Hi all,

I am new to cakephp.
I want to create a simple twitter update status bar. I use
twitterlibphp. But it can't seems to work. I am not sure what is
wrong. Can only deduce that the view has a problem. I simply took the
add() view and modify it. Should I be using a form? I also attached my
controller method update_status() under tweets_controller.

the url is localhost/twitter/tweets/update_status
following localhost/application/controller/action

so here's my view.


<div class="tweets form">
<?php echo $form->create('');?>
                <legend><?php __('Status Update');?></legend>
                echo $form->input('what are you doing now?');
<?php echo $form->end('Update');?>
<div class="actions">
                <li><?php echo $html->link(__('List Tweets', true), 
=> 'index'));?></li>

update_status() under tweets controller

               function update_status($id = null) {

                        if (!empty($this->data)) {

                                  $status_string = $this->data;
                                  $twitter = new Twitter("userid",

                                if ($twitter->updateStatus($status_string)) {
>setFlash(__('The Tweet has been sent', true));

                                } else {
                                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Tweet 
could not be sent. Please,
try again.', true));


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