Bush Consolidates the National Security State 
Monday, March 17, 2008

The Washington Post revealed Friday that the FBI is continuing its systematic 
violation of Americans' Fourth Amendment guarantees against "unreasonable 
searches and seizures."

A Justice Department report concluded that the Bureau had repeatedly abused its 
intelligence gathering "privileges" by issuing bogus "national security 
letters" (NSLs) from 2003-2006. On at least one occasion, the FBI relied on an 
illegally-issued NSL to circumvent a ruling by the Foreign Intelligence 
Surveillance Court to obtain records the secret court deemed protected by the 
First Amendment.

While the Bush regime claims that the Bureau requires sweeping authority to 
invade the privacy of American citizens to "protect the homeland" from the 
Afghan-Arab database of disposable intelligence assets, al-Qaeda, Justice 
Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine determined that fully "60 percent of 
the nearly 50,000 security letters issued that year [2006] by the FBI targeted 
Americans," according to Post reporter Dan Eggen.

Despite the FISA court twice rejecting Bureau requests to obtain sensitive 
private records, determining "the 'facts' were too thin" and the "request 
implicated the target's First Amendment rights," the FBI used an NSL as a "work 
around" and proceeded anyway.

The stunning disregard for all legal norms under the Bush regime is 
encapsulated by FBI general counsel Valerie E. Caproni's statement to 
investigators that "it was appropriate to issue the letters in such cases 
because she disagreed with the court's conclusions."

Fine asserted in the Inspector General's report that the Bureau has recklessly 
used NSLs to sweep-up vast quantities of telephone numbers and internet 
searches with a single request.

Jameel Jaffer, national security director at the American Civil Liberties 
Union, told Eggen,

  "The fact that these are being used against U.S. citizens, and being used so 
aggressively, should call into question the claim that these powers are about 
terrorists and not just about collecting information on all kinds of people. 
They're basically using national security letters to evade legal requirements 
that would be enforced if there were judicial oversight."

Dean Boyd, a Justice Department spokesperson, said Fine's report "should come 
as no surprise," tendentiously claiming new "procedural changes" would 
ameliorate future problems.

According to FBI Assistant Director John Miller, a former correspondent and 
anchor for ABC News, NSL requests "are now reviewed by a lawyer before they are 
sent to a telephone company, Internet service provider or other target."

Meanwhile, the Bush administration has quietly stripped the independent 
Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) of much of its authority to root out illegal 
spying activities by the intelligence "community," Boston Globe journalist, 
Charlie Savage reports.

A little noticed February 29 executive order signed by Bush gutted the board's 
mandate to refer illegal activities by an ever-expanding national security 
state to the Justice Department.

According to Savage,

  Bush's order also terminated the board's authority to oversee each 
intelligence agency's general counsel and inspector general, and it erased a 
requirement that each inspector general file a report with the board every 
three months. Now only the agency directors will decide whether to report any 
potential lawbreaking to the panel, and they have no schedule for checking in.

In other words, we'll police ourselves. Move along!

The IOB was created in 1976 by president Gerald Ford following congressional 
revelations that a panoply of U.S. intelligence entities including the CIA, 
FBI, NSA and DIA, had engaged in illegal domestic spying operations, organized 
the assassination of foreign leaders, incited coups and other destabilization 
campaigns around the world to advance U.S. geopolitical goals during America's 
anticommunist Cold War jihad.

On the domestic front, the FBI's COINTELPRO, the CIA's Operation CHAOS, the 
NSA's Project SHAMROCK and the DIA's domestic operations under control of 
various Military Intelligence Groups, conducted illegal surveillance of 
antiwar, socialist, feminist and black liberation groups targeted for 
"disruption and neutralization" during the 1960s and '70s.

Federal intelligence agents, in addition to conducting illegal surveillance and 
infiltration of domestic dissident groups, worked closely with local police 
"red squads" and actually financed and controlled far-right terrorist gangs 
such as the Minutemen, the San Diego-based Secret Army Organization and the 
Legion of Justice in Chicago. Dozens of attacks, including fire-bombings, 
physical assaults and attempted "targeted assassinations" of vocal antiwar 
activists and socialist organizers were the result.

Even after the "COINTELPRO era" presumably ended with the 1971 Media, PA raid 
by the "Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI" that exposed the Bureau's 
illegal operations, abuses continued--and multiplied.

* In 1979, five members of the Communist Workers Party were murdered by a 
combined Ku Klux Klan/American Nazi Party hit team in Greensboro, NC. The 
anticommunist death squad had been recruited, organized and led by an FBI 
infiltrator, Edward Dawson. Dawson was also a paid informant for the Greensboro 
Police Department.

* During the 1980s, the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador 
(CISPES), opposed to U.S. intervention in support of El Salvador's death squad 
state, was infiltrated by FBI informants and far-rightists' associated with 
Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles 
(CARP). The ultra-right wing Council for Inter-American Security, working as 
public relations apologists for death squad leader Roberto D'Aubuisson, 
compiled a dossier on CISPES that was subsequently passed to the FBI. The 
Bureau then recommended "active measures" be taken to destroy the group.

* In May 1990, Earth First! leaders Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were targets 
of a politically-motivated assassination attempt. A bomb was detonated in their 
car by unknown assailants. At the FBI's instigation, Oakland Police immediately 
arrested the pair and charged them with terrorist crimes. After two months of 
adverse media publicity targeting the victims, charges were dropped. Twelve 
years later, the environmentalists were awarded $4.4 million in a federal civil 
suit when a jury determined the FBI had acted recklessly in their handling of 
the case. The FBI was doomed when their own forensic lab specialist testified 
the bomb was under the car seat not on the floorboard behind Bari as Bureau 
counterterrorism "experts" alleged.

* Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA) is another in a long-line of 
corrupt Pentagon "public-private partnerships." Initially authorized by 
president William Clinton's Presidential Decision Directive (PDD)-75, CIFA and 
its associated TALON/CORNERSTONE database provide "threat assessments" for DoD 
facilities and personnel. One CIFA-supported database project, managed by 
defense giant Northrop Grumman was designated "Person Search." It was designed 
to "provide comprehensive information about people of interest." Its intended 
use included the ability to search government and commercial databases "to 
track and monitor activities of suspect individuals." However, numerous reports 
and internal memoranda published by the National Security Archive clearly 
document that CIFA's military and private contractors systematically conducted 
surveillance and data-mining operations against the antiwar movement. The 
Archive has posted 9 TALON reports collected by the 902nd Military Intelligence 
Group documenting CIFA's repressive activities. Originally falling under the 
purview of Stephen A. Cambone, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, 
CIFA's intelligence and data-mining programs are being spun-off to private 
contractors. Cambone has since gone on to an executive position with QinetiQ 
North America. QinetiQ signed a $30 million Pentagon contract in January 2008 
for unspecified "security services" to CIFA, according to CorpWatch 
investigative reporter, Tim Shorrock.

* CISPES is again a target of the Justice Department. Citing the Foreign 
Registration Act of 1938, Bush's DOJ is questioning the organization's 
relationship with the Farabundo Marti Front for National Liberation (FMLN), a 
legal political party in El Salvador. With elections looming in 2009, the Bush 
regime is terrified that another Latin American country will elect a leftist 
government, thus further weakening U.S. regional domination and control over 
its shrinking imperialist empire. The Bush plan? Target solidarity activists in 
an attempt to smear the group as "foreign agents," or worse.

The gutting of the Intelligence Oversight Board's authority to investigate 
criminal activities by the Bush administration comes at a time when domestic 
spying operations have multiplied exponentially.

Last week The Wall Street Journal exposed the NSA's data-mining capabilities 
and revealed that the agency was targeting millions of Americans in its 
electronic driftnet and has compiled terabytes of data on every aspect of lives.

While administration apologists claim such sweeping and intrusive spying is 
necessary to "keep America safe," if history is any judge of past intelligence 
abuses these practices are designed instead, to "keep America in line," 
ever-fearful and obedient servants of our capitalist masters.


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