I have a reef cluster 18.2.2 on Rocky 8.9. This cluster has been upgraded from 
pacific->quincy->reef over the past few years. It is a multi site with one 
other cluster that works fine with s3/radosgw on both sides, with proper 
bidirectional data replication.
On one of the master cluster's radosgw logs, I noticed a sync request regarding 
a deleted bucket. I am not sure when this error started, but I know that the 
bucket in question was deleted a long time before the upgrade to reef. 
Perhapsthis error existed prior to reef, I do not know. Here is the error in 
the radosgw log:
:get_bucket_index_log_status ERROR: rgw_read_bucket_full_sync_status() on 
pipe{s={b=BUCKET_NAME:CLUSTERID ..., z=...., az= ...},d={b=..,az=...}} returned 
My understanding:
s=source, d=destination, each of which is a tuple with the appropriate info 

This happens for BUCKET_NAME every few minutes. Said bucket does not exist on 
either side of the multisite, but did in the past.
Any way I can force radosgw to stop trying to replicate?
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