Let request Hun Sen to pay back debts to Vietnam or to ask Vietnam to
relinquish those

Ok, let follow the good vision of Hun Sen regarding those debts
relinquishing plea, Hun Sen has received numerous proposals from Cambodian
people to reveal the truth amount of debts he has owed Vietnam in his 20
years in power: will he has to pay back to Vietnam or will he request
Vietnam to relinquish those debts; or Hun Sen government under CPP
leadership is going to tell Cambodian people that Vietnam has never lent any
money to Cambodia because all troops presences and helps of Vietnam are free
of charge, and it is for a long lasting friendship, national solidification,
comprehensive cooperation and mutual assistance etc.

Analysis Today:

Today, I cannot close eyes to easily fall asleep without posting political
analysis elaborating Hun Sen's recent public rant towards his gut to "face
to face" bargain Obama about debts Cambodia owed them from previous
governments. Hun Sen might understand the universal laws of paying back
debts although previous governments are enemy to him (this universal law
might want to tell Hun Sen that if he doesn't want to pay debt, he can move
his current resident from Cambodia and resettle his new government).

But why Hun Sen still ranted that rhetoric to the public? The only one
answer is to draw public attention for his political gain...but as everyone
know from Hun Sen to all his subordinates will never reluctant to rant a
good logic or justification to fool Cambodian people. I mean to fool
Cambodian people because that logical political rhetoric is certainly
"abusing of power".

Ok, let follow the good vision of Hun Sen regarding this debts relinquishing
plea, I do hope Obama will not listen to Hun Sen at all; or if Obama listen,
Obama will tell Hun Sen that "I have my buddy representing in Phnom Penh, go
there by yourself and talk with them in a good manner approach".

Ok, let follow the good vision of Hun Sen regarding this debts relinquishing
plea, Hun Sen has received numerous proposals from Cambodian people to
reveal the truth amount of debts he has owed Vietnam in his 20 years in
power: will he has to pay to Vietnam or will he request Vietnam to
relinquish those debts; or Hun Sen government under CPP leadership is going
to tell Cambodian people that Vietnam has never lent any money to Cambodia
because all troops presences and helps of Vietnam are free of charge, and it
is for a long lasting friendship, national solidification, comprehensive
cooperation and mutual assistance etc.

I am really tempting to hear Hun Sen ranting about those debts involved with


Cambodian Brighter Future depends on enduring conscience and tireless
strivings of Cambodian Younger Generation!

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