Chinese hackers launch targeted attacks against foreign correspondents
Posted by Dancho Danchev @ 9:26 am

Categories: Adobe, Anti Virus, Botnets, Browsers, Complex Attacks...
Tags: China, Malware, Hacker, Attack, Spyware...
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According to an assessment published by the Information Warfare Monitor,
Chinese hacktivists (politically motivated hackers) have recently launched a
targeted malware attack against foreign news correspondents attempting to
trick them into executing a malware-embedded PDF attachment (Interview
list.pdf), coming from a non-existent editor working for The Straits Times.

The attacks coincide with the upcoming nation-wide celebration of the 60th
anniversary of the PRC, and appear to be directly connected to the GhostNet
cyber espionage network exposed earlier this year.

Key findings of the assessment include:

The content of the email, and the accompanying malicious attachment, are in
well written English and contain accurate information. The email details a
reporter¹s proposed trip to China to write a story on China¹s place in the
global economy; all the contacts in the malicious attachment are real people
that are knowledgeable about or have a professional interest in China¹s
The domain names used as ³command & control² servers for the malware have
been used in previous targeted attacks dating back to 2007. The malware
domain names, as in previously documented cases, only resolve to real IP
addresses for short periods of time. The malware exploits vulnerabilities in
the Adobe PDF Reader, and its behaviour matches that of malware used in
previous attacks dating back to 2008. This malware was found on computers at
the Offices of Tibet in London, and has used political themes in malware
attachments in the past.
The IP addresses currently used by the malware are assigned to Taiwan. One
of the servers is located at the National Central University of Taiwan, and
is a server to which students and faculty connect to download anti-virus
software. The second is an IP address assigned to the Taiwan Academic
Network. These compromised servers present a severe security problem as the
attackers may have substituted their malware for anti-virus software used by
students, employees, and faculty at the National Central University.
The most logical approach to obtain the emails of the targeted
correspondents in order to facilitate this social engineering based malware
attack, would be to compile a list based on publicly obtainable data. The
same practice was in planning stage but never got executed during the
coordinated Russia vs Georgia cyber attack, when emails corresponding to
government agencies were ³harvested² for potential targeted malware attacks.

Go through related posts: Chinese hackers deface the Russian Consulate in
Shanghai; China detains web site defacer spreading earthquake rumors; China
busts hacking ring, managed to penetrate 10 gov¹t databases; Chinese female
hacking group spotted; Chinese Hacktivists Waging People¹s Information
Warfare Against CNN; The DDoS Attack Against
However, the researchers behind the assessment make an interesting
observation. According to a Reuters article stating that the names of the
targeted correspondents do not appear on public news reports and that they
were hired through an agency that reports to China¹s Foreign Ministry, they
raise an element of suspicion regarding the ways in which the attackers
obtained emails that were supposedly not available to the public. In
reality, though, this appears to be a simple data mining process relying on
either already compromised hosts of foreign of Chinese journalists, or on
the use of public search engines allowing the malicious attackers to easily
build their ³hit lists².

Whether a trend or an isolated incident coinciding with the 60th anniversary
of the PRC, China¹s cyber espionage ambitions remain as high as ever.

Dancho Danchev is an independent security consultant and cyber threats
analyst, with extensive experience in open source intelligence gathering,
malware and cybercrime incident response. He's been an active security
blogger since 2007, and maintains a popular security blog. See his full
profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.
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