Today's topic summary

Group: chicagomayday@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/topics

  - BREAKING (happening now): Members of the public are being denied access to 
Senator Dick Durbin's public forum [1 Update]

Topic: BREAKING (happening now): Members of the public are being denied access 
to Senator Dick Durbin's public forum
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/d01cf4e9c038432e

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From: "José G. Herrera" <josefromchic...@aol.com>
Date: May 19 11:31AM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/4e11002458456973

Press contacts:
Rozalinda Borcila, 813-789-0123


Chicago, IL - A group of immigrant rights activists and membersof the public 
are now protesting

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