On 02/03/2011 08:49 PM, Jonathan Q. wrote:
Hi. There's a note on this document (http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Nagios) that it appears to be abandoned and unmaintained. Since I'm working through the document to install Nagios, and taking fairly extensive notes on the process, I would like to bring it up to date. But, since I've not worked on an open source documentation project before, I'm not sure how to proceed. Basically, I'm clueless right now. :-) If someone could give me a little guidance, I would greatly appreciate it!

A couple of initial questions:

Do I need to attempt to contact the original author for permission to update and maintain the document?

Generally speaking, it is polite to do so, yes. But technically speaking
- the whole content of the wiki is licensed under a "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License" so anyone ( more or less ...) may edit it - the page under discussion starts with "Note added 28 July 2010: This piece seems to be abandoned, is unmaintained" so I am sure that a new owner will be welcomed.

I've saved a copy to my local machine and I'm working on it there. Is that the best way? How do I then submit the updated document for publication?

Anything else that would be good to know? :-)

Actually it's pretty simple since it is a wiki and we encourage users to expand / fix it.
Since you are a newcomer I suggest the following approach:
- create an account in the wiki
- submit here your suggested changes ( for instance by posting a link to a page hosting your modified version of the page or simply listing the changes as list in the mail; any reasonable method would be) - once the changes are reviewed, ask for permission to include them in the wiki
- an administrator will give you the appropriate rights
- fix it
- let everyone rejoice
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