------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 06:19:12 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>
> Subject: Solving the "Obama Problem" "the JFK Way"

> The "Obama problem" = JFK "treason" problem...
> <http://www.atlargely.com/atlargely/2009/09/the-obama-problem-jfk-treason-prob
> lem.html> 
> http://www.atlargely.com/
> On the heels of news that the Secret Service is investigating a Facebook poll
> asking if President Obama should be assassinated
> <http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-obama-facebook29-2009sep
> 29,0,6007621.story> , a NewsMax columnist writes about a "military coup" that
> would solve the "Obama problem:
> <http://www.newsmax.com/john_perry/obama_military_coup/2009/09/29/266012.html>
> "
>> "There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's  military will
>> intervene as a last resort to resolve the Obama  problem.  Don't dismiss it
>> as unrealistic.
>> America isn't the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it  will be
>> civilized.  That it has never happened doesn't mean it  won't.  Describing
>> what may be afoot is not to advocate it.  So,  view the following through
>> military eyes" 
> NewsMax has since pulled the column (now they should fire the editors who
> allowed it in the first place).
> Actually, worrying that this may happen is one thing. Even suggesting that
> people take to the streets is IMHO okay, so long as it is not a call for
> violence. What the author, John L. Perry, however, is doing is threatening the
> POTUS in a Conservative publication known for its Obama-hate, birther
> propaganda, and so forth. In other words, it is not only that he writes this,
> it is also where this is published that is alarming.
> Recall that during the Honduras coup in June, I found that right-wing bloggers
> and their readers were openly praying that the same thing would happen here
> <http://www.atlargely.com/atlargely/2009/06/rightwing-extremism-hoping-our-mil
> itary-overthrows-obama.html> .
> As for Perry's assertion that a military coup would be civilized, he is
> insane. The moment the military removes a democratically elected President,
> any claims of a democracy, the Constitution, and anything that makes us a free
> society will also be removed.
> In fact, there is a process for removing the POTUS, a Constitutional process
> called impeachment. A military coup would be treason and would be punishable
> by death. 
> Perry is yet another example of the glue-sniffers' concern that, since they
> can't remove Obama through impeachment, or through 'birther' and 'socialist'
> smears, then perhaps they can do it the JFK way.
> And just to remind everyone of what happened on the day JFK was assassinated,
> consider the image below. It ran as a full page ad in the Dallas Morning News
> the very day JFK was killed. The ad was paid for by people affiliated with the
> John Birch Society <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Birch_Society> .
>  <http://www.atlargely.com/.a/6a00d8341c2cd253ef0120a5ad7b16970b-popup>
> Rick Moran 
> <http://rightwingnuthouse.com/archives/2009/09/30/seven-days-in-may-meets-come
> -niniveh-come-tyre/> * <see below> has more of the column up and a nice rebuke
> of it. 
> What I find really interesting is Perry's assertion that there are people in
> the military (officers it seems) who are openly discussing this. I hope he is
> telling the truth, for his sake. Because I am positive that the Secret Service
> is likely going to pay a visit to Perry to find out if Perry is telling the
> truth and who these officers are. I know we all want to know who would engage
> in this kind of conduct and I know we will all sleep better knowing that they
> are safely locked up.
> *http://rightwingnuthouse.com/archives/2009/09/30/seven-days-in-may-meets-come
> -niniveh-come-tyre/
> ... Here¹s why this fellow should be put in a straitjacket, and locked up in a
> nice padded room with plenty of stuffed animals so he he can work off his
> misplaced aggression against President Obama by tearing off their heads with
> his teeth:
>> Military intervention is what Obama¹s exponentially accelerating agenda  for
>> ³fundamental change² toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A  coup
>> is not an ideal option, but Obama¹s radical ideal is not acceptable or
>> reversible.
>> Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the  Obama
>> problem. Just don¹t shrug and say, ³We can always worry about that  later.²
> Ok -- I just shrugged my shoulders and said ³We can always worry about that
> later.² Seems to me the Republic is still here. Oh sure, Obama is a pifflehead
> and he wants to nationalize health care but really now, shouldn¹t there be
> like a, you know, good reason to just toss the election results from last year
> out the window and put General Fiddle Faddle or Colonel Tootie Frootie in
> charge?  
> No domestic unrest because of this action?  What to do with all those very
> angry liberals and Democrats?  It might be emotionally satisfying for some to
> see <the Republican Party's enemies> marched off to those detention camps
> Haliburton built in Utah and Nevada, but gawd, we¹d never hear the end of it
> ... 
> Perry is an old man -- served in the Johnson Administration and his bio says
> he was one of the first journalists allowed into Russia following the death of
> Stalin. He has got to be in his mid 80¹s. He talks of the military performing
> what amounts to a ³family intervention² to remove the duly elected,
> constitutionally legitimate, president of the United States.
> I think his own family should heed that advice and retire this fellow before
> he hears the laughter directed his way for being such a monumental ass.

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