Immensely happy this morning to have finally tracked this down. This is a 
5-level code by Elliott used on many of their computers.

It seems to have used standard looking 5-level teletype I/O devices but with 
custom typewheel and keyboard/function bar encoding.

It has 3 things in common with other 5-level codes:
1: Letter shift and Number/Figure shift
2: Null is all zeroes
3: Letter shift is all ones and also works as delete just like the other codes

But some interesting properties, different than other 5 level codes:

1: Letter shift has the letters in alphabetic A-Z sequence.
2: In number shift, the lower 4 bits are the digit 0-9, and the upper bit is a 
3: Figure shift, space, carriage return, and line feed are at the extreme top 
end of the code space right under letter shift.

The code is documented in Figure B.2 of this wonderful document:

I'm a little surprised that my standard character code references don't mention 
this. This is a super elegant layout that any of the 1960's character code 
standard guys must've known about, but somehow it never made it into any of my 
usual reference books.

Maybe MacKenzie was just too dismissive of all 5-bit codes. He mentions ITA2 
for a couple pages and then never talks about 5-level codes again, but he never 
stops talking about BCDIC and he goes on and on about hypothetical 12-row 
punchcard ASCII.

Tim N3QE

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