New book uncovers CIA­Cold War intrigue

The 900-paged book, 'A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the
CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments,' painstakingly explores Olson's odd death
and reveals it to be a murder.
H.P. Albarelli Jr. - November 17, 2009
For decades now, the seemingly unrelated mysteries of Dr. Frank Olson¹s
strange ³suicide² in New York City in 1953 and the bizarre hallucinogenic
outbreak in a small French village in August 1951 have independently
provoked and perplexed serious investigators. As related in countless
accounts on the Internet and televised news features and documentaries for
the past 35 years, Olson¹s death has long been suspected to be a murder, but
little was offered in the way of real evidence. Now, Frank Olson¹s death can
be definitively ruled a murder and the French outbreak explained as a
planned military experiment gone terribly wrong. How the outbreak connects
to Olson¹s death is a convoluted saga of deception and intrigue.

In 1995, I began to seriously investigate the strange death of Dr. Frank
Olson, a civilian biochemist at the Army¹s top-secret biological warfare
center. Little did I suspect that my inquiry would span over 10 years and
encounter fierce opposition from varied and surprising forces. My
investigation was a harsh lesson in the creed of truth finding; the Olson
story has taken on near mythical proportions in some circles and had become
seriously tainted with fabrications, misinformation and disinformation.
Sorting through the so-called ³facts² was extremely difficult. Dealing with
the Manhattan district attorney¹s office, which was also investigating the
case and called me to New York to consult with them on my findings, was
nothing less than an exercise in squaring off with subterfuge.

Full story

Tags: Frank Olson, LSD, MKULTRA

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