I went to school with Condeleeza Rice, Sean Berlet, and I didn't know
Professor Vincent Harding, either.

Harding, I just found out from Democracy Now, wrote Rev. Martin Luther
King's great Vietnam speech which is dead-on for Iraq, too. It's been
right since the colonials sided against blacks and the Brits recruited
black guerillas, and since Andy Jackson sunk in the quagmire of the
Everglades in the first Vietnam, chasing escaped slaves and Seminoles.

I think King's Vietnam speech was given exactly one year before the
day he was assassinated by CIA Bush-whackers and FBI COINTELOP. Then
his prescient Mountaintop speech was given the day before the
militarism warned of in the Vietnam speech raised its ugly head.

Merrill McCullough, CIA lifer, was not mentioned on Democracy Now.
Instead they interviewed a Memphis homicide detective who said that
all black police in his unit were called off King security duty for
the hit, but (black) McCullough was there to position King near the
edge of the balcony so the sniper in the bushes could do the job from
the Dallas-stormdrain angle instead of the Green Beret backup team on
the firehouse roof. Apparently not all black security men were called
off, in other words, Amy. Reagan-era Whitehouse reporter Sam Donaldson
later in the 1990's found Merrill McCullough still working for CIA in DC.

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