Today's Topic Summary

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Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/topics

  - Organicemos la marcha del 1 de Mayo [1 Update]

Topic: Organicemos la marcha del 1 de Mayo
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/65df36ffcfc1bb5e

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From: lgbtliberat...@aol.com
Date: Mar 18 08:33PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/e2a4bf2b3c77e430

Hi Jorge,

Got another event on the 20th, but please keep us in the loop and let us know 
how we can help.  I've trying to cut down on my meeting time these days, so if 
there's something you need,

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