[cari-kawan] 以备后用

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik 张生
致:(财务/经理)---您们好! 目前由于,我司有部分余额税票;现可向全国各地中小城市提供优惠代开。 本公司郑重承诺所开票据均可上网查询验证; 更希望能够有机会与贵司合作!此信息长期有效有需者敬请保留,以备后用---谢谢! 负责人:刘尉 手机:13692212010

[cari-kawan] 合作

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik 田小姐
各位老板、财务:您好! 本公司为税务机关授权代开发票的单位。 与全国各地、各行业的代开机构有联网业务往来; 以普通国、地税为主(商品销售、服务、广告、运输、餐饮、 建筑、修配、咨询、机动车销售 租赁、医疗、工商业统一发票) 及全国各省市的普通发票等...收取费用优惠在(0.5%-2%)左右。 确保所用票据均为各单位在税务局所申领,均可网上查询或到税务抵扣验证后付款. 联 系 人: 田小姐 联系电话:13713672990 业 务QQ:578745833 电子邮箱:www221...@163.com

[cari-kawan] 请来电洽谈

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik 周小姐
贵公司你好: 本公司可代开全国各大城市部分的普通发票,如:商品销售. 广告.服务.建筑安装等等发票,税率按(0.3-1%)%计算, 可先开票给贵公 司验证后付款,贵司如有需要。 详细请来电洽谈。 代理人:周念文 联系电话: 13613013164 联系Q Q:836072881 电子邮箱:zzww1...@163.com

[cari-kawan] NOTICE OF BEQUEST

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik Alexandrus Alfonso
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr. Luis Eduardo, I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter returned undelivered. I hereby attempt to reach you again by this same email address on the WILL. View attached message for complete detail and get back.

[cari-kawan] Re:Pedometer heathy promotion_Explorecn

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik Lanie.ExploreCN
How are you ! hope everything goes well with your business. Here very honor to introduce our hot-sale Pedometer to you. MOQ from 500-1000pcs, with your logo design. If you are interested, please click the picture and contact with us !! Regard With Best regards, Lanie 2010-08-20 Add:

[cari-kawan] 主题阅

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik gao
你好:我公司 现有业务介绍如下: 本着为您合理安全的节省企业资金。现有业务代理: 发P票,服务范围:商企统一销售票、服务业/广告票、 运输/货运代理业、建筑业/修理业票,房屋租赁、餐饮住宿等行业。 联系人:高源(经理) 手机:13543331611

[cari-kawan] NOTICE OF BEQUEST

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik Barr. Fernando G. Luna
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr. Luis Eduardo, I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter returned undelivered. I hereby attempt to reach you again by this same email address on the WILL. View attached message and respond immediately. Barr. Fernando G.

[cari-kawan] 29航船在大海里

2010-08-20 Terurut Topik Orxuv
''9 i'' [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]