------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 22:40:30 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>,
> <christian.r...@gmail.com>
> Subject: US Has the Biggest Gap between Rich and Poor in the Entire
> Industrialized World

> US Rich-Poor Income Gap World¹s Most Extreme
> <http://dprogram.net/2009/10/30/us-rich-poor-income-gap-worlds-most-extreme/>
> October 30, 2009
> http://rense.com/general88/extreme.htm
> Income inequality in the US is now the most extreme of all countries.
> The 2008 OECD report ŒIncome Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries¹
> http://www.oecd.org/document/53/0,3343,en_2649_33933_41460917_1_1_1_1,00.html
> <http://www.oecd.org/document/53/0,3343,en_2649_33933_41460917_1_1_1_1,00.html
> >  
> concludes that the US is the country with the highest inequality and poverty
> rate across the OECD and that, since 2000, nowhere else has there been such a
> stark rise in income inequality as in the US.
> The OECD finds that in the US the distribution of wealth is even more unequal
> than the distribution of income.
> "The rise in inequality is generally due to the rich improving their incomes
> relative both to low- and middle-income people."
>> The increase in US income inequality in the 21st century coincides with  the
>> offshoring of US jobs, which enriched executives with Œperformance  bonuses¹
>> while impoverishing the middle class, and with the rapid rise of  unregulated
>> OTC derivatives, which enriched Wall Street and the financial  sector at the
>> expense of everyone else. Millions of Americans have lost their  homes and
>> half of their retirement savings while being loaded up with  government debt
>> to bail out the banksters who created the derivative crisis.  The financial
>> insiders running the Treasury, White House, and Federal Reserve  (Rubin ,
>> Greenspan etc.) shifted to taxpayers the cost of the catastrophe that  they
>> had created. Goldman Sachs, saved with the public¹s money, recently
>> announced that it was paying massive six and seven figure bonuses to every
>> employee.
> According to the OECD report, Great Britain has the 7th most unequal income
> distribution in the world. After the Goldman Sachs bonuses, the British will
> move up in distinction, followed by Merkel¹s Germany.

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