Today's topic summary

Group: chicagomayday@googlegroups.com

  - Protest on Sunday re: the kidnapping of the 43 students in Guerrero, Mexico 
(repost) [1 Update]

Topic: Protest on Sunday re: the kidnapping of the 43 students in Guerrero, 
Mexico (repost)
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/524b80948fa63183

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From: Andy Thayer <lgbtliberat...@aol.com>
Date: Nov 07 12:30PM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/3f3533257124cd13

Students Boycott spring break orvacationing in Mexico. 
Mexicanos no viajen a Mexico estanavidad 
in protest of the killing ofstudents by the corrupted and genocide against 
humanity by the

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