
As I try to track down why various subscribers are getting booted from
the list in the last couple of days, I'm noticing that a number of you
are subscribed from an address that forwards elsewhere.

This works poorly.

TL;DR follows, but basically this is brought to you by the fact that
modern email sucks almost as much because of the anti-spam processes as
because of the spam itself.  In the modern world, forwarding is pretty
much dead on arrival.  Avoid it where possible.  I'll be over here
swearing right along with you.

TL;DR: to be able to deliver any email at all these days, we have to
comply with a couple of schemes designed to make it harder to forge mail
-- DKIM and SPF.  The combined effect of making the necessary
declarations in the DNS entries for is that if you try to
forward mail, you look like you're _impersonating_  Many
large providers (google, yahoo, etc.) refuse such mail.

The same anti-spam mechanisms also make it difficult to run a proper RFC
compliant mailing list, because then would be sending
mail with _your_ From: address, making look like an
impersonator.  Still $w34ring.



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