [type] = image/jpeg                     [tmp_name] = /tmp/phpubfDP3                     [error] = 0                     [size] = 48661                 )         ) ) On Jul 5, 6:44 pm, nurvzy wrote: Ok.  Thanks for sharing that, I don't

Re: Validation - Multiple attempts

2010-07-03 Thread nurvzy
I fail to see the benefit in that extra overhead, when you can just use: $this-Form-input(''); The default input will be hidden and if you're using the Security Component (as you should!) it will be protected from tampering. That way the ID of the editable record is within $this-data,

Re: Can I run 2 versions of CakePHP within a single project

2010-07-01 Thread nurvzy
Anything is possible. However, you'll run into major problem early. The point in which you tell cake where the core files are is before the router even touches the url/uri (webroot/index.php). As such, you're on your own for figuring out what controller/action pair is being requested and then

Re: Which is the best hosting server for CakePHP?

2010-06-29 Thread nurvzy
I'm a fan of On Jun 28, 1:27 am, saavedrajj wrote: I'm tired about I want to change all my projects to a full compatible CakePHP hosting server. Please recommend me one without problems with subdomains, installing another php

Re: CakePHP Helper

2010-06-13 Thread nurvzy
Hi Marc, First I'd like to thank you for taking the time to submit your article. I've seen and posted feedback on your original article. I see you've posted the same article again. I respectfully ask that in the future you do not post duplicate articles in the bakery, as all it does is cause

Re: CakePHP Helper

2010-06-13 Thread nurvzy
emails witht the current status after giving feedback etc so that the author is informed about it On 13 Jun., 08:44, nurvzy wrote: Hi Marc,  First I'd like to thank you for taking the time to submit your article.   I've seen and posted feedback on your original article

Re: test cases with private vars/methods

2010-06-13 Thread nurvzy
You convert private to protected and then create a test class extend the model/controller you want to test, letting your extended model call parent::method and return its value. HTH, Nick On Jun 13, 5:15 pm, euromark wrote: some of my classes are already php5 like

Re: Unit tests fail - fixtures trying to execute INSERT INTO `table` (*, `1`, `2`...)

2010-06-11 Thread nurvzy
hahaha, sorry to laugh but that's actually pretty funny. You have to set the keys as the column names and the values are the actual field values. Because you have a one dimensional array cake is using the numeric index as the column name. Even though you're importing the schema, you still have

Re: CakePHP Gigya Social Network Plugin

2010-06-05 Thread nurvzy
This plugin has apparently reached the ears of Gigya, and has produced a little buzz. I actually got a phone call from the president of gigya. He was impressed with the plugin and wanted to talk about my impressions of Gigya. We spoke for a while, and we ended up talking about pricing as I

Re: Paypal buy now/subscription response

2010-06-01 Thread nurvzy
I've developed a Paypal IPN plugin for CakePHP you're free to use or at the very least use as a template for your own integration. I hope it helps, Nick On Jun 1, 12:21 pm, calvin wrote: I'm not

Re: CakeFest 2010 Website Launched

2010-06-01 Thread nurvzy
I definitely plan on attending. Chicago is a ways but I have family near there. Looking forward to some CakeFest! On May 30, 11:32 pm, Graham Weldon wrote: The website for CakeFest 2010 has just been launched. You can now signup if you are

Re: CakePHP Gigya Social Network Plugin

2010-05-29 Thread nurvzy
Hi WebbedIT, I'm a fan of what gigya aims to be, and I've had a fun time developing this plugin. The service is free to evaluate but there is no set expiration. They do not advertise their fee anywhere on their website, so I imagine they prefer to custom build their plans based on traffic.

CakePHP Gigya Social Network Plugin

2010-05-28 Thread nurvzy
Over the course of the last few weeks/months, I've been developing a complete social network plugin for CakePHP. The plugin takes advantage of Gigya, a free social network service that gives a developer a single API to interface with multiple social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,

Re: Server does not support .htaccess files

2010-05-26 Thread nurvzy Look at App.baseUrl configuration. Hope that helps, Nick On May 26, 2:55 am, Prof. No Time wrote: Good day, I need to install cakePHP on a server that does not support .htaccess files:

Re: How to use fileupload component to replace a file with a newer version

2010-05-25 Thread nurvzy
Hi Matt, That's actually my article and I have since made substantial improvements and converted it into a full featured plugin. In the most recent release of the file upload plugin you'll be able to configure the plugin to overwrite uploads with the same name instead of the plugin detecting

Re: New install not finding Js files

2010-05-25 Thread nurvzy
Hi Jules, Where are you storing your js files and how are you calling them? Nick On May 25, 1:49 pm, Jules wrote: Installed CakePHP 1.3, all working fine css file being found but as soon as I try to add a js file I get a missing JsController error. I can't

Re: Shell: Email component breaks HTML template

2010-04-27 Thread nurvzy
How are you calling it in the shell? Keep in mind the Email Component will need access to a controller if you plan on setting variables to give to the view template. Which may be why you're seeing the strange results via shell. Nick On Apr 26, 5:05 am, weckmann wrote:

Re: facebook connect issue

2010-04-23 Thread nurvzy
I think you may be talking about my plugin: I saw your comment regarding this issue, and am not sure how to advise. Unfortunately it works as advertised on my demo app as

Re: Is it possible

2010-04-20 Thread nurvzy
Yes. On Apr 20, 9:28 pm, kani wrote: $this-Model-Model-Model-Save(); Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organd help others with their CakePHP related questions. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group.

Re: how to get count of users for each event

2010-04-18 Thread nurvzy
I agree with John Andersen, you should use the counterCache in this situation, but to answer your question -- how do you preform a count in CakePHP from a hasMany relationship -- you get a count like this: //in a events_controller.php within function view($id){ $attendants_count =

Re: Plugin CSS problem

2010-04-11 Thread nurvzy
Also be sure your assets are in /plugin/webroot/css as that is now where cake 1.3 expects to find css assets for a plugin. Hope that helps, Nick On Apr 11, 1:20 pm, Jeremy Burns wrote: Try $this-Html Jeremy Burns On 11 Apr 2010, at 15:30, Rebel wrote:

Re: Generating diagram of my projekt?

2010-04-11 Thread nurvzy
I'm a fan of phpdoc. Simple to use and customize. Produces standard documentation for anyone familiar with APIs. On Apr 10, 1:33 pm, mivogt-LU wrote: hi there, I did my first cake project so far and it works (well - most of it...) Now I want to do some

Re: Let's get rid of The Bakery

2010-04-10 Thread nurvzy
@predominant I'd be happy to help out as moderator, developer, or both. Wherever I'm more useful. -Nick @WebTechNick On Apr 9, 9:03 pm, Predominant wrote: Hey all, Rest assured, we're discussing this problem within the development team to

Re: Advanced Set up

2010-04-10 Thread nurvzy
I do something similar, except I keep my cake libraries out of public_html, and you should as well. Do you have the .htaccess files setup correctly in site1? What I ended up doing was the same type of setup (except I move my cake core out of public_html), but then addon domains rooted at the

Re: Any popular Image Components being used that are better than the rest?

2010-04-08 Thread nurvzy
Might as well add my plugin to the list as well. CakePHP FileUploadPlugin Comes with a component, behavior, and helper. The helper can/will resize and cache images on the fly for you. -Nick On Apr 8, 11:14 am, Miles J

Re: Let's get rid of The Bakery

2010-04-03 Thread nurvzy
The blank comment email notifications are annoying, until I redirected them to my gmail account. Gmail pulls them in just find. just FYI. If I used any other email client, Evolution/Outlook/etc.. they would all be blank. The Bakery has its uses, and I like the idea behind it; a single place

Re: Performance Tuning Issues : Recursion in Models

2010-04-02 Thread nurvzy
If you're running into memory errors because your model relations are too deep, you might try Lazy Loader CakePHP loads each model association along with that model's association etc, so you can do some pretty slick model chaining stuff. Due to restrictions

Re: Problems with tutorial from The Cookbook

2010-04-02 Thread nurvzy
it looks like bases is the root of your app. If you want the root of your app (routed by routes.php) use this url: http://localhost/bases/ If you want the posts index try this instead: http://localhost/bases/posts/index Hope that helps, Nick On Apr 2, 1:26 am, andresgi

Re: Methods not being inherited by AppController

2010-04-01 Thread nurvzy
You're title is misleading. You say methods aren't being inherited by AppController, which implies you've defined methods higher up in the chain from AppController, and you're unable to call them from AppController. I assume you meant, Methods not being inherited FROM AppController. If you

Re: Information History

2010-04-01 Thread nurvzy That might be a good place to start. Nick On Apr 1, 9:42 am, Julian Salas wrote: I need information about the beginning of this framework, for example, the year of creating, and how  as the proyect began? Thanks you for your quick reply.

CakePHP back to SVN!

2010-04-01 Thread nurvzy I thought this was an April Fools joke but it actually works! Try it yourself: svn checkout Finally, I can use SVN to keep up to date with CakePHP again, because my host doesn't allow GIT.

Re: how to get model name into behavior

2010-03-28 Thread nurvzy
$Model-Learning-name; Hope that helps, Nick On Mar 27, 11:59 pm, Saleh Souzanchi wrote: hi pleas help me to find model name : class Learning extends AppModel{   var $name = 'Learning';   var $belongsTo = array(      'Cat'    = array(           'className'  =

Re: CakePHP Ajax drop with multiple parameters

2010-03-26 Thread nurvzy
Why are you using ?var1=$hiddenFieldId? Why not just use: 'url' = '/purchases/addGuestToTable/'. $hiddenFieldId.'/' Then in your purchases controller: function addGuestToTable($hiddenFieldId, $draggedId){ //Do what you want. } Hope that helps, Nick On Mar 26, 5:08 am,

Re: isAuthorized() only useful in UsersController?

2010-03-26 Thread nurvzy
isAuthorized() is only called if the action is not already allowed $this-Auth-allow('action_name'). In the controller you want to lock down do you have something along the lines of $this-Auth-allow('*') in your beforeFilter? Hope that helps, Nick On Mar 26, 1:45 pm, cricket

Re: Auth or Facebook login

2010-03-23 Thread nurvzy
I'm not 100% sure I know what you're asking. You do or don't want your facebook user's to be admins? I'm assuming don't but your app is forcing them into an admin role because you base who's admin and who isn't off the user id? Am I getting that right? So short answer; yes, you can do whatever

Re: Change __() default behavior

2010-03-23 Thread nurvzy
were saying.  :P) On Mar 22, 10:23 pm, nurvzy wrote: Whops... boostrap.php = bootstrap.php Just incase you were confused. lol Nick On Mar 22, 9:21 pm, nurvzy wrote: Put it in app/config/boostrap.php You'll have access to it throughout

Re: What's __() function?

2010-03-23 Thread nurvzy
I happen to agree that __() shouldn't echo by default. In fact, I'd argue it shouldn't echo at all. Taking a queue from CakePHP1.3 The SessionHelper no longer auto echos (it was the only Helper that echo'd its results). I think that's a good philosophy to follow going forward. However I

Re: Helpers

2010-03-23 Thread nurvzy
$button-makeButton(); not just make makeButton(); Nick On Mar 23, 9:49 pm, Ed Propsner wrote: Can someone get me straightened out with helpers? I created a new file called Button.php and placed it in views\helpers. class ButtonHelper extends AppHelper { function

Re: Fata error: non-object ?

2010-03-22 Thread nurvzy
@Dr. Loboto That's incorrect. Miles J is correct about the controller, but further more: DB table: user_details Model class: UserDetail Model name: UserDetail Model file: user_detail.php Controller class: UserDetailsController Controller name: UserDetails Controller class:

Re: Is there Dual Select Box for CakePHP?

2010-03-22 Thread nurvzy
That's really a javascript thing more than a CakePHP thing. A few years back I had a client who wanted the same type of thing. I ended up writing a nice little prototype-js class that I could use whenever I needed by just passing in the two select list ids in. Unfortunately, it was for a rather

Re: Is there Dual Select Box for CakePHP?

2010-03-22 Thread nurvzy
Found one: Nick On Mar 22, 9:04 pm, nurvzy wrote: That's really a javascript thing more than a CakePHP thing.  A few years back I had a client who wanted the same type of thing.  I ended up writing a nice little prototype-js class

Re: Change __() default behavior

2010-03-22 Thread nurvzy
Put it in app/config/boostrap.php You'll have access to it throughout your app. Nick On Mar 22, 8:06 pm, xtraorange wrote: That's actually exactly what I was just thinking of doing, lol. Thanks! The only thing I can't find... where am I supposed to place a function that

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