Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
11 November, 2009

In an exclusive interview with The Corbett Report earlier today, Daniel
Estulin revealed the behind-the-scenes details of last week's G20 Finance
Minister's meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland. Many of these details come from
actual G20 documents that his sources were able to sneak out of the meetings
in spite of security measures which, Estulin notes, were unprecedented "even
by Bilderberg standards." These documents, which contain valuable
information about the conference, are available at and
have been mirrored on The Corbett Report homepage. They were smuggled out at
great personal risk and need to be disseminated widely.

The key issue discussed at the meeting, according to Estulin, was "the next
step in globalization, which is the creation of the African Union." This is
part of an unfolding agenda of the ceding of national sovereignty to
unnacountable regional governments which can more easily administer and
implement the aims of the financial oligarchs. One of these aims is the
elite's exhaustively documented penchant for population reduction, including
tying development aid to population control problems. "The creation of the
borderless African continent will be spearheaded by the IMF."

One of the smuggled documents shows that an attendee had the IMF articles of
agreement at the meeting and highlighted the fact that funds were made
available "under adequate safeguards" to member nations. This is code speak
for imposing draconian measures designed to plunge countries into virtual
servitude, with the result that in Africa, countries spend five times more
revenue on servicing their IMF debts than they do on health care for their
own citizens.

Watch an excerpt of the interview in the video below:

The meeting's attendees, also identified in the smuggled documents, reads
like a who's who of the financial oligarchical elite, including leading
Bilderbergers such as U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Federal
Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, World Bank President Bob Zoellick, Turkish
Finance Minister Ali Babacan and British Finance Minister Alistair Darling
and many others. The Trilateral Commission was also represented at the
conference by Japanese members Yoshihiko Noda and Masaaki Shirakawa.

In the interview, Estulin discusses the G20's debate on dumping the U.S.
dollar which he first revealed would be on the meeting's agenda in a press
release last week. He indicates that the matter, although discussed, was
rejected . "The American and the British delegations tried to persuade the
Russian and the Chinese delegates to devalue the dollar and create a basket
of currencies or another world currency to take the place of the dollar," he
said. "Luckily, both the Russians and the Chinese told the Americans and the
British to go pound sand. They were not willing to do this."

The idea that the Western financial oligarchs are aiming to dump the U.S.
dollar is in line with recent reports that Goldman Sachs (whose members are
suspiciously well connected to the upper echelons of the U.S. Treasury)
actually took up positions to short the housing market right before the
crash. Although a pre-meditated attempt to bring about a financial collapse
would appear not to be in the financial oligarch's self-interest, it makes
perfect sense when one considers this as a problem-reaction-solution
operation of creating a problem in order to get the public to support a
pre-determined solution. In this case, the endgame has always been to use a
financial collapse to usher in a New World Order. Now, exactly as precicted,
everyone from Kissinger to Soros is using the economic collapse to call for
a new financial order of greater international (read: unelected,
undemocratic and unaccountable) control over world financial markets.
Indeed, just as the G20 was wrapping up, talking heads like Damon Vickers
were starting to insert talking points about a new global currency and a
"New World Order" onto CNBC. Although it is good news that the dumping of
the dollar failed to gain traction at this meeting, it by no means insures
that this disastrous move will not continue to be pursued by the influential
globalist financiers.

On a positive note, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty made a show of
standing up for the people of the planet by noting that "the recent public
policy of privatizing profits and socializing losses is unacceptable to
taxpayers," to which someone responded "Do you think they have noticed?" The
response provoked laughter from the assembled oligarchs. Mr. Estulin has a
message for the G20 oligarchs: "Gentlemen of the G20, in case you're
wondering: Yes, we the great unwashed have definitely noticed."

Listen to the full interview by clicking here or listen in the player below:

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