------ Forwarded Message
> From: Robert Millegan <public...@trineday.net>
> Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 12:03:34 -0500
> To: Robert Millegan <publis...@trineday.net>
> Subject: Explosive New Book Exposes the CIA, LSD Experiments and Murder

> Explosive New Book Exposes the CIA, LSD Experiments and Murder
> Most Americans remember vague details of a person who had been given LSD and
> subsequently jumped out a window of a New York hotel back in the Fifties. They
> might also recall that it had something to do with the CIA. It certainly did.
> It was murder.
>      In a new explosive and staggeringly researched book, A Terrible Mistake:
> The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA¹s Secret Cold War Experiments, author
> H.P. Albarelli Jr. details once highly-classified accounts of the CIA¹s
> experiments with LSD and other drugs in a series of biochemical experiments.
> These covert actions on unsuspecting individuals resulted in at least five
> deaths and three hundred people seeking medical care.
>      For decades, the seemingly unrelated mysteries of Dr. Frank Olson¹s
> strange suicide in 1953 and the bizarre hallucinogenic breakout in the French
> village of Pont St. Esprit in August 1951 have independently perplexed serious
> investigators. The subjects have been rehashed in countless accounts on the
> Internet and in many television news features and documentaries over the
> years. However, using secret and never-before revealed CIA reports obtained
> through the Freedom of Information Act, the author has tied together these two
> events, along with many others. His startling conclusion is that the CIA had
> high hopes of using LSD to develop a truth serum and perhaps even to create a
> person who would unwittingly murder on command. Those ends became the
> rationale to study the drug being administered surreptitiously, including the
> dosing of an entire French village plus hundreds of unknowing civilians,
> hospital patients, prisoners and military personnel.
>      The 900-page book exposes the reasons behind Dr. Olson¹s murder, and also
> identifies the men responsible for the crime, including their ties with Lee
> Harvey Oswald, the murder of JFK and their role in the infamous French
> Connection heroin case. In addition, the book provides a tremendous amount of
> detail about CIA-sponsored mind control and assassination programs like the
> Artichoke Project, MK/ULTRA, MK/NAOMI and QK/HILLTOP. Some of the
> interrogation techniques begun by these programs are still in use today.
>      A Terrible Mistake is published by TrineDay, an Oregon-based company that
> specializes in releasing books that are shunned by mainstream publishers due
> to their controversial nature.
> H.P. Albarelli Jr. has written a number of groundbreaking newspaper, magazine
> and Internet articles, including several on the Olson case, as well as topics
> such as anthrax, Cuba, child abuse and intelligence matters. His novel The
> Heap was published in 2005. He works in the legal profession and was a member
> of the Carter administration. More information on A Terrible Mistake can be
> found at:    www.aterriblemistake.com <http://www.aterriblemistake.com/>
> ### 
> For interviews and/or review copies, please contact:
> Kent Goodman ­ public...@trineday.net - 1.541.954.8142 ­ 1.800.556.2012
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

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