The Constructive
 Op-Ed: Life of the Phnom Penh

  Wednesday, 22 September 2010 15:00  Tharum Bun
  [image: 100922_lift13_tharum]
[image: 100922_lift13a]
The holocaust monument in Berlin, one of many places in Germany where people
can learn about and remember the horrendous chapter in the country’s
 In the last decade blogs have become a popular way for Cambodian’s to
passionately voice their opinions on current events in the Kingdom. One of
the most successful examples is the socio-political blog KI-Media, which
recently celebrated 10 million hits just over 5 years after its launch.
Despite its achievement, KI-Media could do more to raise its standard of
blogging, if not through citizen journalism, at least by staying true to
their founding mission and playing a more influential role in the
distribution of information.

KI-Media began its operation in early 2000s as an email list-serve meant to
distribute sensitive news and information related to Cambodian politics.
Their first blog in 2005 was video of an interview with Chhay Vee detailing
the 1997 grenade attack on SRP supporters in Phnom Penh. The blog now reuses
contents from a wide range of sources without linking to the original sites,
but rarely breaks their own unique stories.

Despite the fact that it has become one of the most read blogs among
Cambodians and expatriates interested in the nation’s affairs, its content
and sourcing have become one of the major setbacks in how citizen media is
perceived in Cambodia. Its popularity may reflect public satisfaction with
the site; however its role in centralizing Cambodia-related news and
information needs to be questioned.

Rather than being a non-partisan aggregator of breaking news and an unbiased
outlet for whistle blowers, like Wikileaks, the controversial yet highly
successful site that substantiates and publishes highly sensitive documents,
KI-Media is instead allowing itself to take on the identity of an opposition

People like Norbert Klein, who is the editor of the Cambodian Mirror and a
long-time partner in the development of the Internet in Cambodia, are
frustrated by the state of KI-Media. He wrote in an email that “un-civil
statements, full of personal attacks, using horrendous profanity, combined
with ethnic and racial slurs” that are being posted on the site make him
feel “ashamed.”

In a letter to readers, KI-Media’s founder said that he hoped to create a
“Twitter-like service dedicated to news from Cambodia, at a time when the
Twitter concept did not exist yet.” But now Twitter does exist and so do
personalized aggregators like Google news alerts, which allow people to
collect the day’s news about Cambodia, or anything else, without the
assistance of a site like KI-Media. If they really want to have an impact on
the Kingdom, and stop relying on other publications for their content,
KI-Media should go back to their roots and find ways to break stories and
information that isn’t already in the public domain.

In another email I received, a Cambodian human rights activist who prefers
not to be named explained that KI-Media is still one of her first stops when
searching for current news on the Kingdom, but also expressed concern that
KI-Media has a “tendency towards the opposition,” and the site has not
“taken enough measures to ensure its professionalism.” In their recent
letter to readers, KI-Media boasts that they have posted 36,133 articles, an
impressive number, especially in Cambodia, but numbers are not enough. If
the sites staffers really want to put their reportedly tireless work to good
use (the aforementioned letter claims that “One team member is even facing
marriage breakup because of his dedication to maintaining the KI-Media
website”), they need to hold themselves to higher standards.

According to their site “KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we’re giving
you a bullhorn.” There is great value in allowing public conversations to
centre around your content, but KI-Media is no longer unique for this
feature. There are thousands of conversations happening between Cambodians
on Facebook and AngkorOne as well as competing news outlets and blogs.

Copying stories critical of the government, and allowing angry people to use
those stories as a sounding board for their frustrations, is one road that
KI-Media can take. I would propose, however, that they push themselves to be
an outlet for unique information, like the video that got the site started,
and play the role that only an anonymous website can play in a country
ranked 117 on the world’s press freedom index.

At the end of their recent letter, the site says that “the truth shall set
us free”. It can be hard to report the truth in Cambodia, but KI-Media has
the unique ability to do it, and it needs to do it better.
How well do you think Cambodia has dealt with the difficulties of moving on
from the Khmer Rouge. Share your ideas with Kounila at

Cambodian Brighter Future depends on enduring conscience and tireless
strivings of Cambodian Younger Generation!

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