------ Forwarded Message
> From: Sardar <sar...@spiritone.com>
> Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 18:54:48 -0700
> To: Sardar <recon1968br...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: WHO Admits No Deadly Mutation Of Swine Flu
> WHO Admits No Deadly
> Mutation Of Swine Flu
> Flying Pigs Saga Continued
> By F. William Engdahl
> Author of Full Spectrum Dominance:
> Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order
> 9-29-9
>         The World Health Organization, the UN agency (ir-) responsible for
> declaring a Phase 6 "PANDEMIC" global alert over what it calls H1N1
> Influenza A or Swine Flu, whose chief Dr Margaret Chan has repeatedly warned
> that while Swine Flu to date had been rather mild, that the emergency
> declaration was necessary because it "could mutate" aggressively into a
> deadly pandemic killing millions, now admits well into the flu season in the
> Northern Hemisphere that H1N1 has apparently not mutated.
>         Margaret Chan, the head of the World Health Organization, at a
> meeting with health officials in her native Hong Kong has just stated that
> the swine flu virus has not yet mutated into a more deadly strain. WHO
> Director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research, Dr Marie-Paule Kieny
> reinforced that statement in a press conference September 24 in Geneva when
> she stated, "we are lucky that the pandemic is moderate in severity that
> most people experience a mild illness and recover spontaneously." That means
> recovery with no vaccination, no Tamiflu or other dangerous "antiviral"
> drugs. Just with letting nature take its course.
>         Last summer, when the WHO decided to declare a global "pandemic
> emergency" over what it called the H1N1 Influenza A global spread, it also
> announced in a notice buried among its press releases that most countries
> had stopped testing ill populations for H1N1, and that WHO therefore simply
> arbitrarily "assumed" all patients with a stated set of symptoms were
> automatically H1N1 victims. So the H1N1 pandemic case counts, to quote the
> WHO "no longer reflect actual disease activity."
>         The symptoms the WHO listed as indication that a patient has H1N1? A
> fever, cough, sore throat, headache...in short, all the symptoms of a common
> cold. The pandemic declaration by the agency entrusted by the UN with
> monitoring and guarding the world's health came anyway, on recommendation of
> the WHO's "experts," the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts or SAGE.
>         However, even though the WHO admits it is not testing patients for
> H1N1 around the world, they also state that the H1N1 "pandemic virus" is
> becoming more common than the common seasonal flu virus. A simple question
> in the interest of accuracy: How in Hells blazes do they know that if they
> stopped testing around the world? Gut feeling? WHO's "intuition" that
> everyone who has a fever, cough, headache and or sore throat around the
> world automatically must have H1N1? The alarming aspect of this entire
> charade is that it will likely have severe health consequences for millions
> or tens of millions of some three billion people around the world targeted
> to get injections of largely untested so-called H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines.
>         Vaccines for South nations?
>         Equaly bizarre is the fact that in her latest comments, the WHO's
> Chan seemed preoccupied with how to get vaccines to poorer countries mainly
> in the Southern Hemisphere. Yet the same WHO Strategic Advisory Group of
> Experts, SAGE, states on the WHO official website that H1N1 does not pose a
> major risk to the Southern Hemisphere.
>         The number of swine flu cases is now expected to rise as the
> Northern Hemisphere moves into winter, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan
> says. But she claims that the biggest challenge in combating the pandemic
> would be ensuring enough vaccines got to the world's poorest countries.
> Three billion doses could be produced worldwide annually, enough to cover
> almost half the world's population, Chan said.
>         The WHO is working to raise a billion dollars to help buy vaccines
> for developing countries that cannot produce them themselves. The United
> States and several other countries have stated they plan to make 10 percent
> of their vaccine supply available to others in need. The vehicle to raise
> funds for the apparently not-threatened countries of the south is a
> public-private partnership of the Who established in 2000 called GAVI.
>         In 2005 Bill Gates gave a whopping $750,000 to GAVI for Third World
> vaccines
>         Bill Gates, GAVI and the Good Club
>         One source for the desired billion dollars for spreading untested
> H1N1 vaccines to the developing world will clearly be the Bill and Melinda
> Gates Foundation. Over the past decade the Gates Foundation, the largest
> tax-exempt foundation in the United States since it pooled funds with fellow
> billionaire investor Warren Buffett, has put $1 billion into something
> called GAVI Alliance, formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccination and
> Immunization.
>         The Gates Foundation sits on the GAVI board together with the major
> Swine Flu vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline and others from the global drug
> industry. Over the past decade the Gates Foundation alone has pumped $1
> billion into GAVI to spread vaccines across the Third World. The Gates
> Foundation is the largest financial backer of the WHO-linked GAVI
> "public-private partnership."
>         This is the same Bill Gates Foundation which is a major sponsor of
> the curious Svalbard Arctic "Doomsday Seed Vault" along with Syngenta and
> major Genetically Modified seed manufacturers.
>         It is also the foundation of the same Bill Gates who co-founded an
> elite ultra-private club of billionaires in New York at the home of Sir Paul
> Nurse, the President of the Rockefeller University. That elite club, whose
> members include David Rockefeller, billionaire speculator George Soros and
> Gates' friend Warren Buffett, and CNN founder Ted Turner, calls itself the
> "Good Club." It sounds good, but what they don't say is "good for whom?" In
> the event the reports leaking out of their first May meeting suggest that
> the preoccupation of Gates and his fellow billionaires was how to
> dramatically reduce world population. That's definitely not good for the
> world's population who face involuntary reduction.
>         Ted Turner some years ago in an interview with a nominally Christian
> US magazine, defended his vision of a world of merely '225 million people.'
>         David Rockefeller and his brothers created the global movement to
> reduce population growth back in 1953 with the founding of the Population
> Council, one of the least known and most influential organizations in the
> world.Gates and Buffett are major funders of global population reduction
> programs, as is Turner. The programs in Africa and elsewhere are masked as
> philanthropy and providing health services for poor Africans. In reality
> they involve population sterilization via vaccination and other medicines
> that make women of child-bearing age infertile. The Gates Foundation, where
> Buffett deposited the bulk of his wealth two years ago, is also backing
> introduction of GMO seeds into Africa under the cloak of the 'Second Green
> Revolution' in Africa. The introduction of GMO patented seeds in Africa to
> date has met with enormous indigenous resistance.
>         Tellingly, health experts claim that were the intent of US
> philanthropists such as Gates really to improve the health and well-being of
> black Africans, the same millions invested in providing minimal sanitary
> water and sewage systems would revolutionize the health conditions of the
> Continent. Vaccinating a person who then goes to drink feces-polluted water
> is hardly healthy in any respect. Many organizations have concluded the true
> aim of the vaccinations is to make people sicker and even more susceptible
> to disease and death.
>         Symptoms of what WHO calls H1N1 or Swine Flu are identical to a bad
> cold
>         Tricks with WHO death data
>         Another little known fact about the WHO pandemic operation which
> gives their dire warnings about H1N1 the necessary gravitas to scare the
> dickens out of pregnant women, parents and just about anybody, are the death
> statistics constantly cited when data on purported H1N1 cases are mentioned.
> As of the last report at end September 2009 the WHO claimed 3917 deaths due
> to H1N1 Influenza A or Swine Flu.
>         In most cases, even the WHO and the Atlanta US Government's CDC has
> been forced to admit, deaths were in patients who already has some severe
> respiratory disorder or grave illness when they contracted what was named
> H1N1 Influenza A. They never to date have offered the slightest proof that
> it was not those grave prior illnesses which caused death and that the flu
> symptoms were merely a coincident event, what epidemiologists term an
> "opportunistic infection."
>         But it gets even more interesting. The WHO it turns out lumps its
> statistics for flu deaths together with those from pneumonia, a completely
> separate and far more common illness and a far larger cause of death, in a
> disease classification it calls "Influenza and Pneumonia (J09-J18)."
>         So, in 2007 the WHO recorded 21883 deaths attributed to "flu and
> pneumonia" without dividing each as to direct cause. But of those WHO
> classifications, flu itself only goes for symptoms in categories J09-J11.
> The entire rest of the categories deal with pneumonia and related lung
> infectious manifestations. Yet far and away the largest group of deaths from
> infectious diseases comes from pneumonia, not from influenza. The number of
> certified deaths from "influenza virus", with or without pneumonia
> complications was a far less alarming 14 persons in 2007. This clever trick
> allows pharmaceutical manufacturers like GlaxoSmithKline or Baxter Labs to
> promote their "flu" vaccines.
>         Useless campaigns like wearing face masks to guard
>         against H1N1 "infection" add to climate of fear
>         If we are dealing with an illness whose symptoms in the vast
> majority of cases are mild and disappear from itself with no medication
> after five or more days, and whose mortality rate is at worst
> infinitesimally small, why there would be no need for panic, no need to line
> up in queues to get jabbed with untested vaccines whose contents including
> various adjuvants like aluminum hydroxide and nanoparticles are potentially
> nerve crippling or even death-causing. But then that would not be "good" for
> Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and other members of the Good Club, would it?
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